Projection Problem

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and entailment
Presented by :
 Musyarofah Noviyani (1420302159/E)
Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)
Shafira Adhelia (1420302179/E)
The Projection
The meaning of some presuppositions (as “parts”) doesn’t survive to
become the meaning of some complex sentences (as “wholes”).
1. a. Nobody realized that Kelly was ill. (=p)
b. Kelly was ill. (=q)
c. p >> q ( At this point, the speaker uttering (1a) presupposes (1b)
d. I imagined that Kelly was ill. (=r)
e. Kelly was not ill. (=NOT q)
f. r >> NOT q ( At this point, the speaker uttering (1d) presupposes (1e), the opposite of (1b)
g. I imagined that Kelly was ill and nobody realized that she was ill. (=r&p)
h. r&p >> NOT q ( At this point, after combining r & p, the presupposition q can no
longer be assumed to be true.)
Shirley : It’s so sad. George regrets getting Marry

Jean : But he didn’t get her pregnant. We know that
2. a. George regrets getting Marry pregnant. (=p)
b. George got Marry pregnant. (=q)
c. p >>q
d. He didn’t get her pregnant. (=r)
e. George regrets getting Marry pregnant, but he didn’t get her
pregnant. (=p & r)
f. p & r >> NOT q
A simple explanation for the fact that presuppositions don’t
“project” is that they are destroyed by entailments. Remember, an entailment
is something that necessarily follows from what is asserted. In previous
example, Jean’s utterance of “he didn’t get her pregnant” actually entails
“George didn’t get Mary pregnant” as a logical consequence.
Thus, when someone tells you that “George regrets getting Marry
pregnant, but he didn’t get her pregnant”, you have a presupposition q and an
entailment NOT q. In this case, we can infer that George thought he was the
father of Marry’s baby, but, in fact, he was not.
The entailment ( a necessary consequence of what is said) is
simply more powerful than the presupposition ( an earlier
assumption). In the example below, the power of entailment can also
be used to cancel existential presuppositions .
 The King of Brazil visited us.
 The king of Brazil does not exist.
Thanks!! ❤
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