Educ 4
Educ 4
Educ 4
It is applied in the
implementation of all
Management domains and its effect on the
outcome of learning.
The theory and practice of design
Instructional System Design
Instructional Strategies
Learner’s Characteristics
Technology is based on a theory.
Theories are result of experts’
studies. Technology utilizes
theories to build or develop tools
and gadgets. The most related
theory to technology is
Constructivism provides
representation of reality
Constructivism represents the
natural complexity of the real world
Constructivism represents authentic
tasks which focus on contextualizing
rather than abstracting
Constructivism provides real world
case-based learning environments
rather than pre-determined
instructional events
Constructivism fosters reflective
Constructivism promotes context
and content
The theory and practice of development of
educational technology includes:
→Print technologies
→Audio technologies
→Still visuals
→Audio-visual technologies
→Electronic technologies
→Integrated technologies
The theory and practice on utilization
on educational technology includes:
→Media utilization
→Policies and Regulation
The theory and practice on
management of educational
technology includes:
→Project management
→Resources management
→Management of delivery system
→Diffusion of innovation
The theory and practice of evaluation
on educational technology includes:
→Problem analysis
→Formative Evaluation
→Summative Evaluation
The focus on integration of technology will
be on facilitating and enhancing the
teaching-learning episodes undertaken by
both the teachers and the students .
Utilization of tools and techniques to
improve student learning is the main
concern of Educational Technology
manifested by the acquisition of the
learning outcome.
Refers to the ability to use with ease
and confidence with the equipment,
tools or gadgets
The stone age technology could be
shown by the ignition of fire by
rubbing two stones, hand-made
weapon, manufacturing, utensils
making using stones and the use of
clothing from animal skin and fur.
The bronze age period showed the
development of agricultural
technology, fishing techniques and
domesticating animals and
establishment of permanent homes
instead of going from one place to
another. The people also developed
the metal technology using copper and
Resorting to iron smelting technology
since iron was cheaper than bronze.
The iron age was the last period prior
to the discovery of writing.
Paul Saettler(2004) traced the development of
educational technology during ancient
civilization. Tribal priests introduced bodies of
knowledge and ancient culture, and introduced
sign writing or pictographs to record or transmit
The Chinese Civilization, contributed technology
like paper, seismological detectors, toilet paper,
matches, iron plough, suspension bridge,
wheelbarrow, parachute, natural gas as fuel,
magnetic compass, elevated relief map and gun
Ancient Egyptian language which was one
of the longest surviving and used language
in the world.
Their script was made up of the pictures of
the real things like birds, animals, different
tools, etc.
These pictures are popularly called
hieroglyph. Their language was made up
of above 500 hieroglyphs which are known
Johannes Gutenberg, German inventor,
invented the printing press that took
place in approximately 1450 AD.