Grade 8 Long Range Plans 2018-19 FSL
Grade 8 Long Range Plans 2018-19 FSL
Grade 8 Long Range Plans 2018-19 FSL
4. I can use the stages of the writing process like pre-writing, producing drafts, revising,
editing, and publishing – to develop and organize my work to present it effectively.
Describing A2.2 Interacting: respond with Classroom Book Contribution & Presentation Structures
self and understanding to what others say while Students submit an entry about themselves to ● J’aime, je n’aime pas, je
others participating in interactions of various add to a class book. Students are able to answer m’appelle, j’habite à, j’ai
lengths about everyday matters and personal questions about themselves (with peer ___ ans
September - matters of personal interest or teacher aid and images) spontaneously and ● Est-ce que tu aimes,
October ask their peers questions. est-ce que tu as,
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction comment t’appelles-tu, où
Strategies: demonstrate an Listening est-ce que tu habites
understanding of appropriate speaking Students demonstrate understanding of the ● Il/elle porte, a les
behaviour in a variety of situations questions asked by their peers and teacher. cheveux…, a les yeux…,
Their responses make sense with the ● J’ai hâte de…
C1.3 Reading with Fluency: read a questions. (teacher aid if needed)
variety of texts containing familiar Vocabulary
names, words, and expressions at a ● Common adjectives and
sufficient rate and with sufficient ease colours
Students use appropriate speaking interaction ● Family and animals
to demonstrate that they understand
the overall sense of the text strategies when asking questions and when ● Hobbies/interests/sports
D2.1 Generating, Developing, and
Organizing Content: generate, Reading
develop, and organize ideas for Students will read their classmates’ paragraphs
writing, using a variety of pre-writing and ask questions about what they read. (with
strategies and resources teacher/peer assistance)
Students will write a paragraph about themselves
including a picture (clay sculpture, drawing,
powerpoint, lego, etc). (with teacher assistance
and/or writing short sentences/drawing & describing
in French)
French A1.1 Using Listening Food skit (vlog, performance, or video) Structures
food Comprehension Strategies: identify a Students rehearse and present their answers to Je suis + adjectif
range of listening comprehension food-related scenarios using a smooth pace, Using present tense to
October - strategies and use them before, during, appropriate intonation, and accurate describe responsibilities
December and after listening to understand oral pronunciation in rehearsed situations. Je voudrais
French texts J’aimerais
Listening Je veux
B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak Students will watch other skits. They will ask Est-ce que je peux avoir
with a smooth pace, appropriate questions and write a summary of what happened.
intonation, and accurate pronunciation (Students will draw a summary of what happened.) Vocabulary
in rehearsed communications about a • Adjectives describing
range of familiar topics personality
• Skills
Students will rehearse and present their skits.
C3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic • Food (types & cooking)
They will spontaneously answer questions from
Conventions: identify, in age- and • Eating and drinking verbs
their peers. (students will get questions in
grade-appropriate French texts, • Utensils/dishes
examples of sociolinguistic conventions
associated with a variety of social
situations in diverse French-speaking Reading
communities Students demonstrate understanding by reading
menus and recipes using vocabulary learned in
D1.1 Identifying Purpose and the unit. Additionally, students read another
Audience: determine, with support group’s skit to provide feedback and ask
from the teacher, their purpose in questions. (teacher aid if needed)
writing and the audience for French
texts they plan to create Writing
Students will be working in small groups to create
a skit related to a food scenario. (Students will be
provided sentence starters and the scenario.
Students will write the outline and have
peer/teacher assistance.)
Assessments: persuasive paragraph, summaries, present and write food skits, give peers feedback on
Food skits, classroom presentations, answer questions about a written recipe, journal prompts, listening
And speaking about French cooking shows, blogs, and vlogs.
Unit Curriculum Expectations Assessment Structures and Vocabulary
Create our A1.2 Demonstrating Understanding: Create a game (video game, board game, sport Structures
own game demonstrate an understanding of the game) and teach it to the class ● Je cherche…
purpose and meaning of oral French Students will create a game with instructions and ● Il/elle aime…
December - texts containing increasingly complex reviews. They will teach it to the class and their ● Est-ce que vous pouvez
February messages about everyday matters and younger peers. m’aider?
matters of personal interest, with
● Où est…
contextual and visual support Listening ● J’ai besoin de...
Students will demonstrate their understanding ● Combien de...
B1.1 Using Oral Communication by participating in their peers’ games. They will
Strategies: identify a range of ● Qui a…? / Qui est…?
follow the rules and ask questions. ● Present Tense
speaking strategies and use them
appropriately to express themselves ● Passé composé
clearly and coherently in French for Students will present their games for a variety
various purposes and to a variety of Vocabulary
of audiences (small group, individual, large ● Money
group) and purposes (for feedback, to play it, ● Numbers
and to explain it). ● Sports
C1.2 Reading for Meaning:
demonstrate an understanding of a ● Movement
variety of French texts containing Reading
visuals and familiar names, words, and Students will read two other group’s instructions
expressions, with teacher modelling and provide feedback to their peers. The
and guidance as appropriate instructions will be based on vocabulary we
have learned in class. (with teacher support
D1.2 Writing in a Variety of Forms: and visuals)
write a variety of age- and grade-
appropriate French texts, applying Writing
their knowledge of the basic structural Students will write their instructions, rules, and
and stylistic elements of each form reviews. Students will also write reviews for other
games using French-texting language and proper
French. (students will be given peer/teacher
support, visuals, and sentence starters)
Assessments: playing their peers’ games, use of French in class, 2 stars and a wish to rules they read,
Summarizing a game, their written rules, their French game they created, quiz, listening & speaking
About French game shows (Fort Boyard)
Unit Curriculum Expectations Assessment Structures and Vocabulary
French A3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using Create a story about an imaginary vacation Structures
culture information from oral French texts, they had in a European French-speaking ● Passé compose (DR
identify French-speaking communities country MRS VANDERTRAMP
February – in Europe, find out about aspects of Students will write and present a story about an & irregulars)
March their cultures, and make connections to imaginary vacation they had in a French- ● C’etait…
personal experiences and their own speaking European country. They will create a ● À quel heure…
and other communities postcard, powerpoint, video, collage, or sculpture ● Quantity (beaucoup,
representing their trip. plus de.., moins de…)
B3.1 Intercultural Awareness:
communicate information orally about Listening Vocabulary
French-speaking communities in Students will listen to videos on Idello of people Travel
Europe, including aspects of their their age talking about trips. Students will Packing list (clothes)
cultures and their contributions to la Budgeting
demonstrate understanding by summarizing
francophonie and the world, and make En/au/aux + country
what they hear.
connections to personal experiences French slang
and their own and other communities
C3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using Students will speak about their trip answering
information from a variety of French questions asked. Students will compare their
texts, identify French speaking experiences with ones in the country they are
communities in Europe, find out about researching.
aspects of their cultures, and make
connections to personal experiences Reading
and their own and other communities Students will respond to questions written to
them about their presentations from their peers.
D3.1 Intercultural Awareness: in their They will also provide feedback to another story
written work, communicate information they read.
about French speaking communities in
Europe, including aspects of their Writing
cultures and their contributions to la Students will write about their vacation and include
Francophonie and the world, and make a packing list. Students will write questions to their
connections to personal experiences peers about their trips.
and their own and other communities
All curriculum is covered before this unit
Unit Curriculum Expectations Assessment Structures and Vocabulary