Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment Goals
Recruitment Philosophy
Internal / External Sources
Countercyclical Hiring
Recruitment: Matching Needs of Application
and Organization
I n f o r m a t io n F l o w
O r g a n i s a t io n P o t e n t ia l
n e e d f o r h ig h In te rn a l a p p l ic a n t s ’
q u a li t y A p p lic a n ts n e e d fo r
e m p lo y e e s s u i t a b le j o b
E n v ir o n m e n t :
E c o n o m i c a n d S o c ia l ,
T e c h n o lo g i c a l a n d P o l i t ic a l
Situational factors impacting recruitment
The process of recruitment is influenced by a variety
of environmental factors.
– Economic factors
– Social factors
– Technological factors
– Political factors
– Legal factors
Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process
Measuring Recruiting Effectiveness
What to measure and how to measure
– How many qualified applicants were attracted from each
recruitment source?
• Assessing both the quantity and the quality of the
applicants produced by a source.
High performance recruiting
– Applying best-practices management techniques to
• Using a benchmarks-oriented approach to analyzing and
measuring the effectiveness of recruiting efforts such as
employee referrals.
Recruiting Yield Pyramid
External Recruiting
Planning for External Recruiting
– Calculate yield ratios
– Determine when to begin and how extensively to
– Prepare Résumé -Tracking Software
Informal Methods
– Ask employees to refer potential candidates
– Consider referral bonuses
External Recruiting Methods
Formal Methods
– Recruitment Advertising
– Internet Recruiting
– Employment Agencies
• Public Job Service Agencies
• Private, For-Profit Agencies
Outside Sources of Candidates
– The Media: selection of the best medium depends on the
positions for which the firm is recruiting.
• Newspapers (local and specific labor markets)
• Trade and professional journals
• Internet job sites
• Marketing programs
Constructing an effective ad
– Wording related to job interest factors should evoke the
applicant’s attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA) and
create a positive impression of the firm.
Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
Types of employment agencies:
– Public agencies operated by federal, state, or local
governments (Employment Exchange in India)
– Agencies associated with nonprofit organizations
– Privately owned agencies
Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
Reasons for using a private employment agency:
– When a firm doesn’t have an HR department and
is not geared to doing recruiting and screening.
– The firm has found it difficult in the past to
generate a pool of qualified applicants.
– The firm must fill a particular opening quickly.
– There is a perceived need to attract a greater
number of minority or female applicants.
– The firm wants to reach currently employed
individuals, who might feel more comfortable
dealing with agencies than with competing
– The firm wants to cut down on the time it’s
devoting to recruiting.
Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
Avoiding problems with employment agencies:
– Give the agency an accurate and complete job description.
– Make sure tests, application blanks, and interviews are part
of the agency’s selection process.
– Periodically review data on candidates accepted or rejected
by your firm, and by the agency. Check on the effectiveness
and fairness of the agency’s screening process.
– Screen the agency. Check with other managers or
HR people to find out which agencies have been
the most effective at filling the sorts of positions
needed to be filled.
– Review the Internet and a few back issues of the
Sunday classified ads to discover the agencies that
handle the positions to be filled.
Guidelines for Choosing a Recruiter
Make sure the firm is capable of conducting a
thorough search.
Meet the individual who will actually handle
your assignment.
Ask how much the search firm charges.
Developing and Using Application Forms
Application form
– The form that provides information on education, prior work
record, and skills.
Uses of information from applications
– Judgments about the applicant’s educational and experience
– Conclusions about the applicant’s previous progress and
– Indications of the applicant’s employment stability
– Predictions about which candidate is likely to succeed on the
Factors Affecting Job Choice
Realistic Job Preview
Reduces early turnover and dissatisfaction
– Self-Selection out if the job doesn’t fit
– Increased Commitment to an Informed Decision
– Lowered Expectations, less gap with reality
– Improved Coping with job difficulties