Existence of Life PPT KR
Existence of Life PPT KR
Existence of Life PPT KR
Class Notes
Goldilocks & the 3 bears
○ Remember the story of Goldilocks & the 3
○ Think about what the words “just right”
○ What are some conditions
that are “just right” on Earth
to allow life to exist?
Cornell Notes
Title: Existence of Life
Earth is in just the right location for life to exist (not too hot, not too cold)!
Characteristics that Allow Life to Exist:
1. Temperature
○ Life is limited to a temperature range of
-15°C to 115°C.
○ Because of its distance from the sun,
Earth has a temperature range of 0°C
to100°C, which allows life to exist.
○ The length of day and night also
contribute to temperatures that can
sustain life.
2. Presence of Liquid Water
○ Earth’s temperature range allows water to
exist in liquid form.
○ 0°C is the freezing point of water and
100°C is the boiling point of water.
○ Water is regularly available.
○ Landforms allow water to run from high to
low elevations and replenish as the
seasons change.
3. Composition of Atmosphere
○ The Earth’s atmosphere thickness traps heat & protects it
from the Sun’s harmful UV radiation.
○ It also protects it from small to medium sized meteorites.
○ It contains gases including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, &
carbon dioxide. (NOArCo2)
4. Energy Source
○ With a steady input of either light or chemical energy
from the sun, cells can perform the chemical
reactions necessary for life (photosynthesis).
○ These give us food sources including plants and
5. Nutrients
○ All solid planets and moons have the same general
chemical makeup so nutrients are present.
○ Planets with a water cycle or volcanic activity can
transport and replenish the chemicals required by living
organisms (vitamins).
Essential Question 2:
Why is Earth the perfect location for life to exist?