Adolescent Reproductive Health
Adolescent Reproductive Health
Adolescent Reproductive Health
Deborah Anne O. Rota, RN, MAN
At the end of the discussion, the learners shall:
1. Be aware of the different issues affecting
adolescent reproductive health
2. Enumerate the interventions to address
these issues
3. Identify the ways to prevent unplanned
pregnancy and STI's.
The Adolescent Stage
• Adolescence is a period between 10-19 years
where sexual maturity develops but comes in
with social demands (WHO).
• Adolescence is a time of:
Experimentation and curiosity.
Increasing confidence and self-esteem.
Increased sexual feeling
Beginning to reproduce
Transition from childhood to adulthood
Enjoy life before responsibilities of adulthood begins in a way which doesn’t
affect their life.
3. Higher risk of postpartum depression due to their age. They feel that
they're not yet ready for the responsibility of having a child, so they feel
overwhelmed by everything that's happening around them.
4. Young mothers with less economic support from parents lead to poor
nutrition and health care for both the mother and child.
5. Children of teen moms have neonatal death rate three times higher.