Practice To Lead Up - Report Ebias-Babalcon
Practice To Lead Up - Report Ebias-Babalcon
Practice To Lead Up - Report Ebias-Babalcon
Practice to Lead Up
-John C. Maxwell
• “The Key to leading yourself well is to learn self-
management”. In order to be successful, we must
make the right decisions early and manage those
decisions daily. Then, we are prepared to follow
through on them with consistency.
• Most people put too much emphasis on decision making
and too little on decision managing. As a result, they
lack focus, discipline, intentionality, and purpose.
7 Areas A Leader Must Self-Manage
1. Manage your emotions - Put others first and
ask, “What is best for the team?” Good
leaders know when to display emotions and
when to delay them.
2. Manage your time - What is the best use of
your time? What has value and meaning?
“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your
3. Manage your priorities - 80% of the time – work where
you are strongest
- 15% of the time – work where
you are learning
- 5% of the time – work in other
necessary areas
4. Manage your energy - Avoid energy drains. The
greatest enemy of good thinking is
busyness. Activity without direction
The ABC’s Energy Drain: