Paddy fields
Sunflower Farm
• Shifting cultivation
• Nomadic herding
Shifting cultivation
Nomadic herding:
• Nomadic herding is practiced in the semi-arid and
arid (dry) regions of Sahara, Central Asia andsome
parts of India, like Rajasthan and Jammu and
• In nomadic farming, herdsmen move from place to
place with their animals for fodder and water, along
a definite route. The nomads move from place to
place due to the restraints of the climate and land.
• Sheep, camel, yak and goats are most commonly
reared by the nomads. These animals provide milk,
meat, wool, hides and other products to the
herders and their families.
• In the drier parts of
Asia, especially
Southwest Asia, most
rural people make a
living by raising
livestock. Many are
nomads who move
with their herds of
animals over large
territories, constantly
seeking good supplies
of grass and water.The
people live simply and
carry their tents and
belongings with them.
They rear animals such
as goats, sheep,
camels, and yaks.
Commercial Farming
• Crops are grown and
animals are reared for sale
in the market, that is, for
commercial purposes,
while in Subsistencefarming
crops are grown mainly for
the farmer’s family needs.
•The area cultivated and the
amount of capital invested is
• Sequential cropping
• Mixed-cropping
• Relay cropping.
Coffee Plantation
Tea Plantation
Sugarcane Plantation
Major Crops
• Rice is the major food crop of the
• It needswell-drained
fertile soils. Maize Plant
Maize Grain
Farming in U.S.A
• Dairy farming is a class of agriculture for long-term
production of milk, which is processed (either on
the farm or at a dairy plant, either of which may be
called a dairy) for eventual sale of a dairyproduct.
• Although any mammal can produce milk, commercial
dairy farms are typically one-species enterprises. In
developed countries, dairy farms typically consist of
high producingdairy cows.
• Other species used in commercial dairy farming
include goats, sheep, and camels.
• In Italy, donkey dairies are growing in popularity to
produce an alternative milk source for humaninfants.[1]