Syllabus: Prof ECE and Dean, R & D

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Dr RS Raju, Prof ECE and Dean, R & D

Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Cheeryala, RR District, Telangana

 Unit-I (Micrrowave Transmission lines): MW spectrum, Applications, Rectangular Wave Guides, TE,
TM modes, Phase & Group Velocities, Power transmission and power losses
 Unit-II (Cavity Resonators): Resonant frequency, Q-factor, W/G components
 Unit-III (Microwave Tubes) O-type & M-tyype tubes, Klystrons, Helix TWTs
 Unit-IV (M-type Tubes and MW Solid state devices): Magnetrons, TEDs, Gunn oscillators.
 Unit-V (MW Measurements): Scattering matrix, Magic-T, Circulator, MW Bench, SW measurements

Course Objectives: Course Outcomes:

To understand the electrical characteristics CO-1: Students will have an ability to design of MW guides and its
of waveguides and transmission mode characteristics at various frequency bands to design
communication systems.
 To analyze microwave components and
CO-2: An ability to design rectangular cavity resonators, filters and
circuits in terms of scattering parameters.
solve the problems .
 To study microwave guides & components. CO-3: Knowledge of MW mechanisms, WG discontinuities, T-
 To generate layouts and measure the Junctions, Directional coupler
performance of waveguide components. CO-4: Knowledge of ferrite materials in designing MW components.
 To understand the theoretical principles CO-5: Analyze and interpretation of microwave
underlying microwave devices and CO-6: Analyze and interpretation of microwave slow wave).
networks. CO-7: Knowledge of MW solid state devices operation.
 To design microwave components. CO-8: Measurement and testing of microwave physical parameters
Microwave freq band Frequency bands
 Microwaves are a form of
L- band  1 to 2 GHz 30-300 Hz ELF extremely low freq electromagnetic radiation with
S- band  2 to 4 GHz 0.3-3 kHz  VF voice freq wavelengths ranging from one meter to
3-30 kHz  VLF very low freq one millimeter; with frequencies
C- band  4 to 8 GHz between 300 MHz (100 cm) and
30-300 kHz  LF low freq
X- band  8 to 12 GHz 300 GHz (0.1 cm).
0.3-3 MHz  MF medium freq
Ku-band 12 to 18 GHz 3-30 MHz  HF high freq  Microwave is not meant to suggest a
K- band  18 to 26.5 GHz 30-300 MHz  VHF very high freq wavelength in the micrometer range. It
Ka-band 26.5 to 40 GHz 0.3-3 GHz  UHF ultra-high freq indicates that -waves are "small",
compared to waves used in typical radio
W- band 75 to 110 GHz 3-30 GHz  SHF superhigh freq broadcasting, in that they have
30-300 GHz EHF extremely high freq
shorter wavelengths.

Advantages of Microwaves
 Large Bandwidth: The Bandwidth of -waves is larger than the common low frequency radio waves. Thus
more information can be transmitted using -waves.
 Better Directivity: This is due to “as freq. increases,  decreases and Directivity increases” & Beam
width decreases. So it is easier to design and fabricate high gain antenna in Microwaves.
 Small Size Antenna: The antenna size can be smaller as the size of antenna is inversely proportional to the
transmitted frequency. Thus in Microwaves, we have waves of much higher frequencies and hence the higher
the frequency, the smaller the size of antenna.
 Low Power Consumption: The power required to transmit a high frequency signal is lesser than the power
required in transmission of low frequency signals.
 Effect Of Fading: The effect of fading is minimized by using Line of Sight propagation technique at Microwave
Applications of Microwaves
The integer m denotes the number of half waves of electric or
magnetic intensity in the x-direction and n is the number of half
waves in the y-direction if the propagation of the wave is
assumed in the positive z-direction.
Syllabus and Text books
MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION LINES: Introduction, Microwave Spectrum and Bands, Applications of Microwaves. Rectangular Waveguides –
solutions of wave equations in Rectangular Coordinates, TE/TM mode analysis, Expressions for Fields, Characteristic Equation and Cut-off
Frequencies, Filter Characteristics, Dominant and Degenerate Modes, Sketches of TE and TM mode fields in the cross-section, Mode
Characteristics – Phase and Group Velocities, Wavelengths and Impedance Relations; Illustrative problems.
RECTANGULAR GUIDES: Power Transmission and Power Losses , Impossibility of TEM mode, Micro strip Lines– Introduction, Zo Relations,
Effective Dielectric Constant, Losses, Q factor.
CAVITY RESONATORS: Introduction, Rectangular Cavities, Dominant Modes and Resonant Frequencies, Q factor and Coupling Coefficients,
Illustrative problems.
WAVEGUIDE COMPONENTS AND APPLICATIONS: Coupling Mechanisms – Probe, Loop, Aperture types. Waveguide Discontinuities –
Waveguide windows, Tuning Screws and Posts, Matched Loads. Waveguide Attenuators – Different types, Resistive Card and Rotary Vane
attenuators; Waveguide Phase Shifters – Types, Dielectric and Rotary Vane attenuators; Waveguide phase Shifters-Types, Dielectric and Rotary
Vane Phase shifters, Waveguide Multiport Junctions – E plane and H plane Tees, Magic Tee. Directional Couplers – 2 Hole, Bethe Hole types.
Illustrative problems.
Ferrites– Composition and Characteristics, Faraday Rotation; Ferrite Components – Gyrator, Isolator, Circulator.
MICROWAVE TUBES: Limitations and Losses of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies, Microwave tubes – O-type and M-type
classifications, O-type tubes : 2 Cavity Klystrons – Structure, Reentrant Cavities, Velocity Modulation Process and Applegate Diagram, Bunching
Process and Small Signal Theory – Expressions for o/p Power and Efficiency. Reflex Klystrons – Structure, Velocity Modulation and Applegate
Diagram, Mathematical Theory of Bunching, Power Output, Efficiency, Oscillating Modes and o/p Characteristics, Effect of Repeller Voltage on
power O/P, Illustrative problems.
HELIX TWTS: Significance, Types and Characteristics of Slow Wave Structures; Structure of TWT and Amplification Process (qualitative
treatment), Suppression of Oscillations, Gain Considerations.
Introduction, Cross-field effects, Magnetrons – Different Types, Cylindrical Travelling Wave Magnetron – Hull Cut-off and Hartree Conditions,
Modes of Resonance and PI-Mode Operation, Separation of PI-Mode, o/p characteristics. Illustrative problems.
MICROWAVE SOLID STATE DEVICES: Introduction, Classification, Applications. TEDs – Introduction, Gunn Diode – Principle, RWH Theory,
Characteristics, Basic Modes of Operation-Gunn Oscillation Modes, LSA Mode, Introduction to Avalanche Transit Time Devices.
MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS: Scattering Matrix-significance, Formulation and properties, S-Matrix Calculations for -2 port junctions, E plane
and H plane T, Magic-T, Circulator and Isolator, Illustrative problems.
Description of Microwave Bench – Different Blocks and their Features, Errors and Precautions, Microwave Power Measurement, Bolometer
Method. Measurement of Attenuation, Frequency Standing Wave Measurements-Measurement of Low and High VSWR, Cavity Q. Impedance
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits – Samuel Y. Liao, PHI, 3rd Edition, 1994.
2. Microwave Principles – Herbert J. Reich, J.G. Skalnik, P.F. Ordung and H.L. Krauss, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2004.
 In electromagnetics and comm. engineering, the term waveguide may refer to any linear structure that conveys
electromagnetic waves between its endpoints. However, the original[1] and most common[1] meaning is a hollow
metal pipe used to carry radio waves. This type of waveguide is used as a transmission line mostly
at microwave frequencies.
 The electromagnetic waves in a (metal-pipe) waveguide may be imagined as travelling down the guide in a zig-
zag path, being repeatedly reflected between opposite walls of the guide. Depending on the frequency,
waveguides can be constructed from either conductive or dielectric materials. The EM equation
Electromagnetic waveguides are analyzed by solving Maxwell's equations, or their reduced form, the EM wave
equation, with boundary conditions determined by the properties of the materials and their interfaces. These
equations have multiple solutions, or modes, which are eigenfunctions of the equation system. Each mode is
characterized by a cutoff frequency below which the mode cannot exist in the guide.
 Waveguide propagation modes depend on the operating wavelength and polarization and the shape and size of
the guide. The longitudinal mode of a waveguide is a particular standing wave pattern formed by waves confined
in the cavity. The transverse modes are classified into different types:
 TE modes (transverse electric) have no electric field in the direction of propagation.
 TM modes (transverse magnetic) have no magnetic field in the direction of propagation.
TEM modes (transverse electromagnetic) have no electric nor magnetic field in the direction of propagation.
 Hybrid modes have both electric and magnetic field components in the direction of propagation.
Limitations of Vacuum Valves
 Lead Inductances & Inter-electrode capacitance effects
At the frequencies above 1 GHz, the conventional vac tubes are impaired by parasitic-circuit
reactances because of the circuit capacitance and inductance of the lead wire - reducing the
frequency of operation of tube.

 Transit time effects

Transit angle  = 
Transit time  = d/v0 = d / [5.93x10-5 sqrt (V0) ]
At the range of MW frequencies, the transit time (or angle) is large compared to the period of
MW signal; and, the potential between the cathode and grid may alternate from 10 to 100 times
during the electron transit. The grid potential during the negative half-cycle thus removes the
energy that was given to the electron during the positive half-cycle. Consequently, the electrons
may oscillate back and forth in the cathode-grid space or return back to the cathode.
 Utilisation of Transit-time effects
Tranit time effects could be utilised by first accelerating the electron beam by a high DC voltage
and then velocity modulating it -principle of operation of MW tubes.

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