Oral Medicine: (I. Penyakit Mulut)

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( I. Penyakit Mulut )

Definition : Oral mucosal disease

Oral mucosa : - gingiva
- buccal/labial mucosa
- tongue
- palate
Gingiva : part of teeth
supporting tissue, attach to
the teeth and alveolar bone
Teeth supporting tissue consist
of :
 1. Gingiva
 2. Periodontal membrane
 3. Cement
 4. Alveolar proc.
Anatomi Gigi

Sign of healthy gingiva:

a. pink colour
b. attach to the teeth & alveolar bone
c. does not bleed easily
d. no edema
e. no exudate
f. gingiva sulcus < 2 mm
Gingival Enlargement
( K 06.1 – ICD WHO )

 1. Hypertrophy or inflamatory
enlargement ( increase in the size
of the cellular elements )
 2. Hyperplasi or fibrotic
enlargement ( increase in the
number of the cellular elements )
Causes of the Gingival
1.Local Inflammatory and
traumatic factors
 a. Poor oral hygiene and accumu-
 lation of calculus
 b. Malposed teeth
 c. Incorrect toothbrush habits
 d.Occlusal interferences
 e. Irritation from ill-fitting prosthetic or
orthodontic appliances
 f. Mouth breathing
2. Systemic predisposing factors
A. Endocrine
 a. Puberty
 b. Menstruation, pregnancy,
contraseption medication
 c. Diabetes
 d. Hypothyroidism & pituitary
B. Nutritional
a. Scurvy
b. Nutritional deficiencies

C. Blood dyscrasias
a. Leukemias
b. Polycethemia vera

D. Drugs (dilantin & barbiturat )

E. Idiophatics : diffuse fibromatosis

 -Hypertrophy is more commonly than
 - begins at an area of poor oral hygiene,
mechanical irritation, food impaction
 - first the interproximal gingiva then
spread to----- intire labial / buccal
- edema, bright red or purplish red color,
tendency to hemorrhage
 1. Establish excellent oral hygiene
 2. Eliminate the local predisposing f
 3. Eliminate the systemic predispo
sing causes
 4. Proper home care
- normal pink color
 - firm, hard and fibrous in
 - does not bleed readily
 - are associated with dilantin, rarely
the barbiturates
 - long –standing gingival hypertrophy
diffuse fibromatosis ----change of
profile and face appearance interfered
the speech , difficulty in chewing food
--- idiophatic


- stop administration of dilantin

- gingivectomy, gingivoplasty
 A. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative
Gingivostomatitis = Vincent’s sto-
matitis = Trench mouth
The precise etiology is not known, it is
believed to be a polymicrobial infection
 Vincent identified Borrelia vincentii ( a
spirochaeta) and Bacillus vincentii
Fusobacterium necrophrom, prevotella
intermedia, treponema species
Predisposing factors
 1.Local factors
a. erupting or malposed teeth, perico -
ronal infection
b. faulty restoration, ill-fitting prosthetic
 food impaction
c. poor oral hygiene
d. local circulatory and nutritional
disturbances of marginal gingiva
2. Systemic factors
a. malnutrition
vit. C and Bc deficiencies, vit A
b. disease of the blood forming
tissues --- leukemia, anemia
c. gastrointestinal and endocrine
d. stressful situation and extreme
Sign and symptom
 Onset is sudden
 severe burning pain
 hypersalivation
metallic taste spon -
tanous bleeding of
the gingiva tissue
 bad odor
 teeth are sensitive
to pressure
 punch out ulcerat-
ion developing
most on the
interdental papil
and margin gingiva
 yellowish gray
Ulceration may on the cheek, lips, tongue,
palate and pharyngeal areas  alveolar
proc  sequestration
 1. Control of bacteri : topical or systemic
antibiotic (penicillin , metronidazole)
 2. Elimination of the local & systemic
predisposing factors
 3. Educationing the correct OH habits
 4. Surgical manipulation is contra -
B. Noma

 Is a rapidly spreading and frequently

fatal gangraen of the mucocutaneous
orifices such as the lips, nostrils,
external auditory canal or genital
 Noma of the oral cavity (the most
frequent site) is called cancrum oris --
-- begins on the mucosa surface
 A rare disease
- commonly in malnourish children,
adult and the aged
- transmissible

Predisposing factors
a. systemic : - malnutrition
 - circulatory inadequate
b. local : - poor oral hygiene
 - chronic irritation
 - trauma
Cancrum Oris in Children
 Premature infant or
malnourish children
 foul, putrid odor
 extensive necrotic
area of the cheek
ation of alveolar
bone exfoliation of
the teeth
 Perforation of the
effected cheeks
and lips,
 halitosis, fever,
malaise, and
are common
 antibiotics systemic
in high dose
 improvement in
 Local wound care
Cancrum oris in adults and the aged
 oralsurgery on patient with ANUG
 Develops in illness patients
 Treatment = in children
( K 12 – ICD WHO )

 Ulceration is the most frequently

 Signs & symptoms of diseases ranging
from the most benign traumatic of
mastication, to the most rapidly fatal
form of malignancy
 careful attention ! ! !
- history
- onset, recurrences, frequency,
- chronic progressive process
- evaluation of lymp nodes
- laboratory
- biopsy
1. Primary Acute Herpetic
 Etiologi : herpes simplex virus (HSV)
 prevalence is not known, increase in
crowded environment
 a prodrome 24 hours or more prior to
the appearance of oral lesion with
malaise, headache , adenopathy,
gastrointestinal upset and fever
 pain in food intake
 Mucosal vesicle &
ulceration appear
in the mouth on
the 2nd or 3rd
day, on the lips ,
cheeks, tongue,
palate, floor of the
mouth, gingivae.
 General Gingivitis, lack of necrosis
 Vesicles rupture & form crateriform
ulceration, extremely painful, surrounded
by bright inflammatory red areolae
Treatment :
 - supportive
 - mouth rinse
 - acyclovir ( if needed)
2. Recurrent Herpes Labialis .
Etiologi : herpes simplex virus
 a prodome of 12-24 hours marked
by hyperesthesi and burning
sensation of the forming lesion of the
 local edema & erythema of the lip
are initial clinical change  8-24
hours vesicle appears, clear, friable,
odourless fluid, ruptures easily 
ulceration with irregular
 The base is serohae
coagulates form an
adherent clot. The
lesion disappear in
7-10 days
 recurrences interval
2-12 months
 supportive ( vit C
& Bc )
 Lip lesion maybe
minimize with
acyclovir cream
5% applied in the
3. Recurrent Aphthous
Ulceration / stomatitis
 Characterized by the reccurent
appearances of painful ulcers on the oral
mucosa membr.
 A prodome of 1-24 hours, sensation of
burning & tingling in the effected mucosa
 Initial change : appearance of small
erythematous macules  crateriform
ulcers, extremely painful
 difficulty in eating & speaking
Etiology of RAS
 - is not intirely clear
 - a minor degree of immunological
dysregulation underlies aphthae
 - praedisposing factors :
* Genetic * stress
* deficiency : Fe, folic acid.
* trauma from biting, dental appliances
* allergies to food
* endocrine fc : menstrual c, contraceptive pill
* immunological features
 The labial & buccal
mucosa are the
most common site.
The tongue, floor of
the mouth, palate
and gingiva are
less frequent.
3 form of RAS :
mayor, minor ,
 Minor aphthous ulcers (80%) are
less than 5 mm in diameter, heal in
7-14 days (self limiting)
 Mayor aphth. are larger , heal
slowly over weeks or months with
 Herpetic form ulcers are multiple
pinpoint ulcers, heal within about a
Treatment :
 corticosteroid :
 mouth rinse
 eliminate etiology
4. Herpes Zoster
 Etiologi reactivation of
varicella zoster virus
( produces varicella
zoster )
 Following resolution,
the virus lies dormant
in the dorsal root
ganglia until
reactivation along
- overwork, fatique
 - stress
 - malnutrition
 - chronic disease
(leukemia, cancer,
 - radiasi
Sign & Symptom
 An itching sensation and a stabbing
 burning, constant or intermittent pain
 unilateral, along the distribution of a
sensory nerve trunk
 involvement the 2nd & 3rd of the 5th nerve
 result both dermal and oral
 vesicle formation surrounded by
erythematous base  ulcers
 Supportive
 acyclovir(if needed)
 though the lesion dissapear ----
neuralgia may persist weeks or months
 corticosteroid
5. Erythema Multiforme
 Dermatosis characterized by great
variation in the form, size, distribution
and appearance of the lesion
 80-90% mouth involvement
 etiologi ??? Herpes virus ?
 Occurs in infant, children, young adult
 Hypersensitivity reaction
Sign & Symptom
 Onset is sudden,
fever, sore throat,
joint pain, acute ill
 skin & mucosal
eruption. Initial
lesion is vesicular
or bullous, found
on the lips,cheeck,
palate, tongue
 lesions are irregu-
lar, reddish,
raised areas of
varying size
 bloody, crusted le
-sion on the vermi
-llion border of the
lips, edem.
 Ulcerated moist mucosa
 the tongue is extremely painful, identation
marking , lymphadenopathy
 Syndromes :
 -Steven Johnson : EM +conjunctivitis
 - Behcet : dermal, oral, conjunct.
 - Reiter : dermal, acute arthritic
 D.D: - stomatitis medicamentosa
 - recurrent aphthous
 - corticosteroid
 - antimicrobial agent topically or
 - mouthwash
 - vit Bc & C
Devided into 2 main groups :
 A. not associated with hyperkeratosis
 B. associated with hyperkeratosis

A. Not associated with hyperkeratosis

 a. -traumatic lesions of the lips &
 -thermal burns ----- foods
 -medicaments ------ aspirin
Cheek biting
b. Moniliasis
-the common form is thrush
-etiology : Monilia ( candida)
Predisposing factors :
1. Marked change in the oral flora
- administration of AB
- excessive use of antibacterial
mouth wash
- xerostomia
2. Chronic local iritation
- denture
- heavy smoking
3. Corticosteroid
- topical , systemic
4. Radiation to head & neck
5. Age : - infancy, old age
6. Hospitalization
7. Systemic diseases :
- diabetes, leukemia, lymphomas, HIV
The lesion of thrush in infants
( premature, malnourish )
 -white or bluish-
white adherent
patch on the oral
 -non painful
 Remove with
difficulty, leaving a
raw, painful,
bleeding surface
The lesions of candidiasis in adult
 -inflamation,
erythema, painful
eroded areas
 Diagnosis : made
by microscopis
examination 
Treatment :
nystatin drop / susp
3-5x/day 1-2 weeks
B. White lesions associated with
- an immunologically mediated
mucocutaneous disorder
- can affect stratified squamous epithelia
the skin, oral mucosa , genitalia
- frequent occurrence on the oral mucosa
precede skin eruption
- stress has been widely held to be an
important aetiological factor
a.Non erosive form
slightly raised, diffusely outline,bluish-
white areas which have linear, reticular
- typically bilateral
-on the buccal mucosa (mostly), the pa
late ,tongue, floor of the mouth, gingiva,
vermillion portion of lower lip
Diagnosis is clinical supported by biopsy
Treatment :
- Topical vit A
b. Erosive form ( Bullous )
 -more frequently
 -pain, interference when eating
 -cheek mucosa, tongue, attched
gingiva, palate
 -pre-maglinant potential
Treatment : - anaesthetic
- mouthwash
 - steroid - topical
 - systemic
- is used as a clinical descriptive term
 - potentially precancerous
 - the most serious lesion in the oral

Etiology :
 - multiple etiologic factors, local &

 systemic
1. Systemic
a. Possible constitutional

 b. Possible nutritional factors :

 1. Vit. A hyponutrition
 2. Vit Bc complex hyponutrition
 c. Possible endocrine factors
 d. Possible relation to systemic
 syphilis
2. Local (chronic irritation)
a. Trauma
 -sharp edges of teeth
 -iritation malposed teeth, prosthetic
 appliances
 b. Chemical and thermal
 c. Bacterial : - poor O.H
 - periodontal disease
Sign and symptom
 Lesion may vary from a
small to an extensive
hyperkeratotic of large
 Lack of painful
symptoms, if the lesion
becomes eroded---
painful --- maglinancy
 The yellowish-white area
with loss of flexibility, well
 Find on the
cheek mucosa,
tongue (lack of
papillae) floor of the
mouth, palate,
dentulous ridge
 “Smoker patch”: a
white plaque on the
vermellion border of
----- non dyskeratotic lesions:
 -eliminate all traumatic microbial &
 other sources of iritation
 -vit Bc & C
 -vit A
 -should be followed
------ hyperkeratosis with dyskeratosis
 -malignant ----- surgical
( K 14 – ICD – Disease of tongue )

4 main types of papillae :

1. Circumvallate papillae
 - 8 - 12 in number
 - posterior dorsum of the tongue
 - do not participate in atrophic
 tongue change
 - a large propotion of the taste buds
2. The foliate papillae
 - along the lateral margin of
posterior part
 - do not participate in atrophic
 - some taste perception
3. The fungiform papillae
 - entire dorsal surface
 - more near the tip & lateral margin
 - can participate in atrophic change
 - contain most of the taste buds
4. The filliform papillae
 - most numerous papillae of the
 - distributed over the dorsal surface
 - atrophic changes are indicator of
disturbances in intracellular
oxidation process
Lesion of the tongue
 1. Developmental anomalies
 2. Benign migratory glossitis (BMG)
 3. Black Hairy tongue
 4. Glossodynia & glossopyrosis
 5. Changes in tongue coating
 6. Identation marking
 7. Traumatic injuries
1.Developmental anomalies
1. Ankyloglossia
 - a shortened
lingual frenulum
 - cause of speech
 - if severe 
2. Bifid tongue
 - incomplete
fusion of lateral
 - rare
 - clinical curiosity
3. Scrotal tongue
 - commonest
 - the length, depth
and number is
 - inflammation
occurs in the
4. Median Rhom -
boid Glossitis
( K 14.2 )
 - a rhomboid or
non papillated
area found in the
midline, smooth
- red
5. Macroglossia
 - true : creatinism
 - may arise from
& hemangiomatous
 - radiation-surgery

True Pseudo

Generalised Localised

Congenital Congenital
Inflammatory Inflammatory
Traumatic Traumatic
Metabolic Neoplastic

Traumatic Traumatic

2.Benign Migratory Glossitis
( K 14.1 ) = Geographic tongue
 etiologi : unknown
 idiopathic disorder characterized by the
loss of filiform papillae
 occurs in children and young adult
 stress ?, heriditary ?,↓creatinase ?
 Usually multiple, wide variation from
patient to patient, from day to day in the
same patient
 Irregularoutline,
nonindurated pink
to red macular
 margin are well
defined, slightly
raised, yellow
 no treatment, self
3.Black Hairy Tongue = Lingua
( K 14.3 )
 growth of a black
pigment producing
 True BHT : elonga
tion of filiform p.
 Pseudo BHT : dis -
coloration from
fruits, candy, drugs
4. Glossopyrosis-Glossodynia
( K 14.6 )

A painful or burning tongue

 an early or a nonspecific manifestation
of systemic disorder
 may be local causation or psychogenic
 divided into 2 groups :
 1. Associated with clinical change
 2. Without clinical change
1. Associated with clinical change
 Less than 25%
 local or systemic caution or combination
 local irritation : tongue habits, allergy
prosthetic/orthodontic appliances
 systemic disorders : vit Bc deficiency
uncontrolled diabetes
General change in color & papillary
atrophy ----- systemic factors
 Pernicious anaemia
 tip & lateral mar-
gins have bright, red
color , painful
 Vit Bc def. : exten
sive generalized
atrophy, raw red or
purplish-red color
diabetes :
red color, burning
-Fe def. :
general atrophy of
papillary coating,
2. Without observable clinical change
- larger group, between 4th - 7th decade
 - predominantly postmenopausal
 - insomnia
 - psychologic stress
5. Changes in tongue coating
 The filliform & fungiform papillae with
food debris, desquamated epithelial
cells, bacteri and saliva comprise the
coating tongue
 The amount of tongue coating varies in
different individuals and during different
period of the day.
1. Atrophy in tongue coating
 atrophy of the filliform and fungiform
 deficiency of oxidase enzym systems
 iron deficiency, nutritional dificiency

2. Increase in tongue coating

 local or general condition
 Febrileillness, soft or liquid diet, poor
O.H, deminished salivary flow due to
fever and general body dehidration.
 Result halitosis
6. Identation Marking
 Along the margin of the tongue
 associated with systemic diseases
 any inflamatory process------
enlargement of the tongue
 macroglossia
 vit. Bc hyponutrition, uncontrolled
diabetes, myxedema
7. Traumatic Injuries

A frequent site of injury

 accident, epilectic seizures, injuries in
dental treatment
Disease of the salivary glands
( K 11 )
Mayor glands : sublingual, submandibular,
Minor glands : oral mucosa
 Saliva for lubrication of tissue, adequate
chewing and for swollowing
 Normal salivary flow  mechanical
 saliva has general bacteriostatic properties
 Contains bacteriolytic enzymes
Grouping of salivary glands
 1. Developmental defect -----
absence of one or more pairs of
salivary glands
 2. Functional disorders
A. Increased secretion ------
 - physiologic in infancy &
childhood particularly during
eruption of the dentation
 - acute form of stomatitis : ANUG,
primary herpetic G.
 - effect of drugs stimulate para
sympathetic nervous system
B. Decreased salivary secretion =
asialorrhea = xerostomia
- physiologic in the aged
 - psychic stimuli ------ depressive
 - dehydration states
 - drug that depress parasymphatetic
 - irradiation of the head & neck
3. Obstruction of salivary flow
 A. calculus
 B. collaps of ducts
--------------- mucocele, ranula

4. Acute pyogenic infection

 a post operative complication.
5. Asymptomatic enlargement of the
parotid or submandibular salivary
 Associated with malnutrition or
 barbiturate addiction

6. Specific infection process of the

salivary glands
 viral infection : epidemic parotitis
 bacterial infection : tuberculosis
 bad breath / odor
 a symptom, not a disease
 a social handicap, especially who work in
close contact with the public
 local and systemic factors
 slightly sweetish odor is normal depending on
- time of the day
- salivary flow
- microbial population of the mouth
- physiologic process
Divided by 5 groups :
1. In relation with non pathologic local
- decreasing of salivary flow
- denture
2. In relation with pathologic local factors
-- poor O.H
 - dental caries
 - gum and periodontal disease
 - infection
 - cancrum oris
 - neoplasma/oral cancer
3. In relation with non pathologic
systemic factors
 - age
 - food
4. In relation with pathologic systemic
 - diabetes, renal failure, hepar failure
lung abscess, gastrointestinal
disturbances, respiratory and sinus
- neuropsychiatri, etc
5. Medications
- antihistamines, antipsychotics,
antispasmodics, antidepressants 
- similar to cutaneous allergy, except
that the mucous has mucous glands
for lubrication & protection, and no
hair follicles
 The oral lesion resulting from the
absorption of drugs ----- stomatitis
medicamentosa. Resulting from contact
-------- stomatitis venenata
1. Stomatitis medicamentosa
 Lesion are produced by
certain of drugs
 due absorption via the
gastrointestinal tract ,
respiratory tract or skin
 occur in any area of the body
 the lesions are multiple,
amorphous, eroded or fungoid
 vary from marked erythema to
vesicle, an erosive , an
ulcerative or gangraen lesion
2. Stomatitis Venenata = Contact
Allergi Stomatitis
 contact of the causative agent with the
 include two different processes :
a. stomatitis due to physical agents or
b. stomatitis due to sensitizing
 the symptoms are local
 In the early stages : red color and
smooth wax-like appearance
 in mild reaction : small shallow
 in severe reactions : actual necrosis
of the mucosal tissues
 the lesion develop soon after contact
with the causative agent
 a. elimination of the causative agents
 b. local symptomatic care :
 - anti allergy
 - anaesthetic troche
Oral Manifestation of
Systemic Disease

1. Leukemia
A. Acute Leukemia
 - adenopathy
 - gingival enlargement with or
without area of necrosis
 - ulceration of the cheek, tonsils,
 bleeding from the
gingiva after tooth
 severe odontalgia
 mobility of the
 - maintaining good OH
 - relieving pain
 - minimizing irritation of the necrotic
 - parentral antibiotic to minimize the
development of the ulceronecrotic
mucosal lesion
 - extraction, oral biopsies, deep
scalling are contra indicated
B. Chronic Leukemia
 adenopathy
 gingival hiperplasi
 ulceration
 petechie and

 = Acute Leukemia
2. Diabetes
 -75% of uncontrolled adult diabetics ---
periodontal disease
 -gingiva is a deep red color, edema,
slightly enlarged
 - a generalized painful suppuration of the
marginal gingiva and interdental papillae
 -the teeth are sensitive to percussion
 -recurrent periodontal abscess
- extensive loss of supporting
tissues ----- loosening of the
 - rapid deposition of calculus
 - xerostomia
 - enlargement and hyperaemi of
the fungi form papillae
 glossopyrosis & glossodynia
 -musculature of the
tongue is flabby
 -indentation marking
 -increase incidence of
 -severe odontalgia
without caries
 -candidiasis
 -oral surgical
procedures including
curettage are contra
Dental surgery in the diabetic
require a consideration of :
 a. prevent an elevation in blood
 b. choice of anaesthetic
 c. prevent postoperative
3. Syphilis
A. Acute Syphilis
a. Prenatal Syphilis = Congenital S. =
Heredity S.
 - the first 16 weeks of pregnancy the
fetus is protected
 - after 16 weeks becomes vulnerable
to infection ----- occur after 6 months
Oral aspects of congenital syphilis :

 1. postrhagadic scarring about the

 2. the changes in the teeth ----
Hutchinson’s teeth, mulberry
 3. dentofacial abnormalities : “open
b. Acquired Syphilis
1. Chancre of orofacial
 - the oral cavity is the most frequent site
of extra genital
 - the genital chancres are painless ,
brown- crusted indurated lesion
 - the oral chancres are slightly painful
, covered with greyish-white film
 The location are on
the lips, tongue,
 cheek, soft palate,
gingiva. Many
lesions were not
contacted through
sexual, but by
kissing, dental instr.
2. Syphilitic mucous patch
 The most infectious lesion
 moderately painful
 grayish-white lesion , slightly raised,
surrounded by an erythematous base
 common site : tongue, lips, vermillion
B. Chronic
1. Syphilitic gummata
-most frequently on the
palate, tongue
-also salivary glands and
jaw bone
 -early stage : ulcerated,
purple in color 
necrosis  destruction
of the bone 
perforation of the palate
2. Paresis and Tabes dorsalis
 -Paresis : involvement of cerebral
 Tabes dorsalis : involvement of
posterior root ganglia ---
 -trigeminal neuralgia , loss of taste
 -necrosis alveolar proc. ,
parasthesis in the lips, tongue, cheek-
 extraction without anaesth.
3 phases :
a. primary infection
b. prolonged (10 years) period of clinical
c. clinically apparent disease

Lab test :
CD4 count
HIV viral load
Neutrophil count
Oral manifestations of
HIV infection :
 - gingivitis
 - periodontitis marg
 - proc. Alv destruction
 sequester
 - stomatitis , ANUG,
 - Kandidiasis
 - Leukoplakia Sarkoma Kaposi
 - Ca Kaposi
Marginal periodontitis
Kaposi’s sarcoma

Necrotizing Stomatitis

Crohn’s Disease
= unknown etiology, an inflammatory,
fissuring, fistulae of the small intestine,
colon  thickening narrowing of the lumen
= the gastrointestinal signs and symptoms :
cramping, pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
= swelling of lips, angular cheilitis,
hyperplastic rigid buccal mucosa, linier
ulcerations in the buccal vestibule, fissuring
lower lip, apthous ulcers, gingivitis
Oral Manifestations

fissuring lower lip hyperplastic buccal mucosa

angular cheilitis apthous ulcers

 Tx : palliative rinses/ointment/topical
(dexamethasone elixir 0.5mg/5mL
rinse/gargle, 1minute, 4xdaily)
GI Tract Disease : Crohn’n disease,
Ulcerative Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel

linier ulcerations in the buccal vestibule

Deteksi Dini Kanker Rongga
 -kanker rongga mulut cenderung meningkat
 -di AS > 35.000 penderita kanker mulut &
faring / th., menyebabkan 8000
 -data R.S dr. Sutomo, 1987-1992, 994 ca
mulut dari 2193 kasus tumor rongga mulut (
45,3% )
 Depkes 1998 : ca mulut 4,6 orang/100rb
Pentingnya Deteksi Dini :
 Makin dini terdeteksi, makin baik
 Komplikasi akibat pengobatan
keganasan ini makin kecil
 Metastase ke bagian lain juga makin
 ↓ morbiditas dan mortalitas
Belum jelas, beberapa faktor dikaitkan :
 - zat karsinogen : tembakau, alkohol dll.
 - sinar matahari ---- kanker bibir
 - infeksi : sifilis, kandidiasis, virus
 - kelainan mukosa mulut : leukoplakia,
lichen planus, eritroplakia
 - genetik ; ↓imunologik ; polusi lingk
 - defisiensi nutrisi ; obat-obatan
 - faktor lokal: OH jelek ; Iritasi kronik
Gambaran klinis
 - sering dimulai dari lesi prakanker
(precancerous lesion)
 - tidak semua lesi prakanker jadi
 - tidak semua kanker berasal dari
lesi pra kanker
WHO membagi prakanker menjadi 2:

a. Lesi prakanker (precancerous lesion)

 ialah perub. morfologi jaringan ---
kanker mudah terjadi dibanding normal :
leukoplakia, erytroplakia
b. Keadaan prakanker
 ialah keadaan umum dimana kondisi
risiko untuk dapat terjadi kanker >
contoh : sifilis, lupus eritematosus
Bentuk Awal Kanker Mulut
1. Lesi kemerahan ( eritroplakia )
- adalah daerah/bercak sangat merah,
berbatas tegas, secara klinis/patologis
bukan kelompok kelainan/penyakit ,
warna merah krn atropi epitel & inflamasi
- permukaan halus (beludru), kadang ada
bercak putih diatasnya
 Permukaan rata
atau sedikit diba -
wah permukaan
 warna merah tak
selalu eritroplakia
, dpt trauma fisik,
kimia atau
 Apabila penyebab
tidak diketahui
atau lesi merah
dlm 1 bulan tidak
sembuh ---
2. Lesi Putih (leukoplakia)
 -lesi putih dalam mulut
dapat karena bermacam
sebab a.l iritasi setempat,
lichen planus, leukoplakia
 -kanker mulut bentuk lesi
putih, insidennya kecil
 -lesi putih dg ulcerasi
/celah-celah atau
dg lesi merah segera
3. Ulkus
 Tidak khas bentuk
kanker , dapat ulkus
stomatitis aftosa,
ulkus dekubitis dll.
 -penting riwayat
peny.: sakit/tidak,
 Iritasi/trauma
karies, tambalan
atau protesa yang
4. Lesi Eksofilik
 dpt krn reaksi jar.
berlebihan krn iri -
tasi --- contoh
hiperplasi krn gigi
 Iritasi dihilangkan
 tidak sembuh
 biopsi
1. Indurasi
2. Ulserasi
3. Eksofilik
4. Peninggian permukaan
5. Fiksasi
6. Gigi goyang tanpa sebab
7. Lidah  fungsi bicara dan menelan↓
8. Pembesaran kel.sub mandibula
Lesi khronis

Ulkus tunggal
Tanda Trauma lokal
keganasan +
Risiko+ Hilang penyebab Hilang penyebab
Lesi hilang Lesi tetap >2mg

KSS Ulkus dekubitus biopsi


Skema Manajemen Lesi Prakanker Berupa Ulkus


Iritan + Iritan -

Hilangkan iritan

Respons + Respons -
Displasia - Displasia +

Observasi Tx kanker

Skema Manajemen Lesi Prakanker Berupa Leukoplakia


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