PBL Signature Assign

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Project Based Learning

By: Michael Muniz

ITL 516
Professor von Felten
May 31st, 2019
Project Based Learning

• Mr. Michael Muniz

• 5th Grade

• Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing

points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret
coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.

• Implementation of Physical Education and Social Studies Standards

Classroom Composite

• 26 Total Students
• ELL Student= Fabiola -EL Student with only 2 years in US and parents speak no English. Level 2 “Expanding”
on ELPAC. Can Solve Basic math problems. She understands what a decimal point is and can identify what
digit is in the “Thousands place” according to number 9 of the assessment. She can write numbers from words
form to standard form according to number 10 of the assessment and she can do great in Problem Solving with
some extra guidance. Fabiola also loves Art.

• Student on IEP= Bianca Student who is on an IEP and is on the Autism Spectrum. Makes poor eye contact and
gets upset with loud noises. Knowledge of Math Terms and Vocabulary Example: Place value, Decimal point
and expanded form)

• SEL Student= Dwayne has Social Emotional Needs and has anger issues about life. Lives with single mom and
is new to the school. Still has not made friends. May be angry about not seeing father since the recent move
but loves the computer or technology and may do well in the blended math program. he understands what
“Standard form” means and can write numbers from words form to standard form according to his
Content Standards and Cross-Curriculum

MATH Physical Education Social Studies

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.G.A.2 Physical Education Standard 3, Social Studies Standard Grade 5:
“Represent real world and 5th grade: Students assess and 5.2 Students trace the routes of
mathematical problems by maintain a level of physical early explorers and describe the
graphing points in the first fitness to improve health and early explorations of the
quadrant of the coordinate performance. Specifically, 3.3 Americas.
plane, and interpret coordinate Participate three to four days
values of points in the context of each week, for increasing periods
the situation” of time, in continuous moderate
to vigorous physical activities at
the appropriate intensity for
increasing aerobic capacity.
Stage 1: Planning

How can we create “plotting coordinates”

Driving Question = --- activities that will tie into every day health and
past or present life styles?

Project Summary: (what students will do, learn Students will have the opportunity to plot the
and accomplish by the end of the project) trails the early explorers used by multiplying or
dividing problems to find proper coordinates then
How will you assess the evidence that students will plot them on a single quadrant graph paper.
have met the standards? This will lead to the discovery of taking heart rates
after an activity and plotting the findings.
--Assessments will be determined by sharing ideas
ands findings after group collaborations.
21st Century Skills

Creativity: Critical Thinking:

1. Creating individual single quadrant graphs 1.Think-pair-share

2. Creating Discussion topics. 2.Plotting early exploration trail.

Collaboration: Communication:

1. Group Collaboration 1. Group Collaboration

2. Think-pair-sharing 2. Think-pair-sharing
3. Technology 3. Open ended questions
The HOOK: How will I engage my students
and spark their interest?

This will take place first thing in the morning, where the students will come into class while
the ocean waves are played in the background. I will use Youtube to play the sounds of ocean
waves, and pretend to be an explorer like Vasco de Gama, and explain that we have
discovered a way using coordinates and graph paper that we can plot exactly where we are
going and for how long! Which is a break through in Exploration!

1. Students take their seats first thing in the morning (7:55am)

2. The Exploration begins! (8:00am)
3. Students will engage in discussion as to the ”who, what when, where, why?”
4. Utilize the Common Core standards for Mathemateics and Social Studies
5. Engage in group work and collaboration
Resources & Materials

Pencil, Pens, Rules and

Protractors, Calculator for
accurate Coordinate finding.
Learning Outcomes & Targets

Learning Outcomes

-Students will learn how to work collaboratively plot coordinates and calculate heart rate while maintain a
graph to represent it.
-Students will critically think, and assess their ideas with classmates.
-Students are able to make deep connections with Coordinate plotting and Early Exploration. They can
connect the relationships between ideas. For example, Plotting physical/mental health (P.E. connecting to
Social -Studies Standards.)

Learning Targets

-I can plot data and create single quadrant plotting graphs using an X, Y axis.
-I can research a topic and create a presentation that summarizes key points.
-I can work effectively with my peers to facilitate discussion and exchange ideas.
-I understand the importance of physical activity, and mental health.
Instructional Strategies

1. Think-Pair-Share- Students will be asked to think about a question, then pair up with a partner to discuss a
strategy or opinion based on the question.

2. Group Collaboration- Students will be asked open ended questions that will be discussed in groups. There
will also be time to share thoughts and ideas with other grpups.

3. Poster Gallery Walk- After students work on their group “Plotting coordinates of early explorers activity”
they will create jumbo sized graphs in groups using big sticky notes poster boards and place it around the
classroom when they are done. Students will then have a galley walk to view each groups poster board.

4. Graph Art Station- Students who are in groups will have a set time where they are given the opportunity to
create coordinate plotting art by creating their own picture using their own coordinates of their choice.
This will be a “brain break” for the students, something they can do to relax while reinforcing the learning
of plotting coordinates on a graph.

1. Student Friendly Rubric- Students will be given a rubric that will be very easy
to follow and that will have all the expectations of the assignment.

2. Exit Ticket- There will be a “coordinate graph” and “early explorer” quiz to
determine areas of stength and weakness.
Assessment Products:
Individual: Specific Evidence and Completion:

Exit Ticket- There will be a “coordinate graph” and Students will turn in their coordinate graphs and
“early explorer” quiz to determine areas of stength instructor will review and grade each graph to make
and weakness. sure proper coordinates are used.

Group: Informal Group Assessment Specific Evidence and Completion:

The informal assessment will be the discussions the Notes will be reviewed to determine if certain students
students are having. As students discuss, the instructor struggled with the concept.
will be taking notes.
Reflection Methods:
Individual: Graphic Organizer/Journal Group/Team:

Students will be using their own notee paper and Students will complete an evaluation survey
graph paper. This will be logged in their “Math through Google Forms about the overall performace
Binder” of the group or team.

Whole Class: Other:

Exit Ticket- There will be a “coordinate graph” 1. Poster Gallery Walk- After students work on
and “early explorer” quiz to determine areas of their group “Plotting coordinates of early
stength and weakness. explorers activity” they will create jumbo
sized graphs in groups using big sticky notes.
Students will then have a gallery walk to
view each groups poster board.
Lesson Reflection:

Based on what you know about your learners and class how does this lesson support their
needs and integrate their assets?

*This lesson is very interactive and engaging. It will allow my students to be

collaborating with one another and to be discussing strategies in groups while sharing
Lesson Reflection: Con’t

What specifically will you do to support students with language acquisition

throughout this lesson?

*Each one of our worksheets will be printed in spanish and I will also be utilizing
Google Translate.
Lesson Reflection: Con’t

How will you make accommodations so that your student with an IEP can meet grade level standards?

*My IEP student will be strategically placed in a higher strategic group to work with and their work will
be monitored by student teacher.

How will your student with social-emotional issues feel supported throughout the lesson to ensure this is
a safe learning environment?

*Group collaboration along with positive feedback will be given throughout the lesson.

In what ways does this lesson meet the principles of UDL (multiple means of action & expression,
representation and engagement)?

*Students are allowed to walk around the room during gallery walk time, and collaborate in groups.
Students are also encouraged to ask questions and there will be a “brain Break” station during lesson.

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