Proposed AMI & OMS, Smart Grid Pilot Project For Industrial Consumers at Kala Amb, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh
Proposed AMI & OMS, Smart Grid Pilot Project For Industrial Consumers at Kala Amb, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh
Proposed AMI & OMS, Smart Grid Pilot Project For Industrial Consumers at Kala Amb, District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh
Title Unit Particulars
Title Details
Automated feeder switches None
AMI for all Industrial, Commercial, & other Consumers (except Domestic
and agricultural consumers) including 100% DTRs and Ring fencing of
project area (4 nos. Import Export points – 33KV & 11 KV))
Demand Side Management & Demand Response Management System
(Direct Load Control – in Ph-II)
GIS Based OMS – Additional functionalities for Outage, Customer
Complaints & Work force management system
Distribution Management System to reduce losses and down time and
improve loss of revenue due to un-served consumers
Integration of these systems with each other based on their logical data
exchange requirements based on standards and also Integration of
proposed systems with CRM and MBC, ERP, GIS and other business
process automation
Training on the deployed technologies – Class room, on-site and existing
installations elsewhere in the world
`Consumer Training
S. No. Item Description Total Price (Rs.)