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Every teacher and learners are user of

educational technology. Educators are

aware that technology is here to stay
and be useful tools in enhancing
teaching-learning activities.
 Technology as the use of gadgets, tools,
or equipment to perform a task
expediently and efficiently
 Technology as the collection of tools,
including machinery, modifications,
arrangements and procedures
 Other gadgets as Technology
 The teacher as a Technology
 Educational Technology as the
selection , development, managing and
use of appropriate technological
processes and resources
 Educational Technology as the choice
of appropriate principles in the
preparation and utilization of
conventional and non-conventional
technology tools as well as traditional
and alternative teaching strategies
Establishing a framework
DESIGN to guide in planning the
educational technology
Using the design or
DEVELOPMENT framework, materials are
produced and developed
Implementing and using
UTILIZATION the materials. It is also
known as the action phase
Monitoring, assessing, and giving
judgment on the extent of
Evaluation usefulness of the learning
material in achieving the
expected outcome.

It is applied in the
implementation of all
Management domains and its effect on the
outcome of learning.
The theory and practice of design
Instructional System Design
Instructional Strategies
Learner’s Characteristics
Technology is based on a theory.
Theories are result of experts’
studies. Technology utilizes
theories to build or develop tools
and gadgets. The most related
theory to technology is
 Constructivism provides
representation of reality
 Constructivism represents the
natural complexity of the real world
 Constructivism represents authentic
tasks which focus on contextualizing
rather than abstracting
 Constructivism provides real world
case-based learning environments
rather than pre-determined
instructional events
 Constructivism fosters reflective
 Constructivism promotes context
and content
The theory and practice of development of
educational technology includes:
→Print technologies
→Audio technologies
→Still visuals
→Audio-visual technologies
→Electronic technologies
→Integrated technologies
The theory and practice on utilization
on educational technology includes:

→Media utilization
→Policies and Regulation
The theory and practice on
management of educational
technology includes:
→Project management
→Resources management
→Management of delivery system
→Diffusion of innovation
The theory and practice of evaluation
on educational technology includes:

→Problem analysis
→Formative Evaluation
→Summative Evaluation
The focus on integration of technology will
be on facilitating and enhancing the
teaching-learning episodes undertaken by
both the teachers and the students .
Utilization of tools and techniques to
improve student learning is the main
concern of Educational Technology
manifested by the acquisition of the
learning outcome.
Refers to the ability to use with ease
and confidence with the equipment,
tools or gadgets
The stone age technology could be
shown by the ignition of fire by
rubbing two stones, hand-made
weapon, manufacturing, utensils
making using stones and the use of
clothing from animal skin and fur.
The bronze age period showed the
development of agricultural
technology, fishing techniques and
domesticating animals and
establishment of permanent homes
instead of going from one place to
another. The people also developed
the metal technology using copper and
Resorting to iron smelting technology
since iron was cheaper than bronze.
The iron age was the last period prior
to the discovery of writing.
Paul Saettler(2004) traced the development of
educational technology during ancient
civilization. Tribal priests introduced bodies of
knowledge and ancient culture, and introduced
sign writing or pictographs to record or transmit
The Chinese Civilization, contributed technology
like paper, seismological detectors, toilet paper,
matches, iron plough, suspension bridge,
wheelbarrow, parachute, natural gas as fuel,
magnetic compass, elevated relief map and gun
Ancient Egyptian language which was one
of the longest surviving and used language
in the world.
Their script was made up of the pictures of
the real things like birds, animals, different
tools, etc.
These pictures are popularly called
hieroglyph. Their language was made up
of above 500 hieroglyphs which are known
Johannes Gutenberg, German inventor,
invented the printing press that took
place in approximately 1450 AD.

In 1873, educational technology paved its

way to be known as audio-visual
education when an international
exhibition held in Vienna showcased the
winning American exhibition of maps,
charts, textbooks, and other equipment.
►when industry was at the handwork
or artisan level the instructional
processes utilized gadgets like the
Slate, horn book, blackboard, and
►Textbook with few illustrations.
►charts and pictures
Maria Montessori(1870-1952),an
internationally renowned child educator.
Developed graded designated activities to
provide for the proper sequencing of subject
matter for each individual learner.

Charles Babbage- design of a general purpose

computing device laid the foundation of the
modern computer in 1883.

►Automated teaching devices.

 In 1929 , the first practical use of regular
television broadcast.
 1936, the olympic games were shown on
television in Berlin.
 1950, open circuit television began to
broadcast entertainment.
 1960, television was used in education.
 1943, first computing machine was design by
 1966, O.K Moore- developed a talking type
tutorial (CAI)
 In 1956, Benjamin Bloom introduced the
taxonomy of educational objectives through his
publication, “The Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives, The Classification of Educational
Goals, Handbook 1:Cognitive Domain.”
 1961, Micro teaching technique- was first
adopted by Dwight W. Allen.
In 21st Century- Electronics is the main technology
being developed.
Associate with the use of aids like
charts, maps, symbols, models,
specimens and concrete materials.
Educational technology referred to
audio-visual aids.
The development of educational
technology refers to the introduction
of electronic through the sophisticated
hardware and software.
Educational technology revolved
around the use of communication
enhancement equipment to promote
mass media for instructional purposes.
Educational technology exemplified
individualized teaching and learning
with the used of programmed learning
and programmed instruction.
“The latest concept of educational technology is
influenced by the concept of system engineering
or system approach which focuses on language
laboratories, teaching machines, programmed
instruction, multimedia technologies and the use
of the computer in instruction.
1. Late 1970’s- Early 1980’s:
Programming, Drill and Practice

This is the era when computers were

beginning to be used in school. It was
in the early years of 1980’s when
teachers were teaching “ADP” in class
which stands for “automated data
processing” using Nokia MikroMikko.
2. Late 1980’s- early 1990’s: Computer-
Based Training(CBT) with Multimedia
This was known as the golden era of
CD-ROMs and multimedia computers
which contributed a lot to students’
learning. Students appeared to learn
better by watching movies/animations
and listening to audios whereas some
learned better by reading or watching
still images.
3. Early 1990’s: Internet-Based

The third wave of using computers in

education came with the adoption of the
World Wide Web. Since information
changes so fast, the internet became a rich
source of the expanding knowledge in
giving internet based-training but again
without the multimedia, all one could do
on the internet were early experiments
with animations, videos and audios.
4. Late 1990’s-Early 2000: E-Learning

Improvements were made on the

internet-based training in late 1990’s
and early 2000 in the form of e-
learning. The e-learning industry was
built, even though it was not proven
that anyone(except the IT managers)
needed these products.
5. Late 2000: Social Software + Free and
Open Content

In the late 2000,social software and free

and open content marked a real
breakthrough in the field of educational
technology. Blogs and wikis have already
brought web back to its original idea:
simple tool for personal notes are easily
accessible and even editable by peers and
your potential peers.

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