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 A program or a software that governs the

functioning of other programs

 Interface between User and the Hardware
 Allocates resources for tasks
 Allocates tasks to programs
 Manages space and time
 Controls the devices
 Core or nucleus of an operating system
 Interacts with the hardware
 First program to get loaded when the system
starts and runs till the session gets
 Different from BIOS which is hardware
 Kernel is software dependent
 Program that interacts with kernel
 Bridge between kernel and the user
 Command interpreter
 User can type command and the command is
conveyed to the kernel and it will be executed
 Sh – simple shell

 BASH – Bourne Again Shell

 KSH – Korne Shell

 CSH – C Shell

 SSH – Secure Shell

 Multics – 1964

 Unics – 1969

 Minix – 1990

 Linux – 1991
 Developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds
 Used in most of the computers, ranging
from super computers to embedded system
 Multi user
 Multi tasking
 Time sharing
 Monolithic kernel
User 1

User 2
 Redhat
 Fedora
 Debian
 Novell’s SUSE Linux
 Ubuntu
 Kali
 Boss
 Vi
 Emacs
 gEdit
 kWrite
 TextPad
 And more…
 mkdir - creating directory
◦ mkdir dirname
 rmdir – removing directory and its contents
◦ rmdir dirname
 cd – Change directory
◦ cd dirpath
 cp – Copying files
◦ cp file1 file2
 mv – Moving or renaming files
◦ mv oldfile newfile
 ln – Creating links between files
◦ ln file1 file2

◦ Difference between copying files and linking files

 cp src dst
 Contents of src will be present in dst
 Changing content in src will not affect contents of dst and
vice versa
 ln src dst
 Contents of src will be present in dst
 Changing content in src or dst will get reflected in the other
 Help about commands
◦ man, pinfo, info (man <<cmd name>>)
 Viewing file’s content
◦ cat <<filename>>
 Viewing users, processes
◦ who – List all Users
◦ who am I – List the current user
◦ pstree – displays all processes running in the system in tree
◦ ps – displays processes owned by the current user
 Changing file permission/owner
◦ chmod – changes file permission
◦ chown – changes file owner
 Listing files in a directory

◦ ls – Lists all files in a directory

◦ ls –a – Lists all files (including hidden files)

◦ ls –l – Lists files in a directory along with owner

information, permission etc

 Popular text editor
 Just type vi <<filename>> at the prompt and
hit the enter key.
 A new file will be opened
 Type the contents needed and save
 To save, press the Esc Key and then press :
(colon) w q and then enter
 To quit with out saving Esc + : + q and then
 Navigation
◦ Left -h
◦ Down -j
◦ Up -k
◦ Right -l
◦ Top of the screen – H (shift + h) //caps lock will not work
◦ Middle of the screen – M (shift + m)
◦ Bottom of the screen – L (shift + l)
◦ $ - End Key, 0 – Home Key
 Edit Commands
◦ Cut – X, x
◦ Copy – yy, yw
◦ Paste – P, p
 grep – GNU Regular Expression Processor
 Finds the words / patterns matching with the
search and displays the line containing the
 Search is limited to a file
 Redirection
◦ Input redirection
 wc < file1 – Content of file 1 is given as input for wc
command that counts the no of lines, words and
characters in a file
◦ Output redirection
 cat file > newfile – Copies file’s content to newfile. Over
writes the existing content
 cat file >> newfile – Appends the new content to the
existing content
 Pipes
◦ Output of first command is input for the second and so on
◦ who | wc –l – Number of lines in the output of who
command will be displayed
 Shell scripting is the most useful and
powerful feature in Linux
◦ Minimizes typing of repetitive command
◦ Can schedule jobs to run in the system
◦ Can initiate back up activities for system
◦ Similar to batch files in DOS, but more powerful
than Batch files
 Open a file with extension .sh using vi editor
 We can type any number of commands that
we use to type at command prompt
 Save the file
 Execute the file
◦ sh
◦ ./ (if the file has execution permission)
 To Print a line
◦ echo “Hello World” (Prints Hello World in the
 To Comment a line
◦ # This is a comment
◦ Only single line comment is available. For multi
line comment, we need to use # symbol in lines
which we want to comment.
 For loop
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 //Loops 5 times
Body of the loop

for (( i=0; i<5; i++ ))

Body of the loop
while [ condn ]
body of the loop

We need to ensure that the while loop

condition is terminated in a finite way
 We can have if, if else, if elif else and case statements (Nested if
statements are also possible

1. if [ condn ]

2. if [ condn ]

3. if [ condn ]
elif [ condn ]
 For string comparison we have
- = : equal to
- ~= : not equal to

 For logical operators

-a : AND
-o : OR
 Alias – Alternate name for an entity
 Entity here refers to command

 We can give another name or alias name for

a command either at the command prompt
or in the .bashrc file.
 The former will be temporary and will
vanish if the session ends and the latter will
be permanent as long as the definition
exists in the .bashrc file
 alias newname=oldname
 Eg alias copy=cp
 Then we can use copy in the same way we
use cp command
 Eg copy file1 file2 //copies content of file1
to file2
 To remove alias use unalias command
 unalias copy
 After this we cannot use copy to perform
copying function

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