13 SDG Goal: Climate Action: Submitted by
13 SDG Goal: Climate Action: Submitted by
13 SDG Goal: Climate Action: Submitted by
Climate Action
• Estimated annual
savings savings of Rs 3.5 cr
Impact :
• Estimated annual CO2 mitigation of 3,608 tonne.
• The company laid the foundation for use of more
efficient, clean and renewable sources of energy.
• Solar panels installed for power generation across its
• Initiatives have resulted in a total CO2 reduction of
5,788 tonne /annum.
• With the use of solar generated power-garner a total
annual savings of Rs 5.6 cr.
• The total energy generation potential -stands at 120
lakh kWh
• Reduction of 10,332 tonne of CO2 per annum.
• The implementation of windmills -expected annual
savings of Rs 11.3 cr.
Video :
Solar-powered Cochin Airport
• India’s cochin airport is the world’s first 100 percent solar powered airport.
• On August 18 2015, Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL)
announced that the airport will run completely on solar power.
• Hon.Chief Minister Mr.Oommen Chandy inaugurated the 12 MWp solar
power plant, on 18th August 2015.
• A massive solar plant, adjoining the airport’s cargo produces electricity
taking care of its massive energy needs.
• The Champion of Earth Prize is considered the UN’s highest environmental
• The solar panels have made the airport “absolutely power
neutral”- which means that it can create as much energy as it
• CIAL also sell the surplus energy produced from the plant back to
the local electricity utility: Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB).
• The solar panels are expected to last for about 25 years.
• Over the next 25 years, this green power project will avoid carbon
dioxide emissions .
The solar panel cost CIAL about 10 million dollar to construct.
They will be able to recover this amount within a span of 5 years.
WOW- Wealth Out of Waste
About WOW
• Waste generation in India has soared steeply
which has become a massive problem.
• WOW- Wealth Out of Waste is a solid waste
management project undertaken by ITC which
serves across nine states.
• It promotes awareness about the importance of
source segregation and establishes systems to
ensure effective practice.
• WOW enables creation of clean and green
environment and promotes sustainable
livelihood for waste collectors.
Location of the Project
The project was
initiated in:
• Delhi
• Hyderabad
• Coimbatore
• Bengaluru
• Chennai
• Major parts of
Andhra Pradesh
Expenditure on the Project
Expenditure in crores
Impact of the Project