Walkthrough of The Curriculum Guide: National Training of Trainers For Grade 11 Teachers

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Academy of the

National Training of Trainers

for of the
Grade 11 Teachers

• Explain the components of the

Curriculum Guide

• Distinguish the content &

performance standards and
National Training of Trainers
2 for Grade 11 Teachers
Curriculum Guide
• summarizes what learning should be
achieved in what grades or over
certain grade spans. It plots the road
map that each learner must follow.
– where content standards,
performance standards, and
competencies are given emphasis
– covers competencies where
strategies and activities can be
anchored on
National Training of Trainers
3 for Grade 11 Teachers

National Training of Trainers

4 for Grade 11 Teachers
• Refers to the topical
coverage of a particular
subject in a grade level in a
given period (vertical logic).

National Training of Trainers

5 for Grade 11 Teachers
Content Standards

National Training of Trainers

6 for Grade 11 Teachers
Content Standards
• Identifies and set the essential
understandings that should be learned in a
specific period
• Covers specified scope of sequential topics
within each learning strand, domain,
theme, or component.
• Content standards answer the question:
- What should the learners know, do and
National Training of Trainers
7 for Grade 11 Teachers
Performance Standards

National Training of Trainers

8 for Grade 11 Teachers
Performance Standards
• Describe the abilities and skills that
learners are expected to demonstrate in
relation to the content standards
• The integration of knowledge,
understanding, and skills is expressed
through creation, innovation and adding
value to products/performance during
independent work or in collaboration with

National Training of Trainers

9 for Grade 11 Teachers
Performance Standards
Answer the following questions:
–What can learners do with what they know?
–How well must learner do their work?
–How well do learners use their learning or
understanding in different situations?
–How do learners apply their learning or
understanding in real-life contexts?
–What tools and measures should learners used
to demonstrate what they know?

National Training of Trainers

10 for Grade 11 Teachers
Learning Competencies

National Training of Trainers

11 for Grade 11 Teachers
Learning Competencies

• Refer to the knowledge,

understanding, skills and attitudes
that students need to
demonstrate in every lesson or
learning activity.

National Training of Trainers

12 for Grade 11 Teachers
National Training of Trainers
13 for Grade 11 Teachers
National Training of Trainers
14 for Grade 11 Teachers

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