Recruitment and Selection

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The Recruitment and Selection Process

1. Decide what positions you’ll have to fill through personnel

planning and forecasting.
2. Build a pool of candidates for these jobs by recruiting internal
or external candidates.
3. Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps
undergo an initial screening interview.
4. Use selection techniques like tests, background investigations,
and physical exams to identify viable candidates.
5. Decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor and
perhaps others on the team interview the candidates .
 Recruitment is the process of locating and
encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing
or anticipated job openings
– Certain influences, however, restrain a firm while choosing a
recruiting source such as:
• Poor image
• Unattractive job
• Conservative internal policies
• Limited budgetary support
• Restrictive policies of government
Strategic Issues in Recruitment

 Recruitment Goals
 Recruitment Philosophy
 Internal / External Sources
 Countercyclical Hiring
Recruitment: Matching Needs of Application
and Organization

I n f o r m a t io n F l o w

O r g a n i s a t io n P o t e n t ia l
n e e d f o r h ig h In te rn a l a p p l ic a n t s ’
q u a li t y A p p lic a n ts n e e d fo r
e m p lo y e e s s u i t a b le j o b

E n v ir o n m e n t :
E c o n o m i c a n d S o c ia l ,
T e c h n o lo g i c a l a n d P o l i t ic a l
Situational factors impacting recruitment
 The process of recruitment is influenced by a variety
of environmental factors.
– Economic factors
– Social factors
– Technological factors
– Political factors
– Legal factors
Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process

The recruitment and selection process is a series of

hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job.
Effective Recruiting
 External factors affecting recruiting:
– Looming undersupply of workers
– Lessening of the trend in outsourcing of jobs
– Increasingly fewer “qualified” candidates
 Internal factors affecting recruiting:
– The consistency of the firm’s recruitment efforts with its strategic
– The available resources, types of jobs to be recruited and choice of
recruiting methods
– Non-recruitment HR issues and policies
– Line and staff coordination and cooperation
Effective Recruiting (cont’d)
 Advantages of centralizing recruitment
– Strengthens employment brand
– Ease in applying strategic principles
– Reduces duplication of HR activities
– Reduces the cost of new HR technologies
– Builds teams of HR experts
– Provides for better measurement of HR performance
– Allows for the sharing of applicant pools
Sample Acceptable Questions
Once A Conditional Offer Is Made

1. Do you have any responsibilities that conflict with the

job vacancy?
2. How long have you lived at your present address?
3. Do you have any relatives working for this company?
4. Do you have any physical defects that would prevent
you from performing certain jobs where, to your
knowledge, vacancies exist?
5. Do you have adequate means of transportation to get to

6. Have you had any major illness (treated or untreated) in the

past 10 years?

7. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or do you have a

history of being a violent person? (This is a very important
question to avoid a negligent hiring or retention charge.)
Educational background. (The information required here would
depend on the job-related requirements of the position.)

Measuring Recruiting Effectiveness
 What to measure and how to measure
– How many qualified applicants were attracted from each
recruitment source?
• Assessing both the quantity and the quality of the
applicants produced by a source.
 High performance recruiting
– Applying best-practices management techniques to
• Using a benchmarks-oriented approach to analyzing and
measuring the effectiveness of recruiting efforts such as
employee referrals.
Recruiting Yield Pyramid

 Recruiting yield pyramid

– The historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment leads
and invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and offers made,
and offers made and offers accepted.
If Applicant pool is too small……
 Recruit in a larger geographical area
 Improve or change inducements
 Target underutilized labour pools
 Sponsor immigration of skilled employees
 Acquire a company with desired human resources
 Use temporaries or employee leasing
 Outsource the function
Finding Internal Candidates
 Job posting
– Publicizing an open job to employees (often by literally
posting it on bulletin boards) and listing its attributes.
 Rehiring former employees
– Advantages:
• They are known quantities.
• They know the firm and its culture.
– Disadvantages:
• They may have less-than positive attitudes.
• Rehiring may sent the wrong message to current
employees about how to get ahead.
Finding Internal Candidates (cont’d)
 Succession planning
– The process of ensuring a suitable supply of
successors for current and future senior or key
 Succession planning steps:
– Identifying and analyzing key jobs.
– Creating and assessing candidates.
– Selecting those who will fill the key positions.
Recruiting Sources Used by HR Professionals

Source: Based on a survey of 303 HR Professionals, from

HR Magazine, December 1996, p. 53. Data on Internet
recruiting is from HR Focus,May 2000, p. 8

External Recruiting
 Planning for External Recruiting
– Calculate yield ratios
– Determine when to begin and how extensively to
– Prepare Résumé -Tracking Software
 Informal Methods
– Ask employees to refer potential candidates
– Consider referral bonuses
External Recruiting Methods
 Formal Methods
– Recruitment Advertising
– Internet Recruiting
– Employment Agencies
• Public Job Service Agencies
• Private, For-Profit Agencies

 Recruiting Targeted Groups

– Executive Search Firms
– Campus Recruiting
– Recruiting Older Workers
– Recruiting Disabled Workers
– Recruiting Disadvantaged Workers
– Affirmative Action Recruiting
– Recruiting Passive Job Seekers

Outside Sources of Candidates
 Advertising
– The Media: selection of the best medium depends on the
positions for which the firm is recruiting.
• Newspapers (local and specific labor markets)
• Trade and professional journals
• Internet job sites
• Marketing programs
 Constructing an effective ad
– Wording related to job interest factors should evoke the
applicant’s attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA) and
create a positive impression of the firm.
Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
 Types of employment agencies:
– Public agencies operated by federal, state, or local
governments (Employment Exchange in India)
– Agencies associated with nonprofit organizations
– Privately owned agencies
Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
 Reasons for using a private employment agency:
– When a firm doesn’t have an HR department and
is not geared to doing recruiting and screening.
– The firm has found it difficult in the past to
generate a pool of qualified applicants.
– The firm must fill a particular opening quickly.
– There is a perceived need to attract a greater
number of minority or female applicants.
– The firm wants to reach currently employed
individuals, who might feel more comfortable
dealing with agencies than with competing
– The firm wants to cut down on the time it’s
devoting to recruiting.

Outside Sources of Candidates (cont’d)
 Avoiding problems with employment agencies:
– Give the agency an accurate and complete job description.
– Make sure tests, application blanks, and interviews are part
of the agency’s selection process.
– Periodically review data on candidates accepted or rejected
by your firm, and by the agency. Check on the effectiveness
and fairness of the agency’s screening process.
– Screen the agency. Check with other managers or
HR people to find out which agencies have been
the most effective at filling the sorts of positions
needed to be filled.
– Review the Internet and a few back issues of the
Sunday classified ads to discover the agencies that
handle the positions to be filled.

Guidelines for Choosing a Recruiter
 Make sure the firm is capable of conducting a
thorough search.
 Meet the individual who will actually handle
your assignment.
 Ask how much the search firm charges.
Developing and Using Application Forms
 Application form
– The form that provides information on education, prior work
record, and skills.
 Uses of information from applications
– Judgments about the applicant’s educational and experience
– Conclusions about the applicant’s previous progress and
– Indications of the applicant’s employment stability
– Predictions about which candidate is likely to succeed on the
Factors Affecting Job Choice
Realistic Job Preview
 Reduces early turnover and dissatisfaction
– Self-Selection out if the job doesn’t fit
– Increased Commitment to an Informed Decision
– Lowered Expectations, less gap with reality
– Improved Coping with job difficulties

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