Iids - Meratus Mountains

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1 2 3 4 Indonesia Defense University

Gold mining in Meratus mountains village

Tromol soil and gold separator using mercury  go to river

The purpose of this research is to analyze the indicated locations that will
cause the spread of mercury and areas that will be exposed to using
remote sensing technology
Study Area
Benefits of research

 Expected to be an early warning material

to anticipate the spread of mercury in the
Meratus Mountains Region.
 By knowing the mining location points, it
is hoped that future policies can be
analyzed related to the existence of
community mining in the area
Research Framework

Study Site
 This research was conducted in in the Meratus
mountain region which is located between 4
districts, namely Balangan Regency in the north,
Kotabaru Regency in the east, Hulu Sungai
Tengah District in the West and South Hulu
Sungai Regency in the South, South Kalimantan
 The geographical location is at position 2 ° 18
'27,286 "S - 3 ° 0' 41,555" South Latitude and 115
° 31 '28,816 "- 116 ° 13' 33,233" East Longitude
and area of 6,067.39 km2.

Data Collecting
Conduct interviews with residents around the
gold mining area, namely in stalls around the
mining area. Interviews are carried out
directly without using stationery and recording
devices. Talking casually at existing stalls
while asking for some information is the best
thing to do in the interview process.

Chat at a shop in Taminungan Village Chat at a shop in Sindang Village

(Personal Doc. The author was taken (Personal Doc. Author taken
January 15, 2007) August 25, 2008)
Navigation Type GPS Survey
(hand-held receiver).

 The coordinates of gold mining are taken

directly in the field
 Data are taken by using GPS Navigation
in 2007 and 2008.
Satellite Imagery Deliniation

 Bing Maps high resolution satellite data

 SPOT 6 High Resolution Satellite Image and
Pansharpaned SPOT 7 acquisition in 2016,
Spatial Resolution of 1.5 meters. Imagery is
processed by the Geospatial Information
Agency (BIG).
SRTM Data Processing

 SRTM data in the form of DEM can be

downloaded through the USGS site
 Demnas BIG Site and
 Data processing is performed to produce
altitude data.
Geological Data

 Used as the area boundary for identifying the

mine area.
 Data obtained in the form of .shp format data
issued by the Center for Geological
Research and Development.
Results and Discussion

 Data from GPS Navigation

data retrieval in the field as
a reference to make it
easier to identify river
points covered in
vegetation and gold mining
 SPOT Satellite Imagery
from BIG can be clarified
gold mining area and with
DEM data can display
height and catchment area.
GPS Navigasi Processing Data Result
Hydrological Process
Imagery Processing and GeologyData
SRTM Processing Data Result

 The combination of GPS Navigation, Satellite Image, DEM

and Geology data is able to identify gold mining areas as
well as areas that are likely to be irradiated by the mercury
 From the results of the study, it can be estimated that there
are 2 catchment areas that will be affected by gold mining
and 109.2 km of river flow.
 Seeing this reality, it is necessary to conduct guidance from
the Government to help the people miners to be able to
carry out mining according to the right mining principles and
not pollute the environment.

The author would like to express his gratitude

 the Hulu Sungai Tengah District Boundary
Search Team,
 Research Center for Geology and
which provides data that can be used for
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