33 Stack by Coach Daniels

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Coach Daniels Presents

The 33 Odd Stack Defense

Joseph Daniels
Defensive Coordinator
Natomas High School
Why run the 33 Odd Stack
• Allows us to get BEST 11 athletes on the field
• Flexibility; rush OR drop 8 players
• Easy to teach, techniques are ALWAYS the same
• Creates doubt in the offense due to pre-snap
• The defense promotes aggressive play
• There is no need for a Nickel or Dime package, again
your best 11 are already on the field
• The defense easily morphs into a 4 or 5 man front.
33 Base Alignments

4 4

0 3x3
yards yards
5 yards
7 yards
7 yards

12 yards
Base 33 Run Gaps and Pass Drops
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Nose Guard
Run: Play side A gap in direction
Pass: Rush either A gap
Keys: Primary: Center/Ball Movement
Secondary: Both Guards
Techniques: Punch center, inside
lockout, keep shoulders square, find
guards for POA
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Nose Guard Continued
Key Blocks:
• Drive Block: Knock center back, square , locate
• Dbl Team: Attack guard, stay low, make a pile
• Hook/Reach: control center’s outside shoulder
• Zone: play like hook stay parallel, keep center
of LB’s
• Center away, G down: release from C and
control guards outside shoulder
• Pass: rush either A gap
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Defensive Ends
Run: Play C gap
Pass: Contain QB if Razer/Lazer in coverage
Keys: Primary: Tackle
Secondary: TE/Near Back
Technique: step near foot, Rip backside
forearm, square up, anticipate TE/near back
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Defensive Ends Continued
Key Blocks
•Drive Block: Rip through tackles head, turn OT shoulders,
control C gap
•OT/OG zone away: penetrate, flatten ,look for cut back
•OT/OG zone to: rip through OT head, keep OT from
LB’s, avoid OG’s block Plug C and bounce play outside
•Tackle/End DBL Team: attack TE, flatten across his face
•Tackle blocks down, DE unblocked: stop flatten, look for
trap and trap the trapper, if POA is away chase as deep as
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Razor and Lazer
Run To: Fly up and secure D gap
Run Away: Check TE, then pursue the
Pass: Depends on coverage
Keys: Primary: Tight End or Ball Movement
Secondary: Near back, Pulling Lineman
Techniques: Read TE block, contain run if TE
blocks, drop into pass coverage if he releases
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Razor and Lazer Continued
Key Blocks:
•TE blocks down or Near Back kicks out: Off-Tackle play, fill the
TE’s block, spill play outside
•TE down/Back Hooks: Sweep, keep shoulders parallel, maintain
outside leverage, force runner inside or outside DEEP
•TE blocks you or releases/near back kicks out RLB or LLB: Off
tackle Play, if TE releases cover him or drop in coverage. If TE blocks,
squeeze play inside, maintain outside leverage and expect runner to
bounce outside
•TE Blocks Player/Sweep: Beat TE’s block and blow up play in the
•TE releases/Flow away: check TE for throwback , then pursue play
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Mike Linebacker
Run: fly to LOS and plug B gap
Pass: Depends upon the coverage

Keys: Primary: Backfield flow

Secondary: Pulling guards
Techniques: keep shoulders parallel to LOS.
Attack block as close to LOS as possible, take on
blockers outside shoulder with outside leg back.
Pursue runs from an inside out position
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Mike Linebacker Continued
Key Blocks
Flowside G blocks LB: attack G’s outside shoulder a close to
LOS as possible, maintain outside leverage, bounce play out
Flowside G pulls opposite flow: reverse direction and plug
opposite B gap
Flowside T blocks LB: control T’s shoulder and fill outside of
the block
Flowside G blocks down/Near back blocks LB: attack backs
outside shoulder with inside forearm rip as close to LOS as
possible, keep outside leverage, spill play outside
Passing play: depends on coverage
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Rob and Lou LB’s
Run: Plug the B or C gap depending on OT’s block
and direction of DE’s slant
Pass: Depends on coverage
Primary: Tackle
Secondary: Backfield flow/Pulling Guards
Technique: Keep shoulders parallel to the line and
attack blocks close to LOS. Attack blockers outside
shoulder. Pursue runs from an inside out position
33 Base Responsibilities and Keys
Rob and Lou LB’s Continued
Key Blocks
DE slants outside /OT blocks DE: Fill B gap, attack the
guard or near back close to LOS. Keep outside leverage
DE slants outside/OT blocks Player: If flow is away, rip
through the tackles block, look for cutback, if towards player,
avoid OT’s block and fill C gap off of DE’s tail
DE slants outside/OT gets Mike: fill B gap
DE slants inside/OT blocks player: Fill C gap, Attack OT at
LOS, maintain leverage, bounce play outside
DE slants inside/ OT blocks Mike: fill to DE tail
TE/OT DBL team DE: fill close to DBL team, take on near
back or pulling OL with inside forearm ,maintain outside
TE blocks Player: attack TE with outside forearm, maintain
inside leverage and protect C gap
Pass Coverages - Cover 1

Cover 2

We will rush
one of the
LB’s unless
there is a max
call, then we
will drop 8
Cover 2 Man
Cover 3
Cover 4
Stunts and Blitzes
Up Eagle

Bear Switch
Stunts and Blitzes
Stunts and Blitzes
33 vs Wing-T

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