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Mid-Term Training Evaluation

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Mechanical Engineering Department, Submitted by,

Chitkara University, Vishal Sharma
Punjab, India 1510992416
ME – 8Z
Place of training

National Fertilizers Limited, Nangal


 Installed Capacity: 478500 MTPA

 Capital Investment: 229.19 Crores
 Commencement of Production: November 1, 1978
 Commercial production after revamping started on Feb
NFL Nangal plant

NFL Nangal plant can be divided into 4 parts-

1.Steam Generation Plant

2.Ammonia Production Plant
3.Urea synthesis Plant
4.Nitric Acid Generation Plant
Glimpse of nangal unit
View from Prilling tower
 It is a Montedison total recycle process.
 Before revamping its capacity was 1000 T/day
 But today its capacity is 1650 TPD
 Ammonia: KBR SMR(Steam Methane Reforming) with
Purifier Technology
 Urea: Technimont Total Recycle Process
 Raw material: Coal , LNG/ RLNG, Power, Water

 CO2 Compressor & H.P.Pumps

 Urea synthesis.
 Urea separation.
 Recovery section.
 Vacuum section.
 Prilling section.
 Waste water section.
Specific Consumption

 Ammonia 0.574 Te/Te of urea

 Carbon dioxide 0.745 Te/Te of urea
 Steam 30ata 1.23 Te/Te of urea
 Power 135 kwh
CO2 Compressor

There are two motor driven reciprocating compressors

Old Compressor
 No. of Stages 3
 Capacity 17510 Nm3/hr.
 Suction/Discharge press 11/220 Kg
 RPM 300
 Motor Power 2250KW
 Oxygen content maintained 2200ppm
 No. of Stages 4
 Capacity 9500 Nm3/hr.
 Suction/Discharge press 1.5/220 Kg
 RPM 350
 Motor Power 2400KW
 Oxygen content 3500ppm
 The principal raw materials required for this purpose are
NH3 & CO2 .Two reactions are involved in the
manufacture of urea. First, ammonium carbamate is
formed under pressure by reaction between CO2 &
 CO2 + 2NH3 <-→ NH2COONH4 ΔH= -37.4 Kcal
 This highly exothermic reaction is followed by an
endothermic decomposition of the ammonium
 NH2COONH4 ↔ NH2CONH2 + H2O ΔH= + 6.3 Kcal
Urea Separation
 1st stage
Pressure 70 Kg/cm2
Temperature 185 C
Urea conc. 54.5%
 2nd stage
Pressure 12 Kg/cm2
Temperature 150 C
Urea conc. 65%
 3rd stage
Pressure 3 Kg/cm2
Temperature 130 C
Urea conc. 72%
Vacuum Section

1st stage vacuum system

 Pressure 0.75 ata
 Temperature 128 C
 Urea conc. 95%
2nd stage vacuum system
 Pressure 0.35 ata
 Temperature 138 C
 Urea conc. 99.6%
New Reactor

 Fresh ammonia & carbon dioxide are fed to mixer, then

to carbamate condenser, where ammonium
carbamate is formed. Heat of reaction is taken out in
the form of 6.0 ata steam generation. The hot
carbamate flows to reactor R-2 where residence time is
enough to get 69% conversion . It is once through
reactor, no carbamate solution is fed to it.
Priling tower

 A prill is a small aggregate or globule

of a material, most often a dry sphere,
formed from a melted liquid. Prilled is a
term used in mining and
manufacturing to refer to a product
that has been pelletized. The pellets
are a neater, simpler form for handling,
with reduced dust.
Prilling section
 Height 104.5mtr
 Free fall ht. 80mtr
 Diameter 22mtr
 Air flow 8,00,000 nm3/hr
 Urea in emission 40mg/nm3.
 Scrapper typeconical
 Make Tuttle/Simco
 Number TX-267, 268 & 130
Specification of Urea being
produced at Nangal
 Total Nitrogen 46.5%
 Moisture 0.5%
 Biuret 0.8-0.9%
 Mean prill dia 1.75mm
 Sieve analysis
Over size nil
Proper size 98.5%
Under size 1.5%
Plant Start up
 Reactor is filled with dilute solution.
 In case of empty reactor, it is to be filled with start
up solution.
 In case of cold start up, reactor solution is first
heated up to 125 OC .
 First stage{70ata} remain by passed.
 Plant is started in once through operation.
 Once through operation means the solution is
send to urea solution tank and Carbamate is send
to start up solution tank from 2ndstage.
 Ammonia feed to reactor and pressure is
maintained at 150ata for 5 minutes and then CO2
is send to reactor.
Plant Start up
 Reactor pressure will increase according to the
temperature and feed ratio.
 As the temperature and pressure reaches to the desired
condition then the Carbamate from 2ndstage is
diverted to the 1ststage.
 As the level of 1ststage condenser increases, start the
Carbamate pump and feed Carbamate to the
reactor.{known as total }
 After total recycle, temperature and pressure of each
stage are maintained.
 The urea solution is sent to vacuum section.
 After normalizing vacuum section, melt urea diverted
towards bucket.
Cooling tower

A cooling tower is heat removal

device that uses water to transfer
process waste heat into the
atmosphere. All cooling
towers operate on the principle of
removing heat from water be
evaporating a small portion of
water that is recirculated through
the unit. forced draught cooling
tower contains horizontal shaft for
the fan and it is placed at bottom
of the tower and induced draught
cooling tower contains vertical
shaft and it is placed at top of the
cooling tower

 When applied to a bare soil surface, urea hydrolyzes

rapidly result into loss of significant quantity of ammonia
by volatilization. Such losses vary from soil to soil and are
greater for urea in a pellet form rather than in solution
 It is phytotoxic due to rapid hydrolysis of urea in soils can
cause injury to the seedlings by ammonia, The fertilizer
grade urea may contain toxic biuret which is formed
during urea manufacture by an excessive temperature
rise. Above 2% concentration of biuret in urea is harmful
to plant

 For the development and upgradation of urea

technology. Indian industry depends on the already
established international process licensors and design
and companies. There is hardly any R & D effort towards
development of process technologies for urea except
for development of modified total recycle process by
PDIL which has been utilised in Namrup-III plant.
 R&D unit should be set up to deal with the development
of fertilizer technologies.

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