Grassland Ecosystem

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Grasslands are open areas of land where grasses or grass-like plants are the
dominant species. Other forms of vegetation such as trees are rare in grasslands
because they are not suited to thrive in the grassland's dry environment.
A grassland ecosystem is the collection of plants, animals and micro-organisms
that live within an environment where grasses are the primary form of

Tropical Grasslands are located near the
equator, between the Tropic of Cancer TEMPERATE GRASSLANDS
Temperate Grasslands are located in
and the Tropic of Capricorn. Most of the
the mid-latitudes, north of the Tropic
Tropical Grasslands are found in the
of Cancer and south of the Tropic of
interior part of continents between the
Capricorn. They generally lie between
Tropical Rain Forests and Tropical
Deserts and Temperate Forests.
Deserts. Tropical Grasslands are also
Temperate Grasslands have a temperate
known as 'Savannahs'. Tropical
continental climate, which is cooler
Grasslands have a tropical continental
than Savannahs.
climate wherein wet and dry seasons
come alternately.
Savannahs that are caused by soil conditions
and that are not entirely maintained by fire
Savannahs which result from
are called Edaphic Savannahs. These can
climatic conditions are called
occur on hills or ridges where the soil is
Climatic Savannahs.
shallow, or in valleys where clay soils
become waterlogged in wet weather.

Savannahs which is formed as result of people clearing Forest land for cultivation is
known as Derived Savannah. These originate when farmers clear a tract of Forest,
burn the dead trees, and Plant crops in the ashes for as long as the soil remains
fertile. Then, the field is abandoned and, although Forest trees may recolonize, Grass
takes over on the bare ground (succession), becoming luxuriant enough to burn
within a year or so.
• Soils vary according to bedrock and • Tropical Grasslands are warm year round
edaphic conditions. In general, however, with mean monthly temperatures
Laterization is the dominant soil-forming occurring at or above 64 F. The annual
process and low fertility oxisols can be precipitation averages between 30 and 50
expected. Savannahs are covered with inches. The appearances of Savannahs
Perennial Grasses which often are 3 to 6 change seasonally, in which they are
feet tall at maturity. green in colour in wet seasons and turn
golden-brown in dry seasons.

• Over 40 different Species of Animals are found

• They may or may not also have an open
in African Savannahs, some of which are Eland,
canopy of drought-resistant, fire-resistant, or
Impala, Wildebeest, Plains Zebra, Rhinoceros,
browse-resistant trees, or they may have an
Elephant, Warthog, Lion, Leopard and Cheetah.
open shrub layer. Trees are only found along
However in South America's Tropical Grassland
rivers in the Savannah because only drought-
the Fauna is not as diverse. It includes Animals
resistant Plants can grow well under the long
like Capybara, Anaconda, Armadillo, Caiman
dry season with thin soils.
and Termites.Areas of Tropical Grasslands
• Calcification is the dominant soil-forming process these • Trees are rare in the Temperate Grasslands because there
areas.Mild leaching, high organic content, and is not enough moisture for them to grow as they have
concentration of calcium carbonate in the B horizon longer life cycles and need longer growing season than
typifies the dark brown mollisols developed under the Grasses. The appearances of Grasslands in winter are
Temperate Grasslands.When this process works on a generally brown in colour because Grasses turn dry in
loess (silt deposit) that itself is rich in calcium, the winter.
World's most fertile soils are created, the Chernozems
(black soil).
• Perennial Grasses and Perennial Forbs and
Leguminosae, the Sunflower and Pea families are
• Temperate Grasslands have warm, humid summers with dominant growth forms.The Temperate Grasslandis very
an average temperature of 18 C and cool, dry winters low in diversity in terms of Animals, especially in
with an average temperature of 10 C.These typically comparison with the Tropical Grasslands. Some of the
receive between 10 and 20 inches of precipitation a Animals include North American Bison, Pronghorn
year. Much of this falls as snow, serving as reservoir of Antelope, Pocket Gopher,Ground Squirrels, Prairie Dog,
moisture for the beginning of the growing season. The Coyote, Badger and Black-Footed Ferret. Some of the
evaporation rate is high, so little rain makes it into the Animalsof Russia include European Bison (wisent),
soil. Wild Horse, Saiga Antelope, Mole Rats and Polecats.





• Llanos of the Orinoco basin of Venezuela and • Pampas in South America
Colombia. • Veld in Africa
• Cerrado of Brazil. • Canterbury Plains in New Zealand
• Pine Savannas of Belize and Honduras • Steppes in Central Asia.
• Prairies in North America
The Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan
pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt extends upto the snowline. The grasslands at a lower
level form patches along with coniferous or broadleaved forests. Himalayan wildlife require
both the forest and the grassland ecosystem as important parts of their habitat. The animals
migrate up into the high altitude grasslands in summer and move down into the forest in
winter when the snow covers the grassland. These Himalayan pastures have a large variety of
grasses and herbs. Himalayan hill slopes are covered with thousands of colourful flowering
plants. There are also a large number of medicinal plants.
The Terai consists of patches of tall grasslands interspersed with a Sal forest ecosystem. The
patches of tall elephant grass, which grows to a height of about five meters, are located in
the low-lying waterlogged areas. The Sal forest patches cover the elevated regions and the
Himalayan foothills. The Terai also includes marshes in low-lying depressions. This ecosystem
extends as a belt south of the Himalayan foothills.
The Semi-arid plains of Western India Central India and the Deccan are
covered by grassland tracts with patches of thorn forest. Several mammals
such as the wolf, the blackbuck, the chinkara, and birds such as the bustards
and floricans are adapted to these arid conditions. The Scrublands of the
Deccan Plateau are covered with seasonal grasses and herbs on which its
fauna is dependent. It is teaming with insect life on which the insectivorous
birds feed.

The Shola grasslands consist of patches on hillslopes along with the Shola
forests on the Western Ghats, Nilgiri and Annamalai ranges. This forms a
patchwork of grassland on the slopes and forest habitats along the
streams and low lying areas.
Grassland are an important part of ecosystem as they cover nearly one third of the earth land surface and supply

three quarters of the energy that the World needs. They support an amazing variety of Animals and Plants which are
important components of the Grassland Habitat and maintain a rich biodiversity. Some Species are endemic to these
Habitats and as such these Habitats should be conserved.
No other habitat is as agriculturally useful to humans as Grasslands. Soils tend to be deep and fertile, perfect for
crop land or pastures. Much of the North American Prairie lands have been converted into one of the richest
agricultural regions on Earth. According to an estimate one hectare of natural Grassland can provide four persons

requirements of Wheat. If properly managed Grasslands can be mutually beneficial to Humans as well as to local

Fauna and Flora.


Grasslands separate Forests from Deserts. Grasslands act as barrier towards desertification of land as they have
Plants which bind the soil and prevent erosion of the land.
Grasslands are a source of income through Tourism as well. The increasing number of tourists add to the revenues of
most countries where they are found.
Grassland are important for researchers and scientists as Grasslands are needed to be fully understood so that they
can benefit Humans in innumerable ways. Certain adaptations of Plants towards harsh climates are and can be utilised
to develop better quality of Plants.
Certain Animal Species use various strategies and techniques to survive in Grasslands and these can be applied in
scientific research and development for the benefit of mankind.

• Decreased Biodiversity
Grasslands with more moisture are home to native species of sod-forming grasses that have underground rhizomes that give
rise to new plants each spring, which form dense root masses. Drier grasslands tend to have bunch grasses that grow from
seed. Each geographic area of temperate grassland has its own characteristic native species of grasses and herbaceous
perennials, many in the daisy family and pea family. When grasslands are plowed for agriculture, the diversity of native flora
gets replaced by non-native crop plants planted in large monocultures.
• Soil Loss
When native grasses and their soil-retaining roots are eradicated, fallow plowed lands lose topsoil to dust and erosion. The Dust
Bowl environmental disaster in the southwestern Great Plains of the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s is an example of what can
happen. When drought conditions began in 1930, tons of topsoil blew away and 400,000 people ultimately left the land. In
China, dust storms in 1993 destroyed 120,000 livestock animals on grasslands. Wind erosion events can greatly change
landscapes and cause damage to plants.
• Overgrazing
Introduction of domesticated grazing animals is one of the chief threats to temperate grasslands. Native
grazing animals such as the American bison are migratory and don't overgraze given areas of grassland. They
are also selective feeders, eating plant materials other than just grass. Large bison populations could live
sustainably on North American temperate grasslands. Cattle and sheep tend to eat grasses faster than the
plants can grow, and fencing restricts the animals to given areas, both resulting in overgrazing. In Argentina,
sheep graze native grasslands year-round in flock sizes too large for the given area of land, destroying large
areas of vegetation. Overgrazing destroys habitat for native species and pollutes waterways with runoff and
silt as soil is washed away.
• Fire
Ecological disturbance, such as fire or destruction of vegetation by overgrazing, can lead to replacement of
native grass species by weedy introduced non-native species. In the United States, cheatgrass can overwhelm
former areas of native grasslands. In other types of grassland, such as North American prairie, occasional
burning is necessary to prevent grasslands from turning into woodland. Australian Aborigines set grassland
fires to maintain the grassland environment. The tendency toward fire suppression in modern agricultural
practice affects the health of some types of temperate grasslands.

• Continue education efforts on how to protect the soil and prevent soil
• Protect and restore wetlands, which are an important part of
grassland ecology.
• Rotate agricultural crops to prevent the sapping of nutrients.
• Plant trees as windbreaks.
• Conduct dry season burning to obtain fresh growth and to restore
calcium to the soil that builds up in the dry grasses.
Pygmy Hogs are the smallest and rarest wild pig or hog on the planet. Listed
as a critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN), its population size is estimated to be fewer than 250
mature individuals. Today, the Pygmy Hog is found in just three places in
Assam—Manas, Sonai Rupai and Orang.
Why is the Pygmy Hog so important to the habitat?
The hog is an indicator species for the health of tall wet grassland habitat
across the southern foothills of the Himalayas. Unfortunately, this landscape
has seen the most destruction due to ever-growing agricultural expansion
with human and cattle populations as well as commercial plantations. The
hog cannot adapt to the changing habitat. The Pygmy Hog is the sole
representative of the genus Porcula, a species that was described to science
by Brian Houghton Hodgson in 1847. The conservation of this diminutive pig
is vital—its extinction would result in the loss of a unique evolutionary branch
of wild pigs. In twenty years we have made a positive difference towards
fulfilling our mission—saving species from extinction and rebuilding wild
populations. About 50% of the total pygmy hog population is reintroduced in
the wild from captive populations, we have a long way to go before its future
is secure

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