Auditing The Revenue Cycle

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Chapter 9:

Auditing the Revenue Cycle

Credit authorization procedures
To establish the creditworthiness of the customer
Credit department – responsible for implementing the firm’s credit policies.

Testing credit procedures

 Verify effective procedures exist
 Verify information is adequately communicated
 Verify effectiveness of programmed decision rules (test data, ITF)
 Verify that authority for making credit decisions is limited to authorized credit
 Perform Substantive Tests of Detail
 Review credit policy periodically and revise as necessary
Data Validation Controls
To detect transcription errors in transaction data before they are processed.

Validation Test that are relevant to revenue cycle

 Missing data checks – presence of blank fields
 Numeric-Alphabetic data checks – correct form of data is in a field
 Limit checks – determine if the value in the field exceeds an authorized limit
 Range checks – data is within upper and lower limits
 Validity checks – compare actual values in a field against known acceptable values
 Check digit – identify keystroke errors by testing internal validity
Testing Data Validation Controls
 Verifying that controls exist and are functioning effectively
 Validation of program logic to achieve some degree of assurance

Batch controls
 Manage high volumes of transaction data through a system
 Purpose: to reconcile output produced by system with the input originally entered into the system
 Controls continue through all computer (data) processes
 Batch transmittal sheet:
 Unique batch number
 Batch date
 Transaction code
 Record count
 Batch control total (amount)
 Hast totals
Testing batch controls
 Failures of batch controls indicates data errors
 Involves reviewing transmittal records of batches processed and reconcile them to the batch
control log (batch transmittal sheet)
 Examine out-of-balance conditions and other errors to determine cause of error
 Review and reconcile transaction listings, error logs and logs of resubmitted records.
 Computerized procedures for file updating and restricting access to data
 Techniques:
 File update controls -- Run-to-run batch control data to monitor data processing
 Transaction code controls – to process different transactions using different
programming logic
 Sequence check controls – sequential files, proper sorting of transaction files
 Testing file update controls – results in errors

Testing data that contains errors (incorrect transaction codes, out of sequence)
Can be performed in ITF or test data
CAATTs requires careful planning
Single audit procedure can be devised that performs all tests in one operation.
 Prevent and detect unauthorized and illegal access to firm’s systems and/or
 Techniques:
 Using warehouse security
 Depositing cash daily in the bank
 Using a safe or night deposit box for cash
 Locking cash drawers and safes in the cash receipts department
 Risk in Revenue Cycle
 Removal of an account from books
 Unauthorized shipments of goods using blank sales orders
 Removal of cash, covered by adjustments to cash account
 Theft of products/inventory, covered by adjustments to inventory or cash accounts

Testing access controls – heart of accounting information integrity

 Absence thereof allows manipulation of invoices (i.e., fraud)
 Access controls are system-wide and application-specific
 Access controls are dependent on effective controls in operating system, networks, and

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