DIBELS Overview&use HEC
DIBELS Overview&use HEC
DIBELS Overview&use HEC
Good, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A. (Eds.). (2002). Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early
Literacy Skills (6th ed.). Eugene, OR: Institute for the Development of
Educational Achievement. Available: http://dibels.uoregon.edu/.
Today’s measures
Additional measures
Initial Sound Fluency (ISF) PK-K
Website: http://dibels.uoregon.edu/
(c) 2002 Good & Kaminski
National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific
research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups.
Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Colored pen
Upper case letter “i” and lower case letter “L” are
hard to differentiate. A response of either “i” or “L” is
scored as correct.
Good, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A., & Dill, S. (2002). DIBELS Oral
Reading Fluency. In R. H. Good & R. A. Kaminski (Eds.), Dynamic
Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (6th ed.). Eugene, OR:
Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement. Available:
(c) 2002 Good & Kaminski
Oral Reading Fluency
Develop irregular words and sight words
Improve decoding skills
Build fluent reading of text
Activate and build prior knowledge
Develop comprehension strategies
Examiner copy
Colored pen
Number of
Passage Words
I gave Ben a red yo-yo. 6
We did push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups. 9
We took the “We took the shot cut.” We took the short 5 /5
short cut. (dialect) cut.
Correct Words
Passage Student Says Scoring Procedure / Total Words
The ice cream “The cream ice The ice cream man comes. 3 /5
man comes. man comes.”
I ate too much. “I too ate much.” 2 /4
I ate too much.
State level
District level
School level
Classroom level
Individual student level
Progress Monitoring
27 or more Middle of K
Letter Naming Fluency
37 or more Beginning of 1st
Phonemic Segmentation 18 or more Middle of K
Fluency 35 or more Beginning of 1st
13 or more Middle of K
Nonsense Word Fluency
24 or more Beginning of 1st
Progress Monitoring
Error Analysis
> 13 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 17 13 > NWF < 4 = Emerging
< 4 = Deficit
> 25 = E stablished
Screening 3 Initial Sounds Fluency 20.8 25 > ISF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
> 18 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 4 3 18 > PSF < 7 = Emerging
< 7 = Deficit
> 13 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 25 13 > NWF < 4 = Emerging
< 4 = Deficit
> 25 = E stablished
Screening 3 Initial Sounds Fluency 33.6 25 > ISF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
> 18 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 4 46 18 > PSF < 7 = Emerging
< 7 = Deficit
Comm ents/Error Patterns: _d/b mi x up; fairly fluent na mes/sound s; good PA skill s_
> 13 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 16 13 > NWF < 4 = Emerging
< 4 = Deficit
> 25 = E stablished
Screening 3 Initial Sounds Fluency 22.9 25 > ISF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
> 18 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 4 6 18 > PSF < 7 = Emerging
< 7 = Deficit
> 24 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 18 24 > NWF < 12 = E merging
< 12 = D eficit
> 35 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 3 44 35 > PSF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
Comm ents/Error Patterns: __Mix up on e/i and g/j and z/v and b /d on NWF__
> 24 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 12 24 > NWF < 12 = E merging
< 12 = D eficit
> 35 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 3 29 35 > PSF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
Comm ents/Error Patterns: Proble ms w/vo wel sounds on PA; mi x up vowe l sound s on
> 24 = E stablished
Nonsense Word
Screening 2 7 24 > NWF < 12 = E merging
< 12 = D eficit
> 35 = E stablished
Phoneme Segmentation
Screening 3 6 35 > PSF < 9 = Emerging
< 9 = Deficit
Comm ents/Error Patterns: Only responds to ha rd sounds on PA; knows sound s for a, m,
s, t
Wil iam 3 9 12 13 11 8 17
Edna 6 7 12 20 18 17 51
Good, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A. (Eds.). (2002). Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills (6th ed.). Eugene, OR: Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement.
Available: http://dibels.uoregon.edu/.