Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) On The Growth of The Indian Economy

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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)

e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668

PP 35-39

Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on The Growth of The

Indian Economy
Dr.Jonardankoner, Dr.Dipayan Roy, Prof.Avinashpurandare
Professor of Economics and Dean of Admission, Research and Publication, National Institute of Construction
Management and Research (NICMAR), 25/1, Balewadi, Pune-411045, India,
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR),25/1, Balewadi,
Pune-411045, India,
Associate Professor National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), 25/1, Balewadi,
Pune-411045, India

Abstract: Foreign direct investment (FDI) is usually rather unanimously treated as important factor of
economic growth. There is a lot of scientific literature elaborating various facets of relationship between FDI
and economic growth, especially in transition countries. FDI flows into India have grown rapidly since the
liberalisation of the policy regimein the early nineties. Nevertheless they remain small when measured as a
proportion of GDPor total investment. In other words they play a very small role in the development of
oureconomy. This contrasts with the very important role that FDI has played in the economicdevelopment of
other fast growing Asian economies such as ASEAN and China. What onemay call the “FDI-Export” model has
powered the high growth rates of Singapore, Thailand,Malaysia, Indonesia and China during the past two or
three decades. The reason for the very low rate of FDI in India compared to these countries is because of both
external and internalreasons.On one hand, the prevalent literature body expresses the importance of FDI as a
significant source for scaling up production, efficiency, growth and management knowhow while another set of
researchers have criticized the inflow of FDIs in the Indian economy and have expressed their concerns over its
adverse effects and have termed them as weapons of economic exploitation of the developing countries. Thus it is
very essential to analyse the role of FDIs in the growth of the Indian economy. Impact of FDI on the economy
can be classified into two types namely direct and indirect. Under the direct impact, it is seen that the FDI
inflows create a significant impact of the levels of domestic income, employment, price level, productivity,
efficiency and export growth. The indirect impact of FDI can be accounted from the spillover effects of FDI. The
special merits of FDI and particularly the kinds of incentives offered to foreign firms in practice have begun to
be questioned. Fueling this debate is that empirical evidence for FDI generating positive spillovers for host
countries is ambiguous at both the micro and macro levels.Spillovers from FDI accounts for the impact of the
entry of foreign players in the competitive domestic market resulting in increased productivity and improvements
in quality and other business process.
The Indian economy has received a lot of FDI across various sectors for the last two decades. However the
majority of the FDI inflows can be seen in the services sector which alone accounts for about one fifth of the
total FDI inflows. The other sectors which received significant FDI inflows include construction, automobile,
infrastructure, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and power.The study aims to consider the
following objective; Toanalyse the impact of FDI inflows on the Services, Construction, Trading, Mining
andAgricultural Sectors in India.

I. Introduction
The historical background of FDI in India can be traced back with the establishment of East India
Company of Britain. British capital came to India during the colonial era of Britain in India. After Second World
War, Japanese companies entered Indian market and enhanced their trade with India, yet United Kingdom
(U.K.) remained the most dominant investor in India. Further, after Independence issues relating to foreign
capital, operations of MNCs, gained attention of the policy makers. Keeping in mind the national interests the
policy makers designed the FDI policy which aims to use FDI as a medium for acquiring advanced technology
and to mobilize foreign exchange resources. With time and as per economic and political regimes there have
been changes in the FDI policy too. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are that it
facilitates the use and exploitation of local raw materials and introduces modern techniques of management and
marketing.Through FDI investments better quality goods and services become available to domestic customers.
The industrial policy of 1965, allowed MNCs to venture through technical collaboration in India. Thereafter, the
government adopted a liberal attitude by allowing more frequent equity investment. In the critical phase of
Indian economy the government of India with the help of World Bank and IMF introduced the
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Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) On The Growth Of The Indian Economy

macro-economic stabilization and structural adjustment program. As a result of these reforms, India opened its
doors to FDI inflows and adopted a more liberal foreign policy in order to restore the confidence of foreign
investors. Further, under the new foreign investment policy Government of India constituted FIPB (Foreign
Investment Promotion Board) whose main function was to invite and facilitate foreign investment.Starting from
a baseline of less than USD 1 billion in 1990,a recent UNCTAD survey has projected India as the second most
important FDI destination (after China) for transnational corporations, during 2010-2012. As per the data, the
sectors which attracted higher inflows were services, telecommunication, construction activities and computer
software and hardware. Mauritius, Singapore, the US and the UK were among the leading sources of FDI to the
According to GYANPRATHA – ACCMAN (Journal of Management, Volume 5 Issue 1, 2013) FDI for
2009-10 at US$ 25.88 billion was lower by five per cent from US$ 27.33 billion in the previous fiscal. In 2013,
the government relaxed FDI norms in several sectors, including telecom, defence, PSU oil refineries, power
exchanges and stock exchanges, among others. During the past 15 years, the importance of FDI in the world
economy has increased rapidly. The total stock of FDI increased from 8% of world GDP in 1990 to 26% in
2006. Although the bulk of FDI continues to take place between OECD countries, the increase in FDI has been
particularly pronounced in developing countries, largely reflecting the integration of large emerging economies,
the so-called BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China), into the world economy. The increase of FDI into
developing countries has been spectacular. The share of non-OECD countries in the global stock of inward FDI
has risen from 22% in 1990 to 32% in 2005. China is by far the most important non-OECD country as a
recipient of FDI, accounting for about one third of FDI in non-OECD countries in 2005. However, FDI inflows
also tend to be sizable in many other emerging countries. Indeed, since the mid-1990s, inward FDI has become
the main source of external finance for developing countries and is more than twice as large as official
development aid.
The main objective of the study is as follows:To analyse the impact of FDI inflows on the Services,
Construction, Trading, Mining and Agricultural sectors in India.

II. Review Of Literature

Debatable views of spillovers in technology, knowledge, productivity and creation of competitive
business scenario coupled with a growth in capital inflow triggered by FDIs has been well documented in the
literature. Some critics however view that FDIs could bring about deterioration in the balance of payments in
developing countries like India (Kaur, Yadav &Gautam, 2013)1. The causality between FDI inflow and
economic growth also spurs in considerable contradictory opinions in literature. In this section, we highlight in
brief the contradictory viewpoints about this linkage and try to identify other parameter which determines FDI
influx in developing countries. The relationship between the inflow of FDI and economic growth in developing
countries like India is documented in literature with contrasting viewpoints. The beneficial effects of FDI on the
economic growth mainly arising due the spillover effects has been empirically analysed byBorensztein, De
Gregorio and Lee (1998)2; Zhang (2001)3; Sun and Parikh (2001)4; Liu et al. (1997)5; Tsai (1991)6; Hansen
and Rand (2005)7; Yao (2006)8; and Chang (2007)9. Another group of researchers had tried to establish the

Kaur, M., Yadav, S. S., &Gautam, V. (2013). Financial system development and foreign direct investment: A
panel data study for BRIC countries. Global Business Review, 14(4), 729-742.
Borensztein, E., De Gregorio, J., & Lee, J. W. (1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic
growth? Journal of international Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
Zhang, K. H., & Song, S. (2001). Promoting exports: the role of inward FDI in China. China economic review,
11(4), 385-396
Sun, H., & Parikh, A. (2001).Exports, inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and regional economic growth in
China. Regional Studies, 35(3), 187-196.
Liu, X., Song, H., Wei, Y., &Romilly, P. (1997). Country characteristics and foreign direct investment in China:
A panel data analysis. Review of World Economics, 133(2), 313-329.
6 Tsai, P. L. (1991). Determinants of foreign direct investment in Taiwan: an alternative approach with time
series data. World Development, 19(2-3), 275-285.
Hansen, H., & Rand, J. (2006).On the causal links between FDI and growth in developing countries. The World
Economy, 29(1), 21-41.
Yao, S. (2006). On economic growth, FDI and exports in China. Applied Economics, 38(3), 339-351.
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Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) On The Growth Of The Indian Economy

linkage between FDI and economic growth. Although there are very limited evidences in literature addressing
the issue to that context, it has been an area of interest to the researchers recently. However, the studies have
reported contrasting results about the nexus between FDI and Economic growth (Choi and Baek, 201710;
Chakraborty and Basu, 200211; Agrawal and Khan, 201112; and Dash and Parida, 201313; Sahoo and
Mathiyazhagan, 200314; Pradhan, 2002)15. According to Pradhan (2002)15 FDI does not have significant
positive growth impacts and thus they have concluded that the contribution of FDI to economic growth was
minimal. On the other hand, Chakraborty and Nunnenkamp (2008)16 find that the influx of FDI contributes to
economic growth for the Indian economy. Dash and Parida (2013)13 reported about passing a beneficial effect
of FDI on growth, after controlling for trade.
The results were however not contrasting only to the context of India. The available literature also
documents for cross country studies and documents for this contrasting results. Johnson (2006) examined the
impact of FDI on growth for a panel of 90 countries and found the result to be positive and significant. While
Motalleb (2007)17 assessed the impact of FDI on growth for 60 low and middle income countries and concluded
that large GDP and GDP growth rate are instrumental in attracting FDI Some researchers view FDI as an
instrument for promoting the economic growth of host countries’. Balasubramanyam et al. (1996)18 shows that
FDI leads to growth in those countries which followed export promotion policies over import substitution
Apart from these parameters of balance of payments, trade and growth, few other factors also
contributed to the inflow of FDI. These factor s include human capital, GDP per capita, government
consumption, foreign exchange and trade distortions (Siddiqui and Ahmed, 201719, Borenzstein et al., 1998)20.
Other factors like stable macroeconomic policies, institutional quality, lowering inflation rate, tax rates, and
government consumption are required to attract FDI and lead to growth (Siddiqui and Ahmed, 2017)19.
Dhakal et al. (2007)21 indicate that in India causality is bidirectional and flows from growth to FDI and from
FDI to growth. Trade openness and development of the financial sector are also desired for attracting higher FDI

Chang, S. J., Chung, J., & Xu, D. (2007).FDI and technology spillovers in China.Center for Economic
Institutions Working Paper Series
Choi, Y. J., &Baek, J. (2017). Does FDI Really Matter to Economic Growth in India?. Economies, 5(2), 20.
Chakraborty, C., &Basu, P. (2002). Foreign direct investment and growth in India: A cointegration approach.
Applied economics, 34(9), 1061-1073
Agrawal, G., & Khan, M. A. (2011). Impact of FDI on GDP: A comparative study of China and India.
International Journal of Business and Management, 6(10), 71.
Dash, R. K., &Parida, P. C. (2013). FDI, services trade and economic growth in India: empirical evidence on
causal links. Empirical economics, 45(1), 217-238.
Sahoo, D., &Mathiyazhagan, M. K. (2003). Economic Growth In India:" Does Foreign Direct Investment
Inflow Matter?". The Singapore Economic Review, 48(02), 151-171.
Pradhan, J. P. (2002). FDI spillovers and local productivity growth: evidence from Indian pharmaceutical
Chakraborty, C., &Nunnenkamp, P. (2008). Economic reforms, FDI, and economic growth in India: a sector
level analysis. World development, 36(7), 1192-1212.
Mottaleb, K.A. (2007), Determinants of foreign direct investment and its impact on economic growth in
developing countries, MPRA Paper No. 9457
Balasubramanyam, V.N., Salisu, M., Sapsford, D. (1996), Foreign direct investment and growth in EP and IS
countries. Economic Journal, 106(434), 92-105.
Siddiqui, A. A., & Ahmed, S. (2017). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Sectoral Growth of Indian
Economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(3), 477-488.
Borensztein, E., De Gregorio, J., Lee, J.W. (1998), How does foreign direct investment affect economic
growth? Journal of International Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
Dhakal, A., Rahman, S., Upadhyaya, K. (2007), Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Asia.Indian
Journal of Economics and Business, 6, 15-26.
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Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) On The Growth Of The Indian Economy

in India. Mathiyazhagan (2005)22 examines the relationship between FDI, output, export and labour productivity
for the Indian economy during the time period from 1990-1991 to 2000-2001 based on the model given by
Sahoo et al. (2002)23 and Sahoo and Mathiyazhagan (2003)24. It is found that FDI has led to a rise in output,
labour productivity and export in a few sectors which is not highly significant. It has also been suggested in the
study to open up export oriented sectors in order to achieve higher growth of the economy through these sectors.
Education level of the labour force also plays significant role in determining the FDI influx to a country
(Siddiqui and Ahmed, 2017)19.Based on this literature review, it is prudent to say that the causality of the FDI
and economic growth needs to be established. Further, it is also necessary to identify the other parameters via
empirical methods which have an impact on the FDI influx in India.

III. Body Of Paper

The study is based on secondary data. The secondary data have been collected from the website of
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India;
Reserve Bank of India (RBI); World Bank and online data source CMIE. The time period for the study is 2007
to 2017. The study incorporates five sectors named Services, Construction, Trading, Mining and Agricultural.
Fixed Effects (FE) model and Random Effects (RE) model are the two well-known methods for
estimating a panel data. The former facilitates in exploring the relationship between predictor and outcome
variables within the individual entities. The basic assumption in FE is that some characteristics within the
individual can bring in a bias or impact the outcome variables. The FE model helps in controlling this effect
which is based on the assumption of the correlation between entity’s error term and predictor variables. FE
model facilitate in reducing the effect of those time-invariant characteristics from the predictor variables and
enable us to study the net effect of the prediction. We would choose the choice of the model based on Hausman
Test.Panel Regression Model and STATA software are used for the study.

IV. Results
Firstly, we have run Random Effect Panel Regression Model and the outcomes are given below.
Sector GDP Coefficient Standard Error z statistic P Value
SectorFDI 0.013 0.003 4.92 0.000
Constant 5814.578 2415.754 2.41 0.016
R Square 0.324
Chi Square 24.250
Prob. >Chi Square 0.000
Table 1: Results of Random Effect Panel Regression Model

After Random Effect Model, we have run the Fixed Effect Panel Regression Model and the results are given
Sector GDP Coefficient Standard Error t statistic P Value
SectorFDI 0.013 0.003 4.85 0.000

Constant 5814.806 358.370 16.23 0.000

R Square 0.324
F Statistic 23.48
Prob. > F 0.000
Table 2: Results of Fixed Effect Panel Regression Model

To select the effective model for this case, we have done Hausman Test between the Random Effect and Fixed
Effect and the result of the same is given below.
Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic
Cchi Square = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) = 0.00
Prob>chi2 = 0.9964

Mathiyazhagan, M.K. (2005), Impact of FDI on Indian Economy: A Sectoral Level Analysis, ISAS Working
Paper No. 6, Singapore.
Sahoo, D., Mathiyazhagan, K.M., Parida, P. (2002), Is foreign direct investment an engine of growth?
Evidence from the Chinese economy.Savings and Development, 4, 419-439.
Sahoo, D., Mathiyazhagan, M.K. (2003), Economic growth in India: Does foreign direct investment inflow
matter? Singapore Economic Review, 48(2), 151-171
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Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) On The Growth Of The Indian Economy

The result of the Hausman Test suggests that we should reject the Fixed Effect Model and select the Random
Effect Model at 5 % level of significance.
The results of Random Effect Model indicates that the impact of sectoral FDI is positive, which means that if the
inflow of FDI increases than the growth of that sector is also positive.

V. Conclusions
The studyconcludes a positive impact of FDI inflow on the GDP. This would be beneficial for policy
makers to design strategies to target GDP based on the inflow of FDI. This study needs to be further developed
taking into account other control variables which impacts GDP. This model describes the overall impact of FDI
on GDP, however the sectorwise impact needs to be further analysed before drawing any conclusion.

[1] Agrawal, G., & Khan, M. A. (2011). Impact of FDI on GDP: A comparative study of China and India. International Journal of
Business and Management, 6(10), 71.
[2] Balasubramanyam, V.N., Salisu, M., Sapsford, D. (1996), Foreign direct investment and growth in EP and IS countries. Economic
Journal, 106(434), 92-105.
[3] Borensztein, E., De Gregorio, J., & Lee, J. W. (1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of
international Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
[4] Borensztein, E., De Gregorio, J., Lee, J.W. (1998), How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of
International Economics, 45(1), 115-135.
[5] Chakraborty, C., &Basu, P. (2002). Foreign direct investment and growth in India: A cointegration approach. Applied economics,
34(9), 1061-1073.
[6] Chakraborty, C., &Nunnenkamp, P. (2008). Economic reforms, FDI, and economic growth in India: a sector level analysis. World
development, 36(7), 1192-1212.
[7] Chang, S. J., Chung, J., & Xu, D. (2007). FDI and technology spillovers in China. Center for Economic Institutions Working Paper
[8] Choi, Y. J., &Baek, J. (2017). Does FDI Really Matter to Economic Growth in India?. Economies, 5(2), 20.
[9] Dash, R. K., &Parida, P. C. (2013). FDI, services trade and economic growth in India: empirical evidence on causal links. Empirical
economics, 45(1), 217-238.
[10] Dhakal, A., Rahman, S., Upadhyaya, K. (2007), Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Asia. Indian Journal of
Economics and Business, 6, 15-26.
[11] Hansen, H., & Rand, J. (2006). On the causal links between FDI and growth in developing countries. The World Economy, 29(1), 21-
[12] Liu, X., Song, H., Wei, Y., &Romilly, P. (1997). Country characteristics and foreign direct investment in China: A panel data
analysis. Review of World Economics, 133(2), 313-329.
[13] Mathiyazhagan, M.K. (2005), Impact of FDI on Indian Economy: A Sectoral Level Analysis, ISAS Working Paper No. 6, Singapore.
Mottaleb, K.A. (2007), Determinants of foreign direct investment and its impact on economic growth in developing countries, MPRA
[14] Paper No. 9457
Pradhan, J. P. (2002). FDI spillovers and local productivity growth: evidence from Indian pharmaceutical industry.
[15] Sahoo, D., &Mathiyazhagan, M. K. (2003). Economic Growth In India:" Does Foreign Direct Investment Inflow Matter?". The
[16] Singapore Economic Review, 48(02), 151-171.
Sahoo, D., Mathiyazhagan, K.M., Parida, P. (2002), Is foreign direct investment an engine of growth? Evidence from the Chinese
economy. Savings and Development, 4, 419-439.
Sahoo, D., Mathiyazhagan, M.K. (2003), Economic growth in India: Does foreign direct investment inflow matter? Singapore
[18] Economic Review, 48(2), 151-171.
Siddiqui, A. A., & Ahmed, S. (2017). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Sectoral Growth of Indian Economy. International
[19] Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(3), 477-488.
Sun, H., & Parikh, A. (2001). Exports, inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and regional economic growth in China. Regional
Studies, 35(3), 187-196.
Tsai, P. L. (1991). Determinants of foreign direct investment in Taiwan: an alternative approach with time-series data. World
Development, 19(2-3), 275-285.
Yao, S. (2006). On economic growth, FDI and exports in China. Applied Economics, 38(3), 339-351.
[22] Zhang, K. H., & Song, S. (2001). Promoting exports: the role of inward FDI in China. China economic review, 11(4), 385-396.

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