Ground Vibrations and Air Blasts: Causes, Effects and Abatement

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Ground Vibrations and Air Blasts:

Causes, Effects and Abatement.

Rupture Radius Zones
Illustration of Seismic and Air Waves
Areas of Concern when Blasting
Transmission of Seismic Waves

The transmission of seismic waves is affected by

Travel distance
Ground attenuation
Ground characteristics
Geology, discontinuities in rock
Wave type
Angle of incidence
Source strength
Spherical spreading and
Elastic properties of the medium
Attenuation of Ground Motion Levels

The total energy of the ground motion wave generated in the

rock around a blast varies directly with the weight of charge

As the ground motion propagates outward from a blast, the

volume of rock subjected to the compression wave increases.
Since the energy in the ground shock is distributed over
successively greater volume of rock, the peak ground motion
levels must decrease.
Since the rock masses are inhomogeneous, ground motion waves travel
through strata of different acoustic impedance. Scattering of the ground
motion waves, initiated at boundary discontinuities by reflection, lower the
peak vibration levels. High frequencies are selectively attenuated while
some lower frequencies are added to the ground vibrations.
The presence of joints, fractures, faults and shear zones in the path of a
ground motion wave also act to scatter the peak vibrations. Some of the
lateral components of ground motions are lost as the wave travels a
discontinuity. The degree of re-direction and dissipation of a ground motion
wave is related to the nature and frequency of structural discontinuities in
The mechanics of ground motion attenuation attributed to rock properties
tend to produce a ground motion wave train characteristic of the rock along
the path of transmission. Thus, by determining site attenuation factors, the
peak levels of ground motions resulting from future blast at that site can be
Range of Common Residential
Criteria and Effects
DGMS Recommendations
Control of Ground Vibrations
Structure Response Due to
Ground Vibrations
The cracking potential of blast vibrations can be discussed
best in terms of the response of the structures through
passing vibrations.

Structures consist of many components and two of the most

important are - Wall and Super structure skeletons.

Super structure response is measured by a transducer

attached to the corner of the structure while Wall response is
measured in the middle of a wall.

Super structure motions are those associated with the racking

i.e. shearing and torsional distortion of the frame.
Mid wall motions are associated with the bending of the wall.
They are primarily responsible for window rattling, picture frame
tilting and the jiggling of the dishes.

Generally, cracking from blast occurs where excessive stress

and strain is produced within the plains of the walls or between
the wall and its corners.

Wall and super structure continue to vibrate freely even after the
passage of ground motions. Wall motions tend to be larger in
amplitude than super structure motions and tend to occur at
higher frequencies during free vibrations than those of the super
Natural frequencies of walls range from 12 to 20 Hz and those of
super structure range from 4 to 12 Hz.

Vibrations below 25 Hz can excite high levels of mid wall motions

(typically 4 times) and generate most of the secondary noise, rattling
and other annoyances.

Frequencies below 10 Hz are most serious for potential damage from

structure racking. They produce large ground displacements and
high level of strain. They also couple very efficiently into structures.
Vibration Gauges mounted in
Corners and on the Wall
Classification of Damages
Sequence of Damage
Air Blast Variables
Methods to Reduce Air Blast Damage

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