Paraphrase Abstract
Paraphrase Abstract
Paraphrase Abstract
What is Climate?
• The long term weather patterns
prevailing over a given area of the
• A Greek word “klinein” meaning slope.
• Evolved into klima, connoting a zone or
region of the Earth as characterized by
atmospheric conditions.
• The orb of the sun stood at a high angle in
the sky at noontime as ships sailed toward
• And day time temperature of the air get
• Interaction between the sun and the
What is Climate Change?
• It is a change in the pattern of weather, and related
changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, that
occurs over time scales of decades or longer.
• Climate change may be due to natural processes, such
as sun’s radiation, volcanoes or internal variability in
climate system.
• Human influences such as changes in composition of
atmosphere or land use.
• Weather is the state of atmosphere, its temperature,
humidity, wind, rainfall and so on-over hours or week.
• Warming oceans
• Extreme events
• Ocean acidification
• Scientist agree that the average temperature of
Earth’s atmosphere has been increasing over
90% in the latter part of 20th century.
• Two opposing arguments on the issue whether
or not global warming is just “natural”.
• One side states that nature, simply acting
according to its law with no reference to human
beings and their action is the reason.
• The other side maintains that global
warming is caused by the actions of human
• The oft-cited fact to understand the global
warming is the temperature versus the
amount of carbon dioxide in the
• Greenhouse effect refers to how certain gases in the
atmosphere trap the heat of the sun.
• As early as 1859, British engineer John Tyndall wrote:
As a dam built across a river causes a local
deepening of the stream, so out atmosphere, thrown
across the terrestrial rays, produces a local heightening
of the temperature at the Earth’s surface (quoted in
Weart, 2003, p.4).
• Atmosphere contains certain gases that naturally
capture the heat from the sun and hold it in.
• In 19th century, Tyndall noted that the most
prevalent of these greenhouse gases is the
water vapour.
• Industrialization is the conversion of an agrarian
economy into an industrialized one on a large
• Machines are primarily used in an industry,
production of electricity by burning fossil
fuel(coal) increases.
• With the Second World War and changes in
geo-political arena, industrialization of
nations directly affected the amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.