In Small Group:
Assume that you are an academic advisor at SuperDuper
College. A female junior level student majoring in ____
comes to you and asks for your advice on the career she
is considering. Answer the following questions in
preparation for your talk with her.
1. What is the average salary for a new recruit in that field
(give male and female salary separately)
2. What is the average number of male and female workers
in that field. Is there gender segregation?
3. List some potential challenges and opportunities for a
female in that field.
An Interesting Topic
By virtue of your college degree, you will/
are likely enter the paid workforce
variety of issues you will face, so be
Today, more than 50% of women hold
paying jobs, so she is not an anomaly but
the NORM
Outline of Presentation
History of Women and Work
Male Female
Asst Prof $46,859 Asst Prof $43586
Assoc Prof 55,384 Assoc Prof 49,185
Full Prof 78,083 Full Prof 65,614
Household Tasks
Personal Adjustment
Employment = delayed marriage for many
Sure, it’s getting better but still the
predominant ideology is that man’s job
comes first - i.e., job transfers
hard for some dual career couples; women
more likely to choose job to fit family
3 kinds of marriage:
– traditional, modern, egalitarian
Marital Bliss
In general, marriage not as satisfying for
Jesse Bernard- studied mental & physical
hlth of single and married men and women
found married men healthier, likelier to get
better-paying jobs & higher pay than unm.
Married men commit fewer crimes, get
fewer traffic tickets, live longer than unm m.
married women - 2 to 3 x more likely to
report physical & emotional problems
Household Tasks
Household chores generally not fun for most
dissatisfaction with inequity in household
tasks perhaps one if not greatest difficulties
In 1971 38% men did little/no housework
today changing, but after last 25 years still
not equal efforts
the double disadvantage
women who work outside the home the most
dissatisfied with task division
Household Tasks
Keep in mind--housework generally not a
seen, and therefore not a valued task
J. Birnbaum (75) found homemakers to
have lowest SE (women who had BA)
social isolation, lack of reward for job well
done, financial dependence create feelings
of frustration, little control
1980s was 1st time more than 1/2 all
mothers with children under 6 yrs in labor
much stress, guilt, mommy wars
big debates about quality of child care
1993 Family & Medical Leave Act
time off can be costly for many years
Children in Day Care
Early research said separation of mother &
child had negative effects
findings from early studies (some argue)
based on poor methods, biased samples,
misleading statements
other studies show preschoolers in day care
not signif. different from those at home
Belsky & Steinberg (78) day care may
intellectually benefit some children
Day Care
Some argued that day care = impersonal
trtmnt, aggressive behavior, more illness
others report day care children show better
social adjustment, no difference in later
school achievement, girls may have
advantage seeing mom role model,
encourages independence, daughters of
working moms less gender stereotyped
Personal Psychological
2 hypotheses on women in work:
– scarcity - work makes one feel tired,
overwhelmed, unable to do all tasks
– enhancement - work gives one more energy
certainly many experience role strain, but
that can be minimized (some good, some
bad ways)
Physical Health
Role strain could lead to poor health, but some
studies show that employed women are healthier
Many find work mentally stimulating,
encourages social interaction, meet/work with
people with similar interests, increases self-
read A. Hochschild’s The Second Shift
So what’s the right answer?