Neuro-Ophthalmology: DR Jusuf Wijaya, SPM FK - Uki Cawang
Neuro-Ophthalmology: DR Jusuf Wijaya, SPM FK - Uki Cawang
Neuro-Ophthalmology: DR Jusuf Wijaya, SPM FK - Uki Cawang
The Pupil
Visual field loss
Ocular motility
The Pupil
Normal size : 2 – 7 mm and equal in size ,
but small differences in diameter are seen in
about 20% of the normal population and are
known as essential anisocoria.
The Pupil
Visual field loss
Ocular motility
The Pupil
Visual field loss
Ocular motility
2 sub-types :
Pupil involvement
Pupil sparing
Common causes :
- (posterior communicating artery) aneurysma
- Ischemia
- Compressive lesion
Right Third Nerve (Oculomotorius) Palsy
Common causes :
- Ischemia
- Intracranial tumors
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Trauma
- Idiopathic
The Pupil
Visual field loss
Ocular motility
Pursuit movement
Vestibular movement
The major inputs to the vertical and horizontal gaze centers are
Saccadic & Pursuit commands from the cerebral hemispheres and
the Vestibular Ocular Reflexes from the vestibular nuclei in the
Supranuclear gaze control
Saccadic movements are rapid and relocate
fixation of gaze, either reflexly or voluntarily.
They are initiated in the contralateral premotor
frontal cortex and, once initiated, the movement
is irrevocable and ocular position cannot again
be modified until the saccade has been
Saccades are tested clinically by commanding the
patient to look at a target, or to look right or left
Supranuclear gaze control
Pursuit movements are slower and are
concerned with keeping ocular fixation locked
on target. They appear to be generated in the
ipsilateral occipital cortex. The movement is
smooth and is continuously modified according
to the speed of the target; if the pursuit
movement lags behind the target position, a
corrective saccade is inserted to keep up
Pursuit movements are tested by asking the
patient to follow a slowly moving target
Supranuclear gaze control
Vestibular ocular movements are initiated in the
semicircular canals by changes in head posture.
They serve to maintain ocular fixation,
independent of head and neck posture. Thus,
vestibular ocular reflexes keep the horizon
steady as we walk (the eyes moving in the
opposite direction to that of the orbits)
Vestibular reflexes may be tested either by a
“doll’s head” manoeuvre or by caloric stimuli
Supranuclear gaze control
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Conjugate gaze palsies
Horizontal Supranuclear Palsy
It results in an inability to make a conjugate ocular
movement to one side and may result from a
supranuclear or pontine lesion
Conjugate gaze palsies
Vertical Gaze Palsy
Vertical gaze palsies are caused by lesions in the area of
the upper midbrain and are less common
They produce a characteristic triad of signs known as
Parinaud’s syndrome or Dorsal Midbrain syndrome :
- Loss of vertical gaze
- Loss of pupillary light reflex with preservation
of the of the near reflex
- Convergence retraction nystagmus
Conjugate gaze palsies
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (Steele-Richardson
This is a Parkinsonian-like syndrome in which there is :
- extra pyramidal rigidity
- pseudo-bulbar palsy
- dysarthria
- dementia
Conjugate gaze palsies
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (Steele-Richardson
An early and diagnostic feature of this syndrome is :
- difficulty in making downgaze saccades with
- preservation of horizontal saccadic movements and
- doll’s head reflexes
This patient can make an upward saccadic movement but
downgaze saccades are lost. Downgaze is present on doll’s
head movement. Horizontal movement are intact
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia are caused by lesions in
the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) and produce :
- Poor adduction of the eye on the affected side
- Abducting nystagmus in the contralateral eye
- Normal convergence
This hypertensive patient shows a right-sided lower motor
neuron seventh nerve palsy, internuclear ophthalmoplegia and
partial sixth palsy following a pontine infarct.