Bonding Forces and Energies

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Bonding forces and energies

 Considering the interaction

between two isolated atoms as
they are brought into close proximity
from an infinite separation.
 At larger distance, the interactions
are negligible.
 As the atoms approach, each exerts
forces on the other.
- Attractive
- Repulsive
 Ultimately, the outer electron shells of
the two atoms begin to overlap, and a
strong repulsive forces comes to play.
Bonding forces and energies
 Bonding holds atoms together to form solid materials
 In solids, atoms are held at preferred distances from each other.
 As atomic atoms are stretched. atoms tend to attract each other, and as the
bonds are compressed, atoms repel each other.
 The net force between the two atoms is the sum of both attractive and repulsive

 The repulsive force dominates at small distances, and the attractive force
dominates at larger distances. At equilibrium, they are equal.
 Bonding energy between two isolated atoms at separation r is related to the force
Bonding of energy between two atoms
 The interaction energy at equilibrium is called the bonding energy between two
 To break the bond, this energy must be supplied from outside.
 Breaking the bond means that the two atoms become infinitely separated.
 In real materials, containing many atoms, bonding is studied by expressing the
bonding energy of the entire materials in terms of the separation distances
between all atoms.

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