Control Systems (Introduction)

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Control Systems

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

2 Control
 the ability or power to decide or strongly
influence the particular way in which something
will happen or someone will behave, or the
condition of having such ability or power.

 a set of connected items or devices that
operate together
 Anything with inputs and outputs

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

3 Control Engineering
 is based on the foundations of feedback theory and linear system
analysis, and it generates the concepts of network theory and
communication theory.
 is not limited to any engineering discipline but is equally applicable
to aeronautical, chemical, mechanical, environmental, civil, and
electrical engineering.

Control System
 is an interconnection of components forming a system
configuration that will provide a desired system response.

Input Process Output

Figure 1.1 Simple Block Diagram of a Control System

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

 INPUT - is the stimulus, excitation, or command applied to a

control system, typically from an external energy source, usually
in order to produce a specified response from a control system.

 OUTPUT - is the actual response obtained from a control system.

It may or may not be equal to the specified response implied by
the input.

 PROCESS - an artificial or voluntary, progressively continuing

operation that consists of a series of controlled actions or
movements systematically directed toward a particular result or
Engr. JDN 12/5/2018
5 Definitions:
 DISTURBANCE - is a signal that tends to adversely affect the
value of the output of a system.

 CONTROLLED VARIABLE- is the quantity or condition that is

measured and controlled. Normally, the controlled variable is
the output of the system.

 MANIPULATED VARIABLE - is the quantity or condition that is

varied by the controller so as to affect the value of the
controlled variable.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

 SENSORS - are a crucial part of any control system design,
since they provide the necessary information upon which the
controller action is based. They are the eyes of the controller.

 ACTUATORS - If sensors provide the eyes of control, then

actuators provide the muscle. They are also the source of
limitations in control performance.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

7 Types of Control System System Configurations
1. Man-made 1. Open-loop Control System

2. Natural, including biological System 2. Closed-loop Control System

3. Both man-made and natural

Advantages of Control System

1. Power Amplification
2. Remote control
3. Convenience of input form
4. Compensation for disturbances

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

8 Open-loop Control System
 Utilizes a controller or control actuator to obtain the desired
 A system without feedback

Output Process Output

Figure 1.2 Open-loop Control


Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

9 Closed-loop Control System
 output is fed back to the input. So, the control action is
dependent on the desired output.
 The actuating error signal, which is the difference between
the input signal and the feedback signal, is fed to the
controller so as to reduce the error and bring the output of
the system to a desired value.

Figure 1.2 Open-loop Control System

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018
10 Feedback
 Is the property of a closed-loop system which permits the
output (or some other controlled variable) to be compared
with the input to the system so that the appropriate control
action may be formed as some function of the output and

 Positive Feedback - an output signal fed back so that it adds

to the input signal.

 Negative Feedback - an output signal fed back so that it

subtracts from the input signal.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

11 Open-loop versus Closed-loop
Open Loop Control Systems Closed Loop Control Systems

Control action is independent of the desired Control action is dependent of the desired output.

Feedback path is not present. Feedback path is present.

These are also called as non-feedback control These are also called as feedback control systems.

Easy to design. Difficult to design.

These are economical. These are costlier.

Inaccurate. Accurate.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

12 Multiloop Feedback Control System
 Contains more than one feedback loop

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13 Multivariable Control System
 A system with more than one input variable or more than one
output variable

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

 Analog Signal or Continuous-Time Signal or
Continuous-Data Signal
 a signal dependent on a continuum of values of
independent variable time t.

 Digital Signal or Discrete-Time Signal or

Discrete-Data Signal
 a signal defined at only discrete or distinct instants
of independent variable time t.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

according to signal they process
 Analog Control System
 Contain or process only continuous-time/analog signals.

 Digital Control System

 Have discrete-time/digital signals and components at
one or more points in the system.

 Hybrid Control System

 Combination of both analog and digital control system.

Engr. JDN 12/5/2018

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