CP 1

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Cleaner Production. What does it mean?

A preventive, company-specific environmental
protection initiative. It is intended to minimize waste and
emissions and maximize product output. By analyzing the flow of
materials and energy in a company, one tries to identify options
to minimize waste and emissions out of industrial processes
through source reduction strategies. Improvements of
organization and technology help to reduce or suggest better
choices in use of materials and energy, and to avoid waste,
waste water generation, and gaseous emissions, and also waste
heat and noise.
"Cleaner Production is the continuous
application of an integrated preventative
environmental strategy applied to
processes, products, and services to
increase overall efficiency and reduce risks
to humans and the environment.“

UNEP 2016
• Production processes: conserving raw materials and energy,
eliminating toxic raw materials, and reducing the quantity and
toxicity of all emissions and wastes.

• Products: reducing negative impacts along the life cycle of a

product from raw materials extraction to ultimate disposal.

• Services: incorporating environmental concerns into

designing and delivering services.
What are pollutants?
• material which passed into the process and has
– Inputs (water, energy, etc);
– Raw material;
– Equipments use;
– Workforce;
– Management costs increased by waste;
Basic Principles of Cleaner
Four basic guiding principles are implied in the conception of
cleaner production.
• The precaution and preventative principle.
 Precaution is not simply a matter of avoiding breaking the
law, it is also about ensuring that workers are protected from
irreversible ill-health and that the plant is protected from
irreversible damage.
 The preventative nature of cleaner production calls for the
new approach to reconsider product design, consumer
demand, patterns of material consumption and indeed the
entire material basis of economic activity.
• The integration principle
Integration involves adopting a holistic view of the
production cycle by reducing the need for emission into the
environmental of such substances, these measures thereby
provide for an integrated protection of all environmental

• The comprehensive or democratic principle

Involves people, workers and local residents, in the way
where production and consumption are organized.

• The continuity principle

Cleaner production is a no-end process. Its implementation
calls for the ever-lasting efforts of governments, industries and

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