Anti Tussive, Mucolytics, and Expectorant

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Udara melalui lubang hidung / mulut
ke pharynx larynx trakhea untuk selanjutnya ke paru.

Penyakit yang tersering Infeksi Saluran Nafas Atas

Batuk, Pilek


udara melalui trakhea bronkhus bronkhioli alveoli
Penyakit yang sering :
Asma bronkhiale
Bronkhitis kronis

 Upper Respiratory Tract  Lower Respiratory Tract

: :
 Common cold  Acute bronchitis
 Sinusitis  Pneumonia
 Epiglottis  Acute exacerbation of
 Laringitis COPD
 Acute exacerbation of
 Runny nose, nasal
congesti, sneezing, cough
& sputum  Fever
 Fever  Severe cough
 Headache  Difficulty breathing
 Pain during swallowing  Wheezing
 Wheezing  Chest pain
 Causative : based on causa
 Simptomatics :
- dekongestan
- antitusif
- ekspektoran
- mukolitik
- antihistamin
Agonis adrenergik , OTC Mechanism of action
products, a single or
Aktivasi reseptor
combination with other postjunctional
products adrenergik 

Efffects : congesti nasal Penurunan aliran darah
Examples : ke mukosa hidung
hidung longgar
Phenylpropanolamin (PPA)
 Indikasi :
 Nasal congesti
 Sinus congesti
 Eustachian tube congesti
 Vasomotor rhinitis
 Adjunct to other agents for allergic rhinitis,
sinusitis, otitis, etc
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : mostly from GIT
 Metabolism : Hepatic
 Half-life : 9-16 hours
 Adverse effects :
 Insomnia
 Nervousness
 Rare : dizzziness, palpitation, headache
 Indikasi :
 Nasal congestion
 Control of urinary incontinence
 Priapism
 Obesity
 Use :
 In cough and cold combination (with
 Appetite suppressant formulations
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : GIT (38%)
 Metabolism : Hepatic
 Half-life : 2 – 3 hours
 Adverse effects : induce extrasystoles and
ventricular tachycardia
 Interaction :
 Limit caffeine intake
 Take without regard to meals
 Indikasi :
 Nasal congestion
 Hypotension & shock (during anaesthesia)
 Hemorrhoids
 Increase blood pressure
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : completely absorbed after oral
 Metabolism : intestinal and liver
 Ekskretion : urine
 Half-life : 2 – 3 hours
Suppress coughing / cough

 Inhiting a coordinating region for coughing located

in brainstem, disrupting the cough reflex arc
 Controversy , FOR => dry and irritating cough
 Types :
▪ Dextrometorphan
▪ Codeine
▪ Levopropoxyphene
▪ Noscapine
 Wide used, is an opioid-like drug
 Non-competitive channel blocker
 Indication : treatment and relief of dry cough
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapidly via GIT
 Metabolism : Hepatic
 Half-life : 3-6 jam
 Opioid agonist related to morphine
 Use : less potent analgesic, mild sedative
 Indication :
 Treatment and management of pain (systemic)
 Antidiarrheal
 Cough suppressant
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : 90% via oral administration
 Metabolism : hepatic
 Excretion : 90% via urine
 Half-life : 3 hours
 Adverse effects :
 Respiratory depression
 Sedation
 Nausea, vomiting
 Bradycardia
 Removed from the market in US
 Name : Levopropoxyphene Napsylate Anhidrous
 Indication :
 Treatment of cough
 Respiratory tract disorders
 Adverse effect :
 Sakit kepala
 Ruam kulit
 Mulut kering
 Mual, muntah
 From opium poppy Papaver somniverum
 Use :
 Mild analgesic
 Antitussive
 Antineoplastic activities
 Indication : dry cough
 Adverse effect :
 Headache
 Nausea
 Vasomotor rhinitis
As medications that improve the
ability to expectorate purulent

 How it works : thins the mucus, breaking up

the fluids that cause congestion and by clearing
thick mucus from the airway, making it easier
for the mucus to be coughed up
 Types :
 Guaifenesin
 Ipecac
 Ammonium chloride
 Potassium iodide
 Indication : to assist the expectoration of
phlegm from the airway in acute respiratory
tract infection
 Mechanism of action : increases the output of
phlegm (sputum) and bronchial secretion by
reducing adhesiveness and surface tension =>
increases the efficacy of the mucociliary
mechanism in removing accumulated secretions
from the upper and lower airway
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapidly from GIT
 Ekskretion : urine
 Half-life : 1 hour
 Interaction :
 Take with full glass of water
 From the plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha
 Indication :
 Low dose : an expectorant
 Other : induction of vomiting in poisoning victims
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapidly fro GIT
 Metabolism : Hepatic
 Excretion : Feces
 Adverse effect : myopathy, muscle weakness
 In combination with other agents in
cough syrups
 Indication :
 expectorant
 Acid-base balance
 Mechanism of action :
 Irritative action on the bronchial mucosa
which causes the production of excess
respiratory tract fluid => easy to cough up
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : complete per oral
 Metabolism : hepatic
 Excretion : Urine
 Adverse effect :
 Pallor
 Sweating
 Irregular breathing
 Bradycardia
 Mechanism of action : change the
biophysical properties of secretions by
degrading the mucin polymers, DNA,
fibrin, or F-actin in airway secretions
 Drugs :
 Bromheksin
 Ambroxol
 Asetilcystein
 Indication : expectorant/mucolytic agent
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapidly via oral
 Metabolism : hepatic
 Excretion : urine and bile
 Adverse effect :
 GI
 Headache
 Dizziness
 Sweating
 Skin rashes
 A secretolytic agent
 Indication : bronchopulmonary diseases
 Mechanism of action : inhibit the NO-
dependent activation of soluble guanylate
cyclase => suppress the excessive mucus
secretion => lowers the phlegm viscosity
=> improves mucociliary transport of
bronchial secretion
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapid and almost complete
 Half-life : 7-12 hours
 Adverse effect : mild GI symptoms
 Use in nebulization
 Indication :
 Mucolytic in chronic bronchopulmonary diseases
 Management of Acetaminophen overdose
 Side effect :
 Stomatitis
 Nausea, vomiting
 Fever
 Rhinorrhea
 Sedative
 First Generation => sedation
 Chlorpheniramin maleat (chlortrimeton=ctm)
 Diphenhydramin (delladryl, benadryl)
 Prometazine (Phenergan)

 Second Generation :
 Loratadine
 Cetirizine
 First Generation
 Indication : rhinitis, urticaria, allergy, common cold, asthma,
hay fever
 Mechanism of action : blocks the action of endogenous
histamine => relief of negative symptoms of histamine
(vasodilatation, bronchoconstriction)
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : Well absorbed in GIT
 Metabolism :Hepatic
 Half life : 21-27 hours
 Adverse effect :
 Drowsiness
 Dizziness, headache
 Upset stomach, constipation
 Interaction : Take with food
 First Generation
 OTC, “night time use”
 Indication :
 Allergic rhinitis
 Common cold
 Vertigo
 Mechanism of action : competes with free
histamine for binding at HA-receptor sites =>
antagonizes negative effect of histamine
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : quickly absorbed after 1 hour
 Metabolism : hepatic and renal
 Excretion : little in urine
 Half-life : 1-4 hour
 Adverse effect :
 Myocardial infarc
 Coma => death (with LD50=500mg)
 Interaction :
 Take with food
 Indication : treatment of allergic disorders
 Mechanism of action : competes with free
histamine for binding at receptor
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : 88% via oral administration
 Metabolism : hepatic
 Excretion : urine
 Half-life : 16-19 hours
 Adverse effect : mild depression of CNS, KV
 Interaction : take with food
 Second generation of histamine
 Use alone or with combination with
pseudoephedrine sulfate => allergic rhinitis
 Mechanism of action : competes with
histamine => blocks endogenous histamine
=> temporary relief of negative symptoms
(nasal congestion, watery eyes)
 Pharmacokinetics :
 Absorption : rapidly with oral administration
 Metabolism : hepatic
 Half-life : 8 hours
 Adverse effect : somnolence, tachycardia,
 Interaction : take on empty stomach
 2nd generation
 Indication : rhinitis (allergic, perennial)
 Mechanism of action : competes with
histamin for binding at the receptor =>
suppress histamine effects
 Low incidence of sedation
 Half-life : 8 hours
 Adverse effect : irritability, drowsiness
 Interaction : take with no regard to meals

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