Vibrations in A Fluid-Loaded Poroelastic Hollow Cylinder Surrounded by A Fluid in Plane-Strain Form

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Vibrations In A Fluid-loaded

poroelastic Hollow Cylinder Surrounded

By A Fluid
Plane-Strain Form

B. Shanker
C. Nageswara Nath
S. Ahmed Shah
P. Malla Reddy
@ Plane-strain vibrations in a fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder
surrounded by a fluid are investigated employing Biot’s theory of
wave propagation in poroelastic media.

@ The poroelastic hollow cylinder is homogeneous and isotropic, while

the inner and outer fluids are homogeneous, isotropic and inviscid.

@ The model under consideration consists of an infinitely long,

homogeneous, isotropic poroelastic hollow cylinder.

@ Inner radius of cylinder is r1 and outer radius is r2, so that the wall
thickness of the hollow cylinder is h [= (r2  r1)].

@ The axis of the poroelastic hollow cylinder is in the direction of z-axis.

@ The physical parameters of two fluids are denoted by superscript j
(1, 2) enclosed in parentheses.
@ The parameters with superscript (1) and (2) refer to inner and
outer fluids, respectively.
@ The parameters of the poroelastic hollow cylinder are without any
Outer fluid

r1 r2

Inner fluid
Inner fluid
The equations of motion of a homogeneous, isotropic poroelastic solid
(Biot, 1956) in the presence of dissipation b are
 2

N 2u  ( A  N )e  Q  2 ( 11u  12 U)  b (u  U)
t t
2 
Qe  R  2 ( 12u  22 U)  b (u  U) (1)
t t

The stresses σkl and the liquid pressure s of the poroelastic solid are
 kl  2 Nekl  ( Ae  Q ) kl , (k, l = x,y,z)
s  Qe  R , (2)
where ekl are strain components of poroelastic solid and δkl is the well
known Kronecker delta function.
The displacements of solid in plane-strain form which can readily
be evaluated from field equation (1) are
n n
ur  [C11 J n (1r )  C21Yn(1r )  C3 2 J n ( 2 r )  C42Yn( 2 r )  A1 J n (3r )  B1 Yn (3r )]cos n eit ,
r r
n n n n
u  [C1 J n (1r )  C2 Yn (1r )  C3 J n (2 r )  C4 Yn (2 r )  A13 J n (3r )  B13Yn(3r )]sin n eit ,
r r r r (3)
By substituting the displacements solutions from equation (3) into the
equation (2), the relevant stresses are

 rr  s = {C112[2 NJ n(1r )  [(Q  R)12 - ( A  Q)]J n (1r )]  C212[2 NYn(1r )  [(Q  R)12 - ( A  Q)]Yn (1r )]
 C322[2 NJ n(2 r )  [(Q  R) 22 - ( A  Q)]J n (2 r )]  C422[2 NYn(2r )  [(Q  R) 22 - ( A  Q)]Yn ( 2r )]
 A1 n [3 J n (3r ) - 1 J n (3r )]  B1 n [3Yn(3r ) - 1 Yn (3r )]}cos n eit ,
r r r r

 r  {C1[
J n (1 r ) 
 J
1 n
 ( 1 r )]  C2 [ nN
Yn ( 1 r ) 
1Yn(1r )]
r r r r
 C3[ nN2 J n (2 r )  2nN 2 J n (2 r )]  C4[ nN2 Yn (2 r )  2nN 2Yn(2 r )]
r r r r
3 n2 3 n2
 A1[3 J n(3r )  J n (3r )  2 J n (3r )]  B1[3 Yn(3r )  Yn(3r )  2 Yn (3r )] sin n eit ,
2 2
r r r r

s  C112 ( R12  Q) J n (1r )  C212 ( R12  Q)Yn (1r )  C322 ( R 22  Q) J n (2 r )

 C422 ( R 22  Q)Yn (2 r ) cos n eit ,
 C113 ( R12  Q) J n (1r )  C213 ( R12  Q)Yn(1r )  C3 23 ( R 22  Q) J n ( 2 r )

 C4 22 ( R 22  Q)Yn( 2 r ) cos n eit .
The equation of motion for a homogeneous, isotropic, inviscid elastic fluid is
1  2( j )
 2 ( j)
 ,
V  ( j) 2 t

Where  ( j ) is the displacement potential function and V f( j ) is the velocity of

sound in fluid. The superscripts j =1, 2 represent inner and outer fluids,
The fluid pressure is given by
( j)  
2 ( j)
Pf    f
( j)
Where  f is the density of the fluid.
( j)
Using displacement potential function, the displacement f
u ( j)
 (u ( j) ( j)
fr , u f  ,0)

and fluid pressure Pf( j ) of fluids are obtained as

u (frj )  A(f j ) (f j ) J n ( (f j ) r ) cos n eit ,
u (f j )   A(f j )J n ( (f j ) r ) sin n eit , for j  1, 2
p (1)
f  A(1)
f  f 
(1) 2
J n (  (1)
f r ) cos n e it
and p (2)
f  A f  f 
(2) (2) 2
H (1)
n ( (2)
f r ) cos n e it

In the above equations  (f j )  ( j ) , A(f j ) is a constant and H n is Hankel

function of first kind and of order n.
The boundary conditions in case of pervious surface are
at r  r1 ,  rr  s   p (1)
f ,  r  0, u  u (1)
f , s  p (1)
f ,

at r  r2 ,  rr  s   p (2)
f ,  r  0, u  u (2)
f , s  p (2)
f .

The boundary conditions in case of impervious surface are

s p f

at r  r1 ,  rr  s   p ,  r  0, u  u ,
 (1)
r r
f f

s p (2)

at r  r2 ,  rr  s   p (2) 
, r  0, u  u (2)
,  f
r r
f f
By eliminating these constants, the frequency equation of vibrations of fluid-
loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid for a pervious surface
Cij  0, i, j  1, 2,3....8
where the elements Cij are given by
C11  12 r12[2 NJ n(1r1 )  [(Q  R)12  ( A  Q)]J n (1r1 )],
C15  n[3r1 J n (3r1 )  J n (3r1 )], C17   (1)
f  r1 J n ( f r1 ),
2 2 (1)

C21  [2nNJ n (1r1 )  2nN 1r1 J n (1r1 )],

C25  [32 r12 J n(3r1 )  3r1 J n (3r1 )  n 2 J n (3r1 )],
C31  1r1 J n (1r1 ), C35  nJ n (1r1 ), C37   f(1) r1 J n ( f(1) r1 ),
C41  12 r12 ( R12  Q) J n (1r1 ), C47  C17 ,
Ci 3  Ci1 for i  1, 2,3, 4 with replacing 1 , 1 , respectively,
by  2 ,  2 ,
Ci 2  Ci1 ;Ci 4  Ci 3 ;Ci 6  Ci 5 for i  1, 2,3, 4 with replacing J n and its derivatives, respectively,
by Yn and its derivatives,
C18  C27  C28  C38  C45  C46  C48  0, 8
C5 j  C1 j , C6 j  C2 j , C7 j  C3 j , C8 j  C4 j for j  1, 2,..., 6 with replacing r1 by r2 ,
C58   (2)
f  r2 H n ( f r2 ), C68  0,
2 2 (1) (2)

(1) 
C78   (2)
f r2  H n  ( f r2 ),

C88  C58 ,
Ci 7  0, for j  5, 6, 7,8.
Similarly, the frequency equation of vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic
hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid for an impervious surface is obtained as
Dij  0, i, j  1, 2,3....8
where the elements Dij are
Dij  Cij for i  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7; j  1, 2,...8,
D41  13 r13 ( R12  Q ) J n (1r1 ), D43   23 r13 ( R 22  Q ) J n ( 2 r1 ),
D42  D41 ;D44  D43 with replacing J n and its derivatives, respectively,
by Yn and its derivatives,
D45  D46  D48  0, D47   (1)
f  r1  f J n ( f r1 ),
2 3 (1)
 (1)
D8 j  D4 j for j  1, 2, 3, 4, with replacing r2 by r1 ,

D85  D86  D87  0, D88   (f 2) 2 r23 (f 2) H n( 2) ( (f 2) r2 ), 9

Cases of n = 0, 1 and 2, respectively, represent axially symmetric vibrations,
flexural vibrations and anti-symmetric vibrations.
Axially symmetric vibrations (n = 0)
For axially symmetric vibrations, the above frequency equation of
vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid for a
pervious surface reduces to
A1A2 = 0, (4)

where C11 C12 C13 C14 C17 0

C31 C32 C33 C34 C37 0
C25 C26 C C42 C43 C44 C47 0
A1  , A2  41 ,
C65 C66 C51 C52 C53 C54 0 C58
C71 C72 C73 C74 0 C78
C81 C82 C83 C84 0 C88
From equation we obtain A1=0 or A2=0. On simplification, the equation
A1 = 0 reduces to
J 2 (3r1 ) Y2 (3r2 )  J 2 (3r2 ) Y2 (3r1 )  0,
which is independent of fluid parameters and dilatational vibrations
hence, this is the frequency equation of axially symmetric shear
vibrations of poroelastic hollow cylinder for a pervious surface.

The equation A2 = 0 is the frequency equation of dilatational

vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid
for a pervious surface.
Similarly, the frequency equation of vibrations of fluid-loaded
poroelastic hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid for an impervious
surface reduces to
B1B2 = 0, (6)
where D11 D12 D13 D14 D17 0
D31 D32 D33 D34 D37 0
D25 D26 D41 D42 D43 D44 D47 0
B1  , B2  ,
D65 D66 D51 D52 D53 D54 0 D58
D71 D72 D73 D74 0 D78
D81 D82 D83 D84 0 D88
On simplification, the equation B1= 0 reduces to
J 2 (3r1 ) Y2 (3r2 )  J 2 (3r2 ) Y2 (3r1 )  0,
which is same as equation (5) .
 The equation B2 = 0 is the frequency equation of axially symmetric
dilatational vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder
surrounded by fluid for an impervious surface.

 Eqs. (4) and (6) show that the axially symmetric shear and
dilatational vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder
surrounded by fluid for both pervious and impervious surfaces are

Nondimensionalization of the Frequency Equation
To analyze the frequency equations obtained above, it is convenient to
introduce the following non-dimensional parameters:
P Q R N   
a1  , a2  , a3  , a4  , d1  11 , d 2  12 , d3  22 ,
H H H H   
h 
x1  (VV )2 , y  (VV )2 , z  (VV )2
,C 
,m 
1 2 3

 (1)  (2) V f(1) V f(2)

m1  f
, m2  f
, t1  , and t2  .
  V3 V3
Ω is non-dimensional frequency,
C is phase velocity,
m is non-dimensional phase velocity,
C0 and V0 are reference velocities,
H = P + 2Q + R and   11  212  22 .
• Two types of poroelastic cylinders are considered to carry out the
computational work.

• One is sandstone saturated with water, say, cylinder I,

• The other one is sandstone saturated with kerosene, say, cylinder II,

The non-dimensional physical parameters of the above two materials are

given the following table:
a1 a2 a3 a4 d1 d2 d3 x1 y1 z1

Cylinder I 0.960 0.006 0.028 0.412 0.877 0 0.123 0.913 4.347 2.129

Cylinder II 0.843 0.065 0.028 0.234 0.901 -0.001 0.101 0.999 4.763 3.851

 For given poroelastic materials, the above obtained frequency
equations, when non-dimensionalized , constitute a relation between
frequency and ratio of thickness to inner radius.

 Non-dimensional frequency is determined each for a pervious and an

impervious surface in case of axially symmetric, flexural and anti-
symmetric vibrations.

 The non-dimensional frequency is computed for different values of

the ratio of wall thickness to inner radius h/r1.

 The values of h/r1 lie in [0.1 1.2] that represent thin and moderately
thick poroelastic cylinder.

 For fluid-loaded poroelastic cylinder surrounded by fluid, the internal

fluid parameters are taken as m1=0.4, t1=2.5, while the external fluid
parameters are taken as m2=0.9, and t2=1.5.
cyl I- pervious
6 cyl I- impervious
cyl II-pervious
cyl II-impervious


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2


Frequency as a function of ratio of thickness to inner radius – Fluid-loaded

poroelastic Hollow cylinder surrounded by a fluid – Axially symmetric dilatational
vibrations (n = 0)
cyl I- pervious
cyl I- impervious
cyl II-pervious
cyl II-impervious


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

Frequency as a function of ratio of thickness to inner radius – Fluid-loaded

poroelastic Hollow cylinder surrounded by a fluid – Flexural vibrations (n = 1)
cyl I- pervious
6 cyl I- impervious
cyl II-pervious
cyl II-impervious


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

Frequency as a function of ratio of thickness to inner radius – Fluid-loaded poroelastic

Hollow cylinder surrounded by a fluid – Anti-symmetric vibrations (n = 2)


The analysis of vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder

surrounded by fluid has lead to the following conclusions:

• The shear and dilatational vibrations of fluid-loaded poroelastic

hollow cylinder surrounded by fluid are uncoupled in case of
axially symmetric vibrations.

• Axially symmetric shear vibrations are independent of nature of


• Variation of frequency in fluid-loaded poroelastic hollow cylinder

surrounded by fluid is more in case of anti-symmetric vibrations
than axially symmetric dilatational and flexural vibrations.
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