The 360 Leader

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The document discusses many concepts related to leadership including influencing others, developing relationships with leaders, adding value through leadership, and leadership as a lifelong process.

The document mentions that to be influential, a leader needs to care about others, exhibit strong positive character, perform competently, deal with others consistently, and be committed.

The document suggests finding solutions to problems, telling leaders what they need to hear, going above and beyond, standing up for your leader, and asking how you can help lift your leader's load.


Major Leadership Concepts
 I can’t lead if I am not at the top
◦ Influence Vs Power (p.4)
◦ Is legitimate power a substitute for leadership?
◦ Are the best leaders found in top management
teams (TMTs)
 When I get to the top, I’ll be in control
 When I get to the top, I’ll no longer be limited
◦ As leaders move up in organizations they
experience less bounded rationality in decision
making and more responsibility, i.e. you have less
 I can’t reach my potential if I’m not the top
◦ Most people will never make it to the top of an
◦ Strive to reach your potential, not the top of an
◦ To thy own self be true, (Shakespeare)
 Accept that you have limited autonomy
◦ Factors affecting autonomy
 Empowerment
 Initiative
 Environment
 Job Parameters
 Appreciation
 Managing up is vital; and very difficult with an
ineffective leader
◦ Take responsibility for developing your relationship
with your leader
◦ Cater to your leaders strengths
◦ Affirm your leaders strengths
 Your ethics decide whether you are a
socialized or personalized leader
 Enjoy the process, don’t be too goal oriented
 If leadership is influence, then what do you
have to do or possess to be influential?
◦ Care about others
◦ Exhibit strong positive character
◦ Perform competently
◦ Deal with others in a consistent manner
◦ Be committed
 Are there others?
 “If your leader must continually expend
energy managing you, then you will be
perceived as someone who drains time and
energy” (Maxwell, p. 86)
 Lead yourself exceptionally well
◦ Emotions
◦ Time
◦ Priorities
◦ Energy
◦ Thinking
◦ Words
◦ Personal Life
 “Even if the leader you work for never turns
around to lift you up in return, someone who
has seen you doing that lifting will extend a
hand to you. Just remember: It’s not how
heavy the load is. It’s how you carry it”,
(Maxwell, p. 97)
 Lighten Your Leader’s Load
◦ Do your own job well first
◦ Find solutions to problems
◦ Tell leaders what they need and not want to hear
◦ Go the second mile
◦ Stand up for your leader
◦ Stand in for your leader
◦ Ask how you can lift the leader’s load
 “The key is being willing to do something
because it matters, not because it will get you
noticed”, (Maxwell, p. 107).
 Be Willing to Do What Others Won’t
◦ Commitment
◦ Priorities
◦ Take responsibility
◦ Go above and beyond
 Work-life balance?
 Generational paradigm difference?
 “All leaders are looking for people who can
step up and make a difference when it
matters. When they find such people, they
come to rely on them and are inevitably
influenced by them”, (Maxwell, p. 145)
 Become a Go-To Player
◦ Produce under pressure
◦ Produce with scarce resources
◦ Produce when momentum is low
◦ Produce when the load is heavy
◦ Produce when the leader is absent
◦ Produce when time is limited
 “Some people don’t look to the workplace for
friendship, but they will certainly benefit from
finding it there” (Maxwell, p. 175).
 “Your value as a leader in the middle will
increase as you stretch and get out of your
comfort zone relationships, which are usually
comprised of: people you’ve known for a long
time, people with whom you have common
experiences, and people you know like you”
(Maxwell, p. 191-192)
 Be a Friend
◦ Affective Commitment
◦ Informal networks
 “People who might be described as ‘political’
are ruled by their desire to get ahead instead
of a desire for excellence, productivity,
teamwork, or consistency” (Maxwell, p. 183).
 Avoid Office Politics
◦ Avoid gossip
◦ Stay away from petty arguments
◦ Stand up for what’s right, not just what’s popular
◦ Look at all sides of the issue
◦ Don’t protect your turf
◦ Say what you mean, and mean what you say
 Is this a character and integrity issue?
 What values do you relate to being political?
 “360-Degree leaders get more out of their
people because they think more of their
people. They respect and value them, and as
a result, their people want to follow them”
(Maxwell, p. 221).
 See Everyone As a “10”
◦ See them as who they can become
◦ Let them “borrow” your belief in them
◦ Catch them doing something right
◦ Believe the best-give others the benefit of doubt
◦ Realize that “10” has many definitions
◦ Give them the “10” treatment
 “When a leader’s identity and actions are
consistent, the results he gets are consistent.
When they are inconsistent, then so are the
results” (Maxwell, p. 242).
 Model the Behavior You Desire
◦ Your behavior determines the culture
◦ Your attitude determines the atmosphere
◦ Your values determine the decisions
◦ Your investment determines the return
◦ Your character determines the trust
◦ Your work ethic determines the productivity
◦ Your growth determines the potential
 “Whatever actions leaders reward will be
repeated. That’s why it’s very important to
reward results-and to do it the right way”
(Maxwell, p. 255).
 Reward For Results
◦ Give praise publicly and privately
◦ Give more than just praise
◦ Don’t reward everyone the same
◦ Give perks beyond pay
◦ Promote when possible
◦ Remember that you get what you pay for
 “Leadership is what makes the difference at
every level of the organization” (Maxwell, p.
 Leaders are needed at every level of the
◦ Without a leader, vision is lost
◦ Without a leader, decisions are delayed
◦ Without a leader, agendas are multiplied
◦ Without a leader, conflicts are extended
◦ Without a leader, morale is low
◦ Without a leader, production is reduced
◦ Without a leader, success is difficult
 “360-Degree leaders have certain qualities
that enable them to lead in every direction,
and that is what makes them valuable to an
organization” (Maxwell, p. 285).
 360-Degree leaders possess qualities every
organization needs.
◦ Adaptability, discernment, perspective,
communication, security, servanthood,
resourcefulness, maturity, endurance, & countability
 You are most likely simultaneously leading
and being lead
 Learn to help yourself through leadership (i.e.
synergy through team-work)
 Lose your entitlement attitude
 Examine your motivations and keep your ego
in check
 Your attitude predicts your altitude
 Your ethics determine whether you are a
socialized or personalized leader
 A leaders job is to add value through
 Leadership is influence through
relationship…build good workplace
relationships with employees at all levels
 Leadership is not a goal to be reached, it is a
life-long process of growth and
development….enjoy the process

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