Assessing Student Learning Outcomes

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The key takeaways are the importance of alignment between learning outcomes, assessment tools and tasks, and providing feedback to students. Assessment should also consider students' multiple intelligences and involve continuous and varied methods.

Some of the principles of good practice in assessing learning outcomes mentioned are that assessment should start with the institution's mission and values, have clear learning objectives aligned with the mission, focus on activities still relevant after schooling, and provide continuous and formative feedback.

Some assessment methods mentioned include performance tasks, quarterly tests, rubrics, self-assessment, and considering students' multiple intelligences by using varied tools and tasks.




 Explain the principles in assessing learning outcomes.

 Illustrate constructive alignment with a diagram.
 Determine whether an assessment task is aligned or not aligned to
a given learning outcomes.
 Make a complete outline of the different assessment tools and
 Construct a scoring rubric (analytic and holistic).
 Explain the implication of multiple intelligence to assessment.

Principles of Good Practice in
Assessing Learning Outcomes
1. The assessment of student learning starts with the institution’s
mission and core values. There should be a clear statement on the
kinds of learning that institution values most for its students.
2. Assessment works best when the program has clear statement of
objectives aligned with the institutional mission and core values.
Such alignment ensures clear, shared and implementable
3. Outcomes – based assessment focuses on the student activities
that will still be relevant after formal schooling concludes. The
approach is to design assessment activities which are observable
and less abstract such as “to determine the student’s ability to write
a paragraph” which is more observable that “to determine the
student’s verbal ability” jpr

4. Assessment requires attention not only to outcomes but also and equally
to the activities and experiences that lead to the attainment of learning
outcomes. These are supporting student activities.
5. Assessment works best when it is continuous. Ongoing and not episodic.
Assessment should be cumulative because improvement is best achieved
through a linked series of activities done over time in an instructional cycle.
6. Begin by specifying clearly and exactly what you want to assess. What you
want to assess is / are stated in your learning outcomes/lesson objectives.
7. The intended learning outcome / lesson objective NOT CONTENT is the
bases of the assessment task. You use content in development of the
assessment tool and task but is the attainment of your learning outcome
Not content that you want to assess this is Outcomes-Based Teaching and

8. Set your criterion of success or acceptable standard of success. It

is against this established standard that you will interpret your
assessment result
for example: is a score of 7 out of 10 (the highest possible score
acceptable or considered success?
9. Make sure of varied tools for assessment data-gathering and
multiple sources of assessment data. It is not pedagogically sound
to rely on just one source of data gathered by only one
assessment tool. Consider multiple intelligences and learning
styles. DepED Order No. 73, s. 2012 cites the use of multiple
measure as one assessment guidelines.


10. Learners must be given feedback about their performance.

Feedback must be specific. “Good Work!” is positive feedback
and is welcome but actually is not a very good feedback, is “You
observed rules on subject-verb agreement and variety of
sentences. Three of your commas were misplaced.”
11. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-
context drills
12. Emphasize on the assessment of higher-over thinking
13. Provide opportunities for self-assessment.

Samples of Supporting Student
Student Learning Outcome #1: Students can organize information from secondary sources as basis of a research

Supporting Student Activities

1.1. practice differentiating source material and one’s opinion
1.2. reading articles and formulating an original paragraph from quotes, paraphrases and summaries.
1.3. writing of essays to develop the topic.
1.4. integrating bibliographic entries in appropriate format.

Student Learning Outcome #2: Students apply principles of logical thinking and persuasive argument in writing.

Supporting Student Activities

2.1. forming opinion about the topic
2.2. researching and writing about a variety of perspectives
2.3. adapting styles to the identified audience.
2.4. employing clear argument in writing.

Student Learning Outcomes #3: Students write multiple page essays complying with standard format and styles

Supporting Student Activities

3.1. analyzing and evaluating texts
3.2. writing about a variety of perspectives on single topic
3.3. adapting tone and style to addrss one’s audience.
3.4. reviewing grammar and essay format in readings.
3.5. holding group discussion about various topics.
Outcomes Assessment in the
Instructional Cycle
Institutional Program Subject
Mission Goals Objectives

Summative Desired Student

Assessment of Learning
Master Learning Outcomes
Deciding on
Lesson Focus

Student Activities
Constructive Alignment

Constructive Alignment simply means that the

Learning teaching-learning activity or activities and
Outcome assessment tasks are aligned to the intended
learning outcome.

For example:
The intended learning outcome is “to drive a
Assessme Teaching- car”.
nt Task learning
The teaching-learning activity is driving a
car not giving lectures on car driving.

The assessment task is to let the student

Constructive Alignment drive a car not to describe how to drive a
Model car. jpr
Variety of Assessment Methods, Tools
and Tasks

 Assessment Methods can be classified as Traditional

and Authentic.
 Traditional Assessment Method refers to the usual
paper-and-pencil test while Authentic Assessment refers
to non-paper-and-pencil test. Authentic assessment is
also called alternative assessment, it being an
alternative to the traditional.

Examples of Traditional Assessment
(paper-and-pencil test)

Selected Constructed Examples of Selected Response Type of test are:

response response
 True or False
 Yes or No
Alternate  or X
 Matching type and
 Multiple choice
Matching Short answer
Examples of Constructed Type of test are:
Essay-restricted or
Multiple non-restricted  Fill-in-the-blanks
Choice  Short answer
Problem  Essay test and
Solving  Problem Solving
Examples of Authentic Assessment Tools
(non-paper-and-pencil test)
Examples of Products outputs are:
Product Performance  Reports
 Papers
Product Performance  Research Projects and
Output Task  Reviews

Visual-e.g. e.g. experiments Examples of Performance tests are:

graph, collage oral
reflective presentation,  Executing steps of tango
journal dramatization  Delivering keynote speech
 Opening a computer and
 Demonstration teaching

 Portfolio falls under non-paper-and-pencil test

 A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work or
documented performance (e.g. video of dance) that tells the story
of student achievement or growth.
 The word purposeful implies that a portfolio is not a collection of all
student’s work. It is not just a receptacle for all student’s work.
 The student’s work that is collected depends on the type and
purpose of a portfolio you want to have.
 It can be a collection of products or recorded performances or
photos of performance.

Types of Portfolio

 Working Portfolio
o A working portfolio is so named because it is a project “in the works,” containing
work in progress as well as finished samples of work.
o A growth portfolio demonstrates an individual’s development and growth over
time. Development can be focused on academic or thinking skills, content
knowledge, self-knowledge, or any area that is important for your proposes.
o For this reason, it is also called a development portfolio can serve as a holding
tank for work that may be selected later for a more permanent assessment or
display portfolio.
 Display, Showcase, or Best Works Portfolio
o It is the display of the student’s best work.
o Students exhibit their best work and interpret its meaning
o Showcase portfolio demonstrates the highest level of achievement attained by
the student

 Assessment or Evaluation Portfolio

o The main function of an assessment portfolio is to document what a
student has learned based on standards and competencies expected of
students at each grade level.
o The standards and competencies of the curriculum, then, will determine
what students select for their portfolios. Their reflective comments will
focus on the extent to which they believe the portfolio entries
demonstrate their mastery of the standards and competencies.
For example:
if the standard or competency specifies persuasive, narrative, and
descriptive writing, an assessment portfolio should include examples of
each type of writing. Similarly, if the curriculum calls for technical skills such
as use of Power Point in report presentation, then the display portfolio will
include entries documenting the reporting process with the use of Power
Point. jpr
Scoring Rubrics

 A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students’ work that includes

descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria.
 The main purpose of rubrics is to assess performance made evident
in processes and products.
 It serves as a scoring guide that seeks to evaluate a student’s
performance in many different tasks based on a full range of
criteria rather than a single numerical score.
 The objectives test can be scored by simply counting the correct
answer, but the essay test, student’s products and student’s
performance cannot be scored the way objective tests are

 Rubrics have two major parts: coherent sets of criteria and

descriptions of levels of performance for these criteria.
 Two types of rubrics
o Analytic - in an analytic rubric, each criterion (dimension, trait) is
evaluated separately.
- An analytic rubric is good for formative assessment, it also adaptable to
summative assessment because if you need an overall score for grading, you
can combine the scores.
o Holistic
o in holistic rubric, all criteria (dimensions, traits) are evaluated simultaneously
o in a holistic rubric, scoring is faster than with analytic rubric. It is good for
summative assessment.
Example of an Analytic Rubric for Creativity
Very Creative Creative Ordinary/Routine Imitative
Depth and Ideas represent a startling variety of ideas represent important Ideas represent important Ideas do not represent
Quality of important concepts from different concepts from different concepts from the same important concepts.
Ideas contexts or disciplines. contexts or disciplines or similar contexts or

Variety of Created product draws on a wide- Created product draws Created product draws Created product draws
sources ranging variety of sources, including on a variety of sources, on a limited set of sources on only one source,
different texts, media, resource persons, including different test and media. and/or sources are not
and/personal experiences. media, resource persons, trustworthy or
and/or personal appropriate.

Organizatio Ideas are combined in original and Ideas are combined in Ideas are combined in Ideas are copied or
ns and surprising ways to solve a problem, original ways to solve a ways that are derived restated from the sources
combinatio address an issue, or make something problem, address an issue, from the thinking of others consulted.
ns of ideas new. or make something new. (for example, of the
authors in sources

Example of Analytic Rubric for

Originality Created product is interesting, new, Created products is

Created product serves its Created product does not

and/or helpful, making an original
contribution that includes identifying a
interesting, new, and/or
helpful, making an original
intended purpose (e.g.
solving a problem or
serve its intended purpose
(e.g. solving a problem or
previously unknown problem, issue, or contribution for its addressing an issue). addressing an issue).
purpose. intended purpose (e.g.
solving a problem or
addressing an issue). jpr
Example of a Holistic Rubric for Creativity

Very Creative Ideas represent a startling variety of important concepts from different contexts or disciplines. Created
product draws on a wide-ranging variety of sources, including different texts, media, resource persons,
and/personal experiences. Ideas are combined in original and surprising ways to solve a problem,
address an issue, or make something new. Created product is interesting, new, and/or helpful, making
an original contribution that includes identifying a previously unknown problem, issue, or purpose.

Creative ideas represent important concepts from different contexts or disciplines. Created product draws on a
variety of sources, including different test media, resource persons, and/or personal experiences. Ideas
are combined in original ways to solve a problem, address an issue, or make something new. Created
products is interesting, new, and/or helpful, making an original contribution for its intended purpose (e.g.
solving a problem or addressing an issue).

Ordinary/Routine Ideas represent important concepts from the same or similar contexts or disciplines. Created product
draws on a limited set of sources and media. Ideas are combined in ways that are derived from the

Example of Analytic Rubric for

thinking of others (for example, of the authors in sources consulted). Created product serves its intended
purpose (e.g. solving a problem or addressing an issue).

Imitative Ideas do not represent important concepts. Created product draws on only one source, and/or sources
are not trustworthy or appropriate. Ideas are copied or restated from the sources consulted. Created
product does not serve its intended purpose (e.g. solving a problem or addressing an issue).

(Adapted from Peter Hernon and Robert Dugan, and Patricia Benner)


Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
1. REMEMBERING () () () () ()
a) Recalls Recalls some Recalls most Recall all significant
content and content and details content and details content and details
details but not always accurately accurately

b) Identifies () () () () ()
classification Identifies some Identifies most Identifies significant
, principles, classifications, classifications, classifications,
methologies principles principles principles
and theories. methologies and methologies and methologies and
theories theories theories
c) Restates () () () () ()
main ideas, Restates main Restates main Restates main
concepts ideas, concepts ideas, concepts ideas, concepts
and and principles with and principles with and principles
principles difficulty minimal assistance clearly and

Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
2. UNDERSTANDING () () () () ()
a) Explains ideas, Explains ideas, Explains ideas, Explains ideas,
concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
principles principles with principles with some principles with
limited accuracy accuracy and accuracy and
and irrelevant relevant examples relevant examples
b) Contextualizes () () () () ()
ideas, concepts Contextualizes Contextualizes Contextualizes
and principles ideas, concepts ideas, concepts ideas, concepts
and principles with and principles with and principles with
difficulty minimal difficulty ease

c) Demonstrates () () () () ()
awareness Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates a
minimal awareness awareness of the clear awareness of
of the depth and depth and breadth the depth and
breadth of one’s of one’s knowledge breadth of one’s
knowledge knowledge

d) Anticipates () () () () ()
consequences Anticipates Anticipates Anticipates
consequences of consequences of consequences of
principles and principles and principles and
concepts with little concepts with some concepts with
accuracy accuracy accuracy
Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
3. APPLYING () () () () ()
a) Applies Applies knowledge Applies knowledge Applies knowledge
knowledge with little with some degree with consistency or
consistency or of consistency or accuracy
accuracy accuracy
b) Seeks () () () () ()
alternatives Seeks alternative Seeks alternative Seeks alternative
solutions for a solutions for a solutions for a
problem only with problem with problem
assistance occasional independently
c) applies () () () () ()
procedures and Applies procedures Applies procedures Applies procedures
concepts and concepts to and concepts to and concepts both
familiar tasks with familiar tasks but familiar and
limited accuracy shows difficulty with unfamiliar tasks
but not to unfamiliar unfamiliar task
4. ANALYZING () () () () ()
a) Draws Draws conclusion Draws conclusion Draws well-
conclusions with difficulty with some degree reasoned
of difficulty conclusion

Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
b) Distinguishes () () () () ()
information Distinguishes Distinguishes Distinguishes
relevant from relevant from relevant from
irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant
information with information with information easily
difficulty minimal difficulty
c) Breaks down () () () () ()
theories, Breaks down Breaks down Breaks down
formulas or theories, formulas or theories, formulas or theories, formulas or
arguments arguments into their arguments into their arguments into their
elements with elements with elements with
difficulty minimal difficulty accuracy
d) Demonstrate () () () () ()
awareness Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates
minimal awareness degree of fullawareness of
of one’s or awareness of one’s one’s or another’s
another’s biases, or another’s biases, biases, assumptions
assumptions or assumptions or or values
values values
5. EVALUATING () () () () ()
a) Assesses Assesses the Assesses the Assesses the
reliability and reliability and reliability and reliability and
comprehensive comprehensiveness comprehensiveness comprehensiveness
ness of sources with of sources with of sources with
limited accuracy some accuracy accuracy
Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
b) Determine () () () () ()
effectiveness and Determines with Determines with some Determines
appropriateness minimal degree of degree of accurately the
effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and
appropriateness, a appropriateness, a appropriateness, a
specific process, specific process, specific process,
method or theory in method or theory in method or theory in
solving a problem solving a problem solving a problem
c) Demonstrates () () () () ()
ability to assess Demonstrates minimal Demonstrates some Demonstrates full
ability to assess the ability to assess the ability to assess the
effectiveness of one’s effectiveness of one’s effectiveness of one’s
choice and is unable choice and is unable choice and is unable
to modify them to modify them to modify them

6. SYNTHESIZING () () () () ()
a) Draws Draws inconsistent or Draws generalizations Draws generalizations
generalization incomplete that are partially that are consistent
generalizations from consistent and and supportable from
data supportable from data

b) Generates new () () () () ()
ideas Demonstrates Demonstrates minimal Demonstrates new
difficulty in generating difficulty in generating ideas form existing
new ideas form new ideas form information with
existing information existing information accuracy and
Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
c) Integrates () () () () ()
relevant Integrates relevant Integrates relevant Integrates relevant
knowledge knowledge from knowledge from knowledge from
diverse perspective diverse perspective diverse perspective
with little depth and with some depth with depth and
breadth and breadth breadth

7. SELF-ASSESSMENT () () () () ()
a) Modifies Identifies major Synthesizes Utilizes self-
performance, weaknesses and feedback from assessment and
based on one’s strengths with instructor and other feedback to
strengths and assistance integrates with self- determine means of
weaknesses assessment modifying


Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent

1. Demonstrates () () () () ()
an ability to Does basic Performs routine Performs complex
operate operations with help tasks with minimal tasks independently
technology assistance
a) Operations/

b) Troubleshoots () () () () ()
Unable to Troubleshoots Troubleshoots some
troubleshoots common advanced
operational operational
difficulties difficulties

2. Uses () () () () ()
technology tools Seldom works Usually works Takes a leadership
collaboratively, cooperatively using cooperatively in role in collaborative
safely, technology using technology work using
responsibly and technology
a) Collaboration
00 Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
b) Ethics: models () () () () ()
ethical behavior Demonstrate little Demonstrates ethical Models high levels of
in using evidence of ethical use of technology respect and ethical
technology use of technology behavior in the use of

c) Uses technology () () () () ()
responsibly/safety Demonstrates little Uses technology with Models technology
evidence of concern appropriate concern with meticulous
for personal or for personal and concern for personal
physical safety physical safety and physical safety

3. Uses technology as () () () () ()
a problem solving tool Demonstrates little Formulates problems Formulates problems
evidence of and chooses and chooses
formulating problems appropriate strategies appropriate strategy
or choosing with some guidance using technology
appropriate strategies using technology
for using technology

4. Uses technological () () () () ()
resources Uses few or inefficient Uses variety of Consistently uses the
technology resources technology resources most appropriate
to gather information to gather information strategy using
Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
5. Uses assessment () () () () ()
resources Seldom evaluates Usually evaluates, Always researches
accuracy, relevance accuracy, relevance, and evaluates,
appropriateness, appropriateness, accuracy, relevance,
comprehensiveness comprehensiveness appropriateness,
and bias of comprehensiveness
electronic and bias of
information resources electronic
information resources

6. Uses technology to () () () () ()
produce class Needs much Uses technology to Designs and
assignments and assistance to design, develop, develops advance
projects produce a product publish and present a products with little or
a) Designs and using technology product with minimal no assistance
develops assistance

b) Communicates () () () () ()
Communicates Communicates Fluently
and/or illustrates and/or illustrates communicates
ideas with difficulty ideas with difficulty and/or illustrates
using technology using technology with ideas with
minimal assistance technology
Not Applicable Not Evident Beginner Capable Competent
7. Uses technology to () () () () ()
locate, evaluate and Discovers the us of Analyzes which Assesses and
collect information technology to locate, search engines are evaluates the
from a variety of evaluate and collect more effective in credibility of
sources information locating a variety of electronic
electronic information to
information ascertain.
8. Self-assessment () () () () ()
modifies Identifies major Synthesizes Utilizes self-
performance based weaknesses and feedback from assessment and
on self-assessment strengths with instructor and other feedback to
assistance integrates with self- determine means of
assessment to modifying
continue growth in performance
the use of

Assessment Methods and Multiple
 Learners have multiple intelligences and varied
learning styles.
 Students must be given the opportunity to demonstrate
learning that is aligned to their multiple intelligence

Multiple and to their learning style.

 It is good for teachers to consider the multiple
intelligences of learners to enable learners to
demonstrate learning in a manner which makes them
feel comfortable and successful.
 Teachers truly consider learners’ multiple intelligence
Multiple Intelligences when they make use of a variety of assessment tools
and tasks. jpr
Assessment of Learning Outcomes in
the K to 12 Programs
Here are assessment practices lifted from DepED Order 8, s. 2015 for the guidance of all teachers.
1. Teachers should employ assessment methods that are consistent with standards. This means that assessment as a
process must be based on standards and competencies that are stated in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide,. Assessment
must be based NOT on a content but on standards and competencies. Therefore, there must be alignment between
assessment tools or tasks and standards and competencies.
2. Teachers must employ both formative and summative assessment both individually and collaboratively. Assessment is
done primarily to ensure learning, this teachers are expected to assess learning in every stage of lesson development –
beginning, middle and at the end.
3. Grades are a function of written work, performance tasks and quarterly test. This means that grades come from multiple
sources with emphasis on performance task from Grade 1 to 12. Grade does not come from only one source rather from
multiple sources.
4. The cognitive process dimensions given by Krathwohl and Anderson (2001) – from remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating – governs formulation of assessment tasks. jpr
Thank u


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