Session 8 Learning & Development-Revised

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PGBM02: Managing and Leading

Session 8
Learning & Development
• The importance of learning and development
for an organisation’s workforce
• Objectives of learning and development
• Workforce is an asset to an organisation
• Talent and skills can be a competitive
advantage to an organisation
Why is Learning and Development Important?

• People need opportunity to grow and develop throughout

their careers/lives
• Organisations can only grow and develop through their
• Successful organisations ensure their people have the
appropriate levels of skills, knowledge and attitude to fulfil
their roles
• Organisations with the most efficient and effective people
will have a competitive advantage
• Learning organisation can respond better to changing
business environment
Learning and Development Process
• Learning & Development model
• Learning Needs Analysis
– The key to ensure that learning and development
interventions meet organisations’ and individuals’
needs in a cost effective way.
• Job analysis
– setting performance standards
– identifying learning and development needs
– assessing performance against those standards
Learning Needs Analysis
• Analysing jobs in an appropriate format for the
organisation and its needs
• Identifying the range and extent of the learning
needed to meet the requirements of the business
now and in the future
• Specifying those learning needs precisely
analysing how the learning needs might best be
• Setting up the basis for the evaluation of the
learning process
Learning and Development
• Creates a culture that fosters exceptional and
agile organizational performance
• Creates the best workforce teams in the industry
• Superior individual-learning experiences
• Creates learning experiences that draw from
multiple approaches and styles.
– On-the-job experience and assignments,
– Networking, coaching, mentoring and formal learning
– Tuition reimbursement for employees and scholarship
opportunities for the children
Learning through Experience and
• To create well-rounded development plans to prepare for
future roles.
• An ideal plan blends training with on-the-job experiences
• Career moves, job rotation
• Mentoring from co-workers and others.
• Employees build networks in which they can give and
receive feedback.
• Targeted external coaching to executives to provide
guidance and support to help improve performance and
grow leadership capabilities.
• 360 review process to gain performance insight and identify
opportunities for growth and improvement.
Training and Learning Programs
• Formal and informal learning programs for
individual and professional development.
• Courses are directly tied to business needs and
designed to address specific competencies.
• Training courses help prepare employees for
current and future roles.
• Courses cover a range of topics, starting with on
boarding processes and moving to more complex
topics such as business process improvement
(BPI) and sales and compliance training.
• On line training
Activity 1
In groups, discuss the following:
• What motivates you to learn?
• How do others affect your learning?
• What is the difference between group and
individual learning
Learning Organisation
Learning Organisation
• A learning organization is the term given to a
company that facilitates the learning of its
members and continuously transforms itself
• Learning organizations develop as a result of
the pressures facing modern organizations
and enables them to remain competitive in
the business environment

Source: Wikipedia
Learning Organisation (LO)
• According to Peter Senge (1990: 3) learning
organizations are:
– …organizations where people continually expand
their capacity to create the results they truly
desire, where new and expansive patterns of
thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration
is set free, and where people are continually
learning to see the whole together.
Rationale for LO
• Only those that are flexible, adaptive and productive
will excel in situations of rapid change – changes in
business environment
• Organizations need to ‘discover how to tap people’s
commitment and capacity to learn at all levels’
– People have the capacity to learn
• but the structures are often not conducive to reflection and
• people may lack the tools and guiding ideas to make sense of the
situations they face
• Organizations that are continually expanding their
capacity to create their future require a fundamental
shift of mind among their members
LO for Survival
• For Peter Senge, ‘learning organization it is
not enough to survive. ”Survival learning” or
what is more often termed “adaptive
learning” is important – indeed it is necessary
• But for a learning organization, “adaptive
learning” must be joined by “generative
learning”, learning that enhances our capacity
to create’ (Senge 1990:14).
5 Basic Disciplines of LO
• Systems thinking
• Personal mastery
• Mental models
• Building shared
• Team learning
1. Systems Thinking
• The cornerstone of the learning organization
• The discipline that integrates the others,
fusing them into a coherent body of theory
and practice.
• Ability to comprehend and address the whole,
and to examine the interrelationship
between the parts and includes both the
incentive and the means to integrate the
Fixes That Backfire
• Simplistic frameworks are applied to what are complex systems.
• We are in solving problems in a shortest possible time span
– Cause and effect
– Focussed on solutions
– Produce improvement
When viewed in systems terms short-term improvements often involve
very significant long-term costs – Fixes that backfire
1. Cutting back on research and design can bring very quick cost savings,
but can severely damage the long-term viability of an organization
2. Downsizing to improve profits – losing talents, rehiring lesser
experienced, morale problems etc
• A better appreciation of systems will lead to more appropriate action and
with a long term view. Delays and feedback loops are important.
• In the short term, you can often ignore them; they’re inconsequential.
They only come back to haunt you in the long term.
• ‘Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual
learning does not guarantee organizational learning. But without it
no organizational learning occurs’ (Senge 1990: 139)
• Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and
deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of
developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively
• It goes beyond competence and skills, although it
involves them.
• It goes beyond spiritual opening, although it involves
spiritual growth

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