Overall Types of Enhancements: Function Group Enhancements Class / Interface Enhancements Source Code Plug Ins

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The enhancement is a concept of adding your own functionality to SAP's standard business applications
without having to modify the original applications. To modify the standard SAP behavior as per customer

The Enhancement Concept allows us to add our own Functionality to SAP’s Standard Business Applications
with having to Modify the core Applications.
SAP Creates Customer Exits for Specific Programs, Screens and Menus.
These Exits act as Hooks. These exits do not contain any Functionality.
Not all of the Standard SAP Programs will have Exits.

Types of enhancements in SAP

1. User exit
2. Customer exit
A. Menu Exits
B. Screen Exits
C. Function Module Exits
D. Field Exits
3. BADI (Business Add-Ins)
A. Classic BADIs
B. New BADIs
4. Enhancement Frame-Work
A. Enhancement Points
Overall Types of Enhancements
B. Enhancement Sections
Function Group Enhancements
C. Implicit & Explicit Enhancements
Class / Interface Enhancements
5. Business Frame Work
Source Code Plug Ins
User Exits Vs Customer Exits
• User Exits – Implemented as Subroutines
• Customer-Exits – Implemented as Function Modules

Some T-Code for Enhancement


CMOD- Sap Enhancement Project Implementation
SE84 OBJECT NAVIGATOR (find BADI by package)
SE93 T-CODE CREATION (Find package of the t-code)
SE18 BADI Builder
ST05 SQL Trace
It is the blank code block in the form of subroutines attached to the standard program by the SAP.
These are also known as FORM EXITs.

(User exits are a type of system enhancement that was originally developed for the R/3 SD module.)

How to find User Exits.

Go to Object Navigator (SE80), select Package and put VMOD (Application development R/3 SD customer
modification) and press enter. You will find all the includes for user exits in SD. You will get User exits for
Sales order, Delivery, Billing, Pricing etc. Most of the time documentation is maintained for each subroutine
which helps developer for better understanding of the subroutine. Select the subroutine according to the
requirement and start coding within the subroutine
How to use user exit
We can use user exit by following two ways.
1. Register the object in SAP market place and get the access key and put in the place and
use it.
2. Use Implicit or explicit enhancement.
In Earlier till 4.7 we need to register the object but in ecc6.0 we can use the implicit and explicit enhancement for the
1st Way This is the object need to register at
SAP market place.

Provide the access Key here

When you register in the Sap market place SAP make a note of it, and any issue
comes in this object SAP would not responsible for it.
2nd Way
1. Go to the user exit and click the spiral icon.
2. Go-to Edit enhancement operation  show implicit enhancement option
3. Write click on the area of implementation and go-to enhancement operation
create implementation
4. Follow slides
Click here
This place show the place where we
can start our enhancement .
Go to create
Click on CODE

Fill it

Save and ok
Click ok and then the enhancement area appear , do
the enhancement.

Enhancement name and Number.

How to find the proper user exit.
1. Google it (90%time u will get it) but it is not the interview Answer
2. Go to SE80 and find the user exit from the description.
3. For the validation got o that particular T-Code and start debugging (type -- /h in
command bar) check till the proper subroutine found.

From the experience

These are the include for user exit.

Some where this subroutine

called in the include
Program name

Call sub routine

fields Condition as per requirement


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