Head Injury: From ATLS Chapter 6
Head Injury: From ATLS Chapter 6
Head Injury: From ATLS Chapter 6
Marselno Tatipikalawan
The primary goal of treatment for patients with suspected TBI is
to prevent secondary brain injury.
The most important ways to limit secondary brain damage and
thereby improve a patient’s outcome are to ensure adequate
oxygenation and maintain blood pressure at a level that is
sufficient to perfuse the brain
CT scanning should not delay patient transfer to a trauma center
that is capable of immediate and definitive neurosurgical
The tentorium cerebelli divides the intracranial cavity into the
supratentorial and infratentorial compartments
The midbrain passes through an opening called the tentorial
hiatus or notch
The oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) runs along the edge of
the tentorium and may become compressed against it during
temporal lobe herniation
Parasympathetic fibers that constrict the pupils lie on the surface
of the third cranial nerve; compression of these superficial fibers
during herniation causes pupillary dilation due to unopposed
sympathetic activity
Sumber: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/veterinary-science-and-veterinary-medicine/tentorium-cerebelli
The normal ICP for patients in the resting state is approximately
10 mm Hg. Pressures greater than 22 mm Hg, particularly if
Intracranial sustained and refractory to treatment, are associated with poor
Pressure & The doctrine states that the total volume of the intracranial
Monroe-Kellie contents must remain constant, because the cranium is a rigid
container incapable of expanding
doctrine When the normal intracranial volume is exceeded, ICP rises.
Venous blood and CSF can be compressed out of the container,
providing a degree of pressure buffering
For clinical purposes, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is defined
as mean arterial blood pressure minus intracranial pressure (CPP
A MAP of 50 to 150 mm Hg is “autoregulated” to maintain a
Cerebral Blood constant CBF (pressure autoregulation)
Flow In this situation, if the MAP is too low, ischemia and infarction
If the MAP is too high, marked brain swelling occurs with
elevated ICP.
Classification of
Head Injury
Skull fractures can occur in the cranial vault or skull base.
Basilar skull fractures usually require CT scanning with bone-
window settings for identification
Clinical signs of a basilar skull fracture include periorbital
ecchymosis (raccoon eyes), retroauricular ecchymosis (Battle’s
Skull Fractures sign), CSF leakage from the nose (rhinorrhea) or ear (otorrhea),
and dysfunction of cranial nerves VII and VIII (facial paralysis and
hearing loss), which may occur immediately or a few days after
initial injury.
Do not underestimate the significance of a skull fracture, because
it takes considerable force to fracture the skull
Are classified as diffuse or focal
Diffuse brain injuries range from mild concussions, in which the
head CT is normal, to severe hypoxic, ischemic injuries.
Intracranial Another diffuse pattern, often seen in high-velocity impact or
deceleration injuries, may produce multiple punctate
lesion hemorrhages throughout the cerebral hemispheres.
These “shearing injuries,” often seen in the border between the
gray matter and white matter, are referred to as diffuse axonal
injury (DAI)
Focal lesions include epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas,
contusions, and intracerebral hematomas
Epidural hematomas are relatively uncommon, occurring in
about 0.5% of patients with brain injuries and 9% of patients with
TBI who are comatose
They are most often located in the temporal or temporoparietal
Epidural regions and often result from a tear of the middle meningeal
artery due to fracture
hematoma they also may result from disruption of a major venous sinus or
bleeding from a skull fracture.
The classic presentation of an epidural hematoma is with a lucid
interval between the time of injury
They often develop from the shearing of small surface or bridging
Subdural blood vessels of the cerebral cortex
Damage from an acute subdural hematoma is typically much
hematoma more severe than that associated with epidural hematomas due
to the presence of concomitant parenchymal injury
Most contusions are in the frontal and temporal lobes, although
they may be in any part of the brain
Contusions and In a period of hours or days, contusions can evolve to form an
intracerebral hematoma or a coalescent contusion with enough
intracerebral mass effect to require immediate surgical evacuation
hematomas For this reason, patients with contusions generally undergo repeat
CT scanning to evaluate for changes in the pattern of injury within
24 hours of the initial scan
of TBI
of TBI
of TBI
The secondary survey is particularly important in evaluating
patients with mild TBI
Note the mechanism of injury and give particular attention to
Management any loss of consciousness, including the length of time the patient
was unresponsive, any seizure activity, and the subsequent level of
of mild TBI alertness
of mild TBI
of mild TBI
Approximately 15% of patients with brain injury who are seen in
the ED have a moderate injury. These patients can still follow
Management simple commands,
of moderate but they usually are confused or somnolent and can have focal
neurological deficits such as hemiparesis.
TBI serial neurological examinations are critical in the treatment of
these patients
of moderate
All patients with moderate TBI require observation
Management Frequent neurological reassessment for at least the first 12 to 24
of moderate
A follow-up CT scan within 24 hours is recommended if the initial
TBI CT scan is abnormal or the patient’s neurological status
A “wait and see” approach in such patients can be disastrous, and
Management prompt diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.