Concept Process Equipment
Concept Process Equipment
Concept Process Equipment
Agitated Thin film evaporator (ATFE)
The Agitated Thin film evaporator (ATFE)
consists of two major assemblies –
jacketed shell and a rotor assembly which
rotates at high speed inside the shell.
The feed enters evaporator at top,
tangential to shell and gets distributed
along the shell by the distributor. The rotor
blades spread the feed evenly on the
heated surface into a thin film and further
agitate the film.
Heating medium passing through the
jacket evaporates the volatile component
in feed. The vapor generated flow counter
currently to feed and gets cleared in
entrainment separator before leaving
through vapor nozzle. The concentrate
product comes out at bottom.
Short Path Distillation Unit
Operating principle of Short path
distillation unit (SPDU) is similar to thin
film evaporator except internal
condenser. Here internal condenser is
installed inside rotor cage assembly.
The feed enters the unit at top and get
distributed into a thin film on the inside
surface of shell. Heating medium passing
through the jacket evaporates volatile
component in feed. The vapour
generated flow across the rotor and
condense on internal condenser. This
short path of vapour eliminate pressure
drop. Hence evaporation can be done at
high vacuum as 0.001 mbar(a). The
distilled product and balance bottoms are
taken out through separate outlets.
Falling Film Evaporator
Liquid – Liquid Extractor
Liquid – Liquid Extractor (LLE) is having shell
with eccentric agitator giving a series of
mixers and settlers. It is a mass transfer
equipment where desirable component from
liquid feed is get extracted in immiscible
solvent which has greater affinity towards
desirable component in feed.
After extraction we get, solvent with
desirable component as extract and feed
with very little of desired component as
affiant. Continuous and dispersed phase is
decided based on properties of two phases.
Continuous operation as compared to batch
operation in kettle.
Reduction in solvent consumption, power
and space as compared to batch operation.
Consistent results.
High Extraction Efficiency.
Zero liquid discharge / Multiple Effect
The Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE) / Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an apparatus for
efficiently using the heat from steam to evaporate water. In a multiple-effect
evaporator, water is boiled in a sequence of vessels, each held at a lower pressure
than the last. Because the boiling temperature of water decreases as pressure
decreases, the vapour boiled off in one vessel can be used to heat the next, and only
the first vessel (at the highest pressure) requires an external source of heat. While in
theory, evaporators may be built with an arbitrarily large number of stages,
evaporators with more than four stages are rarely practical except in systems where
the liquor is the desired product such as in chemical recovery systems where up to
seven effects are used.
Lab & Pilot Model
We are Lab Equipment
Manufacturer, cold trap, feeding
arrangement & glass receivers for
distillate & concentrate.
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