Society and Culture With Family Planning, GAD and Peace Education

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Society and Culture with Family

Planning, GAD and Peace


Gender and
• To know the difference between Sex and Gender
• To understand the differences between women
and men
• To recognize that gender differences are a part of
our social structure creating inequalities
between women and men

Gender and Development

• a development approach that seeks to equalize the status
and condition of and relations between women and men
through policymaking, planning, budgeting,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation to
deliberately address gender issues and concerns affecting
the full development of women
• one of the 8 international development goals to be
achieved by the 193 member states of the UN by the year
• developed in 1980 as an alternative to the WID (Women in
Development) approach
• its main concern focuses on the way in which a society
assigns roles, responsibilities and expectations to both
women and men.
• The World Bank is committed to making gender equality
central to its fight against poverty.
• After many years of research and on-the ground experience,
the importance of gender equality for reducing poverty can
no longer be questioned.
• The Bank also believes that helping women and men
become equal partners in development, and giving them
equal voice and better access to resources, are important
development objectives in their own right.
• Poor people across the world suffer from multiple liabilities:
lack of food and adequate shelter, victimization by
landlords, and a sense of hopelessness in the face of
overwhelming odds, to name a few.
• Gender inequalities add additional costs, not only to women,
but to children, men, and the society as a whole. We know
that domestic violence disables women, leads to a loss of
income, increases what society spends on health care—and
unwittingly teaches children to find violent rather than
peaceful solutions to problems.
• Illiteracy = fewer opportunities for employment, resulting to
lesser participation in important decisions, and will be less
able to prevent unwanted pregnancies and ensure the
survival of the children they bear
• empirical studies show that societies that discriminate
on the basis of gender tend to experience more poverty,
slower economic growth, and a lower quality of life than
societies in which gender inequality is less pronounced.
• societies that simultaneously provide the same basic
rights for women and men, create institutions supportive
of gender equality, and promote economic growth are
more effective in reducing gender disparities than
societies that focus on growth alone.
• one lesson from past experience has been that educating
girls is one of the most effective ways to promote
• The report also discusses the policies that are most effective
in promoting gender equality. It emphasizes the importance
of taking a comprehensive approach to the problem of
gender inequality by strengthening institutions, promoting
economic growth and development, and establishing active
programs where needed.
• Establishing supportive legal, economic, and social
institutions is recommended to provide them with the
opportunity, security, and power they need to direct their
own lives.
UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
• works to foster women's empowerment and gender equality
throughout the world.
• Created in July 2010 to provide financial and technical
assistance to innovative programmes and strategies to foster
women's empowerment and gender equality.
UNIFEM’s 4 areas of concern
• reducing feminized poverty
• nding violence against women
• eversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and
• chieving gender equality in democratic governance in
times of peace as well as war.
Gender and Development in the
Executive Order No. 273
• the Philippine Plan for Gender and Development (1995-
2025) approved and adopted by former Pres. Fidel V.
Ramos on September 8 1995
Memorandum Circular Order No. 2011
• addresses all gov’t departments and all their attached
agencies, offices, bureaus, SUC’s GOCC’s and all gov’t
instrumentalities to carry out guidelines in establishing
and strengthening and institutionalization of the GAD
Focal Point System.
• The Philippine Commission on Women defines Gender and
Development as the development perspective and process
that is participatory and empowering, equitable,
sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights,
supportive of self-determination and actualization of human
Gender Equity
• the process of being fair to women and men.
• giving access to the same opportunities
• to ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be
available to compensate for women’s historical and
social disadvantages that prevent women and men from
otherwise operating on a level playing field.
• equity leads to equality
Gender Equality
• giving everyone the same thing
• women and men enjoy the same status and conditions
and have equal opportunity to realize their potentials
and to contribute to social, political, economic and
cultural development
• it means no sex discrimination in the allocation of
resources and benefits or access to services
• it does not mean that women and men have to become
the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and
opportunities will not depend on whether they are born
male or female.
• women are more likely to be disadvantaged and
• For the case of men on gender inequality --- societal
norms regarding the appropriate behavior for men tend
to put them under pressure as regards the need to
provide materially for their family, and also deny them
opportunities of being more nurturing towards their
children and wife.
• gender equality is the concern of all and changes must be
brought about for both men and women.
• women and men have different needs and experiences and
accommodation should be made for these differences.
• giving boys and girls equal access to all the courses offered
in a school may not result in girls taking advantage of this
opportunity if some courses are predominantly filled with
male students and have only male teachers; there is still
the unfortunate tendency to consider male norms as a
measure for women's position.
Women empowerment
• The process and condition by which women are mobilize
to understand, identify and overcome gender
discrimination and achieve equality
• Women become agents of development, not just
• Women are enabled to make decisions
• Women gain access to information, training, technology,
market and credit
• The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women,
(NCRFW, 1975) – established through Presidential Decree
No. 633, to promote and protect the rights of women in the
• 1975 – International Women’s Year
• March 8 – National Women’s Day
• Magna Carta of Women (R.A. 9710) – mandates non-
discriminatory and pro-gender equality & inequality
measures to enable women’s participation in the
formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies and
plans for national, regional and local development
• Sex refers to the biological differences between
males and females based on physiological
factors, including: chromosomes, reproductive
organs, hormones, secondary characteristics

• Gender refers to the way a society perceives,

evaluates, and expects males and females to
Significance in Development
• Create an environment free of gender bias and in
encouraging both male and female to reach their
highest potentials in work and abilities.
Suggested Reading:
“ Gender Issues”
by Lance Gerard Gonzales Abalos
• Focuses on the links between gender inequality, public policy,
and development on 3 important points :
1. Disparities between men and women in basic rights
2. Access to resources
3. Power exist in all countries of the world
Projects that have been implemented
under the GAD
• providing health services
• advocating and disseminating information on gender issues,
building capacity and providing technical assistance on GAD and
other gender issues
• establishing or improving service facilities for women, issuing
policies on gender, establishing databases and mechanisms for
reporting on gender issues,
• improving awareness of gender issues when undertaking
development planning at the national and local levels
• revising textbooks to remove social and gender stereotypes.
• Gender is an important consideration in
development. It is a way of looking at how social
norms and power structures impact on the lives and
opportunities available to different groups of men
and women. Globally, more women than men live in
poverty. Women are also less likely than men to
receive basic education and to be appointed to a
political position nationally and internationally.
Understanding that men and women, boys and girls
experience poverty differently and face different
barriers in accessing services, economic resources
and political opportunities helps to target
Extended Reading:
• Why is gender equality important


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