The document describes the main components of Oracle Developer/2000 including Form Builder, Report Builder, and other tools. Form Builder allows building applications through four interfaces: the Object Navigator, Property Palette, Layout Editor, and PL/SQL Editor. The Object Navigator navigates application objects. The Property Palette sets object attributes. The Layout Editor graphically designs interfaces. The PL/SQL Editor adds code. Forms are compiled into executable files for runtime deployment and use.
The document describes the main components of Oracle Developer/2000 including Form Builder, Report Builder, and other tools. Form Builder allows building applications through four interfaces: the Object Navigator, Property Palette, Layout Editor, and PL/SQL Editor. The Object Navigator navigates application objects. The Property Palette sets object attributes. The Layout Editor graphically designs interfaces. The PL/SQL Editor adds code. Forms are compiled into executable files for runtime deployment and use.
The document describes the main components of Oracle Developer/2000 including Form Builder, Report Builder, and other tools. Form Builder allows building applications through four interfaces: the Object Navigator, Property Palette, Layout Editor, and PL/SQL Editor. The Object Navigator navigates application objects. The Property Palette sets object attributes. The Layout Editor graphically designs interfaces. The PL/SQL Editor adds code. Forms are compiled into executable files for runtime deployment and use.
The document describes the main components of Oracle Developer/2000 including Form Builder, Report Builder, and other tools. Form Builder allows building applications through four interfaces: the Object Navigator, Property Palette, Layout Editor, and PL/SQL Editor. The Object Navigator navigates application objects. The Property Palette sets object attributes. The Layout Editor graphically designs interfaces. The PL/SQL Editor adds code. Forms are compiled into executable files for runtime deployment and use.
place. Four components makeup the interface to Oracle forms builder : The Object Navigator The Property Palette The Layout Editor The PL/SQL Editor The Object Navigator
The Object Navigator is primarily used to move
quickly between the other three interfaces. It has drag and drop application development features. It contain six section, such as : Forms Menus PL/SQL Libraries Object Libraries Built-in-packages Database Objects Forms :
Basically form is divided into following 16 section,
such as : Triggers Alerts Attached Libraries Popup Menus Data Blocks Program Units Canvases Property Classes Editors Record Groups LOVs Reports Object Groups Visual Attributes Parameters Windows The Property Palette
The Property Palette is where we set object
attributes. Users can set properties to control objects and their functionality.
Invoking a Property Palette :
1. Select Tools Property Palette or 2. Double Click the object icon for any object or 3. Double Click an item in the Layout Editor or 4. Press F4 Key The Layout Editor
The Layout Editor is fully WYSIWYG(What You
See Is What You Get). This is where we place all the objects for the particular screen that is being developed. The Layout Editor is a graphical design facility for creating and arranging interface items and graphics in a form. Invoking a Layout Editor : 1. Select Tools Layout Editor or 2. Press F2 Key The PL/SQL Editor
The PL/SQL Editor is where all PL/SQL code
can be added, modified, removed and compiled.
Note : The design specifications are stored in a
file with a “.FMB” extension. Oracle Forms Compiler
It is used to create executable files for
runtime deployment, while compiling a form module all of its object code is compiled (stored as .FMB files) and .FMX files are created. These .FMX are finally executed. Oracle Forms Runtime
The runtime is the runtime engine that form
operators use to run a finished oracle forms application. Components of Oracle Forms Application
When we build an application with Oracle
Forms, mostly development work involves creating objects and setting their properties. Oracle Forms has different types of objects, such as: Items Blocks Frames Canvases Windows etc. Items are the interface objects that display information to users and allow them to interact with application.
Block is an object that represents a logical
container for grouping related items into a function unit for storing, displaying and manipulating records. A Block can be related directly to a database table or view, is called Base table Block. If the block contain items, that are not from a database table, then the block is known as a Control Block. Frames are graphical objects on a canvas, that are used to organize the items within a block.
Canvases : All items need to be assigned to a
canvas i.e. it is the background on which items, text and graphics or frames are placed and the canvas is displayed in a window.
Window : Every new form is automatically
held in a default window name WINDOW1. At least one canvas must be created on window.
What Is CSS? CSS Stands For Cascading Style Sheet CSS Is An Extension To Basic HTML That Allows Us To Style Our Web Pages. Styles Define How To Display HTML Elements. Styles Were Added To HTML 4.0
What Is CSS? CSS Stands For Cascading Style Sheet CSS Is An Extension To Basic HTML That Allows Us To Style Our Web Pages. Styles Define How To Display HTML Elements. Styles Were Added To HTML 4.0