Principle of Teaching: Donald P. Lleno

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Principle of

Donald P. Lleno
Elements of Teaching and Learning Process
• The Learner – prime mover of educational wheel

• The Teacher – key participant in the learning process

• The Learning Environment - provides essential features and

ingredients that could make headway in guiding the processes
and methodologies needed for a smooth linkage among the
How does each element
contribute to learning?
Nature of the Learner

The Learner is:

• Embodied spirit (Sentient body and rational


• Body and soul exist in mutual dependence

Fundamental equipment of the Learner

Cognitive Appetitive

• 5 Senses • Feelings/emotion
• Instinct • Rational will
• Imagination
• Memory
• Intellect
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner
1. Ability

• Dictates the prospects in purposely activity

• Capacity to understand and assimilate information for
own use and application

Ability Learn Categories:

- Fast
- Average
- Slow

Mental ability:
- Superior
- Above average
- Below average
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner

2. Aptitude

• Innate talent or gift

• Natural capacity to learn certain skills

An early recognition of innate skills is indeed

compelling so as to not to waste such inborn
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner

3. Interests

• Strong attraction or appeal to particular activities

• Lessons that give them the chance to express their

deep feelings for objects or actions will be more
meaningful and easily absorbed
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner

4. Family/Cultural Background

• Students who come from different socioeconomic

background manifest a wide range of behavior due to
differences in upbringing practices
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner

5. Attitudes

• Individual’s perspective and disposition

• Students have a unique way of thinking and

Some Attitudes
- Curiosity
- Responsibility
- Creativity
- Persistence
5 Distinguishing elements of the learner

5. Attitudes

• Individual’s perspective and disposition

• Students have a unique way of thinking and

Some Attitudes
- Curiosity
- Responsibility
- Creativity
- Persistence
Learning and Thinking Style
Multiple Intelligence
Learning/Thinking Style
• Refers to the preferred way an individual
process information
• Describe a person’s typical mode of
thinking, remembering or problem solving
• Denotes tendency to behave in a certain
Learning/Thinking Style
• Style usually described as a personality
dimension which influences your attitudes,
values and social interaction
Perspective about
Learning/Thinking Style

1. Sensory Preferences
2. Global-Analytic Continuum
Sensory Preferences
Sensory Preferences
• Individuals tend to gravitate toward one or 2
type of sensory input and maintain a
dominance on that senses.
Kinds of Sensory
1. Visual Learners
• Learners must see their teacher’s actions
and facial expression to fully understand the
content of a lesson.
• They may think in pictures and learn best
from visual aids.
• Prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the
Sub-Division of Visual Learner
• More interested in visual imagery such as
films, graphic displays or pictures in order
to solidify learning.
• Have good “picture memory” or iconic
imagery and attend to pictoral detail
• Comfortable with abstract symbolism such
as mathematical formulae or the written
• Like to read about things than hear about
• Good abstract thinkers who do not require
practical means for learning.
2. Auditory Learners
• Learn best through verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and
listening to what others have to say.
• Written information may have little
meaning until it is heard
• Not easily distracted in their listening
Sub-Division of Auditory
• Remembers things said to them and make
information as their own.
• One who prefer to talk and discuss.
• Find themselves talking to those around
• They tend to whisper comments to
3. Kinesthetic Learners
• Benefit much from hands-on approach, actively
exploring the physical world around them.
• May become distracted by their need for activity
and exploration
• Prefer “learning by doing” preferring the use of
psychomotor skills.
• Tend to have good motor memory and motor
1. Analytic Continuum
• Tend toward the linear, step-by-step
processes of learning.
• See finits elements of patterns rather than
the whole.
• “tree seers”
2. Global Continuum
• Tend towards non-linear thought and tend
to see the whole pattern rather than particle
• Attention only to the overall structure and
sometimes ignore details.
• “forest seers”
• Global-Analytic Continuum is also called
Left/Right-brain Continuum. (Roger Sperry)
• Left Brain dominant individual is portrayed as a
linear (analytic).
• Right-brain person is one who is viewed as global,
non-linear and holistic in thought preferences.
• One side may be more dominant than the other.
Successive Processor
(Left Brain)
• Prefers to learn in a step-by-step sequential
format, beginning with details leading to a
conceptual understanding of a skill.
Simultaneous Processor
(Right Brain)
• Refers to learn beginning with the general
concept and then going on the specifics.
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner
• An ability or set of abilities that allows a
person to solve a problem that is valued
in one or more culture.
• Different intelligences may be
independent abilities
• All of us possess the intelligences but in
varying degrees of strength and skill.
9 Distinct Forms of Intelligence
Visual/Spatial Intelligence
• Learning visually and organizing ideas
• Seeing concepts in action in order to
understand them.
• The learners tend to think in pictures and
need to create vivid mental images to
retain information. They enjoy looking at
maps, charts, pictures, videos and
• Their skills include:
– Puzzle building, reading, writing,
understanding charts and graphs, good sense
of direction, sketching, painting, creating
visual metaphors and analogies,
manipulating images, constructing, fixing,
designing practical objects, interpreting
visual images.
Possible Career Interests
• Navigators
• Sculptors
• Visual artist
• Inventors
• Architects
• Interior designers
• Mechanics
• Engineers
• Learning through the spoken or
written word
• Ability to use words and language.
These learners have highly
developed auditory skills and are
generally elegant speakers.
• They think in words rather than in
Their abilities includes:
• Listening, speaking, writing, story
telling, explaining, teaching, using
humor, understanding the syntax
and meaning of words, remembering
information, convincing someone of
their point of view, analyzing
language usage.
Possible Career Interests:
• Poet
• Journalist
• Writer
• Teacher
• Lawyer
• Politician
• Translator
• Learning through reasoning and problem
• Ability to use reason, logic and numbers. These
learners think conceptually in logical and
numerical patterns making connections
between pieces of information. Always curious
about the world around them, these learner ask
lots of questions and like to do expirements.
Their Skills include
• Problem solving, classifying and
categorizing information, working with
abstract concepts to figure out the
relationship of each to the other,
handling ling chains of reason to make
local progressions, doing controlled
experiments, questioning and wondering
about natural events, performing
complex mathematical calculations,
working with geometric shapes
Possible Career Path
• Scientist
• Engineers
• Computer Programmers
• Researchers
• Accountants
• Mathematicians
• Learn through interaction with one’s
• Ability to control body movements and handle
objects skillfully. These learners express
themselves through movements. They have a
good sense of balance and eye-coordination.
Through interacting with the space around
them, they are able to remember and process
Their Skills Include:
• Dancing, physical co-ordination,
sports, hands on experimentation,
using body language, crafts, acting,
miming, using their hands to create
or build, expressing emotions
through the body.
Possible Career Paths
• Athletes
• Physical education teacher
• Dancers
• Actors
• Firefighters
• Artisans
• Learning through patterns, rhymes and music.
• Ability to produce and appreciate music. These
musically inclined learners think in sounds,
rhythms, and patterns. They immediately
respond to music either appreciating or
criticizing what they hear. Many of these
learners are extremely sensitive to
environmental sounds.
Their Skills Include:
• Singing, whistling, playing musical
instruments, recognizing tonal patterns,
composing music, rememebring melodies,
understanding the structure and rhythm
of music.
Possible Career Path
• Musician
• Disc jockey
• Singer
• Composer
• Ability to self-reflect and be aware of
one’s inner state of being. These learners
try to understand their inner feelings,
dreams, relationships with others and
strengths and weaknesses.
Their Skills Include:
• Recognizing their own strength and
weaknesses, reflecting and analyzing
themeselves, awareness of their inner
feelings, desires and dreams, evaluating
their their thinking patterns, reasoning
with themselves, understanding their role
in relationship to thers.
Possible Career Paths
• Researchers
• Theorists
• Philosophers
• Ability to relate and understand others. These
learners try to see things from other’s point-of-
view in order to understand how they think
and feel. They often have uncanny ability to
sense feelings, intensions and motivations. They
are great organizers, although they sometimes
resort to manipulation. Generally they try to
maintain peace in group settings and encourage
co-operation. They use both verbal and non-
verbal language to open communication
channels with others.
Their Skills Include:
• Seeing things from other perspectives,
listening, using empathy, understanding
other people’s moods and feelings,
counseling, co-operating with groups,
noticing people’s moods, motivations and
intensions, communicating both verbally
and non-verbally, building trust, peaceful
conflicy resolution, establishing positive
relations with other people.
Possible Career Paths
• Councelors
• Salesperson
• Politicians
• Business person
Naturalistic Intelligence
• Refers to the ability to recognize and
classify plants, minerals and
• Learning through classifications,
categories and hierarchies.
• Naturalist intelligence picks up on
subtle differences in meaning
Existential / Spirit
• Learning by seeing the “big picture”
• This intelligence seeks connections to real
world understanding and application of
new meaning.
• Ability to contemplate phenomena or
questions beyond sensory data, such as
the infinite and infinitesimal.
Possible Career Paths
• Shamans
• Priest
• Scientists
• Philosophers
The Teacher

“The professional teacher is the “licensed

professional who possesses dignity and reputation
with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence… he/she adheres to
observes and practices a set of ethical and moral
principles, standards and values.” (Code of ethics
of professional teachers, 1997)
Professional Attributes

A professional teacher perceives himself/herself as

someone who can effect change or learning (sense of
efficacy) because she/he is an expert in what she/he
teaches (subject matter knowledge) and in how
she/he teaches (pedagogical knowledge)
Professional teacher posses
the following attributes:
• Control of the knowledge base of teaching and learning and
use of this knowledge to guide the science and art of his/her
teaching practice.
• Repertoire of best teaching practice and can use these to
instruct children in classrooms and to work with adults in
the school setting.
• Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her
work in a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner.

View of learning to teach as a lifelong process and

dispositions and skills for working towards improving his/her
own teaching as well as improving schools
Personal Attributes
• Personality is the sum of one’s personal
• It is one’s identity

• Weak
• Dynamic

Teacher’s personality must be natural and genuine, that

is, devoid of pretenses and artificiality. They must be
consistent, true and authentic.
Some Outstanding Personal Qualities
1. Passion: compelling force that emerges from one’s
inborn love for children.
2. Humor: stands for anything funny, which elicits a smile
laughter or amusing reaction.
3. Values & Attitude:
- Teachers are models of values.
- Values connote standards, code of ethics and
strong beliefs.
*sincerity & honesty
Some Outstanding Personal Qualities

4. Patience: Refers to teacher’s uncomplaining nature,

self-control and persistence.

5. Enthusiasm: It is synonymous to eagerness and

To facilitate learning, teacher must:

• Be expert in his/her subject and skilled in the science

and art of teaching;

• Have a pleasing personality and a model of values

• Have passion for teaching, sense of humor, patience and

Learning Environment

The learning environment is the place where teaching

and learning can take place in the most effective and
productive manner
The Classroom

• Arrangement of Furniture
• Physical condition of the
• Classroom proceedings
• Interactions
Facilitative Learning Environment

It is an environment which:
• encourages people to be active
• Promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the
personal meaning of idea
• emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of
• difference is good and desirable
• people feel they are respected
• People feel they are accepted
• Permits confrontation
Facilitative Learning Environment

It is an environment which:
• consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes
• tolerates ambiguity
• evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-
• encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self
• people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in
external sources
Facilitative Learning Environment

It is an environment which:
• consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes
• tolerates ambiguity
• evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-
• encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self
• people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in
external sources
Facilitative Learning Environment

It is an environment which:
• consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes
• tolerates ambiguity
• evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-
• encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self
• people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in
external sources
Learning Environment

• The learning environment consists of the physical, as

well as the psychological environment, that surrounds
the learner and that influences his/her learning.
• A physical environment that is clean, orderly, well-
ventilated, well-lighted, spacious that allow movements,
and free from unnecessary distractors is conducive to
• A non-threatening classroom atmosphere where people
feel they are respected and accepted and for what they
say and do is conducive atmosphere for learning.

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