Week 2 Slide 2 Encoding

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Data and Computer

Signal Encoding Techniques
Digital Data, Digital Signal
 Digital signal
 discrete, discontinuous voltage pulses
 each pulse is a signal element
 binary data encoded into signal elements
Some Terms
 unipolar
 polar
 data rate
 duration or length of a bit
 modulation rate
 mark and space
Interpreting Signals
 need to know
 timing of bits - when they start and end
 signal levels
 factors affecting signal interpretation
 signal to noise ratio
 data rate
 bandwidth
 encoding scheme
Comparison of Encoding
 signal spectrum
 clocking
 error detection
 signal interference and noise immunity
 cost and complexity
Encoding Schemes
Nonreturn to Zero-Level
 two different voltages for 0 and 1 bits
 voltage constant during bit interval
 no transition I.e. no return to zero voltage
 such as absence of voltage for zero, constant
positive voltage for one
 more often, negative voltage for one value
and positive for the other
Nonreturn to Zero Inverted
 nonreturn to zero inverted on ones
 constant voltage pulse for duration of bit
 data encoded as presence or absence of signal
transition at beginning of bit time
 transition (low to high or high to low) denotes binary 1
 no transition denotes binary 0
 example of differential encoding since have
 data represented by changes rather than levels
 more reliable detection of transition rather than level
 easy to lose sense of polarity
NRZ Pros & Cons
 Pros
 easy to engineer
 make good use of bandwidth
 Cons
 dc component
 lack of synchronization capability
 used for magnetic recording
 not often used for signal transmission
Multilevel Binary
 Use more than two levels
 Bipolar-AMI
 zero represented by no line signal
 one represented by positive or negative pulse
 one pulses alternate in polarity
 no loss of sync if a long string of ones
 long runs of zeros still a problem
 no net dc component
 lower bandwidth
 easy error detection
Multilevel Binary
 one represented by absence of line signal
 zero represented by alternating positive
and negative
 no advantage or disadvantage over
 each used in some applications
Multilevel Binary Issues
 synchronization with long runs of 0’s or 1’s
 can insert additional bits, cf ISDN
 scramble data (later)
 not as efficient as NRZ
 each signal element only represents one bit
• receiver distinguishes between three levels: +A, -A, 0
 a 3 level system could represent log23 = 1.58 bits
 requires approx. 3dB more signal power for same
probability of bit error
Manchester Encoding
 has transition in middle of each bit period
 transition serves as clock and data
 low to high represents one
 high to low represents zero
 used by IEEE 802.
Differential Manchester
 midbit transition is clocking only
 transition at start of bit period representing 0
 no transition at start of bit period representing 1
 this is a differential encoding scheme
 used by IEEE 802.5
Biphase Pros and Cons
 Con
 at least one transition per bit time and possibly two
 maximum modulation rate is twice NRZ
 requires more bandwidth
 Pros
 synchronization on mid bit transition (self clocking)
 has no dc component
 has error detection
Modulation Rate
 use scrambling to replace sequences that would
produce constant voltage
 these filling sequences must
 produce enough transitions to sync
 be recognized by receiver & replaced with original
 be same length as original
 design goals
 have no dc component
 have no long sequences of zero level line signal
 have no reduction in data rate
 give error detection capability
B8ZS and HDB3

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