Media and Information Language
Media and Information Language
Media and Information Language
Media language:
- The subject, or a specific theme in a scene or intire film.
Sympathetic characters – With whom the audience strongly identifies with. They
share qualities and values.
Unsympathetic characters – Audience dislike them. They increase sympathy to
main character.
Stereotypes – can reinforce existing ways of thinking about certain
groups-appeal to the prejudices of the audience.
- Props, sets and location can influence our interpretation of character as
contribution to the atmosphere of the film.
- Sound builds up the atmosphere.
Narrative and plot
- A linear plot, manipulation of time, suspense, a climax and
resolution, a sting in the tail, and an open ending.
- Narrative is the media term for story telling. Narrative is the
way the different elements in a story are organised to make a
meaningful story. Some of these elements can be facts as in
a documentary, or characters and action as in a drama.
- Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make
up a story, or the main part of a story. These events relate to
each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a novel
depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story.
Image analysis
What is Image Analysis?
- Image analysis is the extraction of meaningful
information from images; mainly from digitalimages by
means of digital image processingtechniques. Image
analysis tasks can be as simple as reading bar coded tags
or as sophisticated as identifying a person from their face.
Form (How the Image is Create)
- Framing defines the position from which the Image created. It is the
border between the spacewe are allowed to see and that which is
out of our sight. All frame have a shape.
Content (what Is in the Image)
- Mise-en-scene means ‘Put into the scene’, mise-en-scene refers
to anything that goes into a shot, including sets, props, actors,
costumes, camera movements and performance. It is often seen a
the principle vehicles by which the film’s meaning is conveyed.