PAT 577 Assignment On Diseases of Bajra
PAT 577 Assignment On Diseases of Bajra
PAT 577 Assignment On Diseases of Bajra
Submitted to Submitted by
Dr. Shivangi Kansara Shree Naveena.P
Assistant Professor 2010118127
Dept of Plant Pathology Dept of Entomology
Major Diseases :
o Ergot
o Downy mildew
o Smut
o Rust
Minor Diseases :
o Twisted top
o Leaf blast
o Leaf spot
o Leaf blotch
o Striga
In our country, it was first time reported from Maharashtra in 1956 in epiphytotic form.
More severity is due to introduction of new hybrid HB-l, 2.
During 1967-68 it has broken out in epiphytotic form affecting most of the newly
introduced hybrid bajara verities in all areas.
This fungus produces ergotoxin/ergotin (alkaloid), which is poisonous to animals & human
The disease occurs only at the time of flowering.
Small droplets of a light, honey colored dew like substance exudes from infected spikelets. A
few to many such spikelets may be found in a group which darken with age, and small grayish
or dark brown sclerotia are formed.
These sclerotia replace the ovary or grain and are about 0.5-1 cm in length 1-2 mm in
diameter, are hard and woody, during harvesting and threshing sclerotia get mixed with grains.
The fungus attacks the ovary and grows profusely producing masses of hyphae to form the
Small conidiophores on which conidia are produced formed from the hyphae.
The conidia are hyaline, one celled and lunate.
The honey dew like droplets in the affected ears are full of conidia.
The sclerotia germinate in about a month's time producing one or two stripes on which the
asci are produced.
This sclerotia contain ergotoxin which when consumed in excess quantities is toxic to animal
Favorable conditions:
Disease cycle:
Losses due to the disease may be as high as 30 per cent in the high yielding
varieties. During 1975, there was severe out break of downy mildew in
Karnataka and Maharashtra causing100 % loss in thousands of hectares
(a) Seedling Stage
The infected plants become dwarf because of shortening of the internodes and
excessive tillering.
Foliage become pale and chlorotic and broad streaks are formed extending from
the base to the tip of the leaf.
On close examination, downy, dirty white fungal growth is seen on lower surface
of the leaf during rainy & humid seasons.
The leaves become distorted and later dry up leaf shreds due to formation of
(b) Green Ear Head
Symptoms can seen on ear head.
Badly infected plants fail to form ears or if formed they are malformed in to
green leafy structures, hence it is known as "green ear disease".
Mostly the entire ear is transformed into leafy' structure, but some times a part of
ear alone is affected, while other parts produce normal grains.
As the disease advance, the green leafy structures become brown and dry.
Favorable condition:
The disease is more in low lying and poorly drained soil.
More humidity (90 %) and temp. between 22-25 0C, favoures the disease.
Disease cycle:
Secondary spread starts form sporangia (zoospores), which are most active
during the rainy seasons. The germ tubes of zoospores enter the leaf stomata
to initiate the infection.