Intra-Muscular Route of Drug Administration
Intra-Muscular Route of Drug Administration
Intra-Muscular Route of Drug Administration
of Drug
(IM Route)
"Intramuscular injections are a common yet
complex Technique used to deliver medication
deep into the large Muscles of the body."
It may be for curative, diagnostic or
recreational purpose
The physical Characteristics of a drug
The speed which the drug is absorbed and
/ or released
The need to bypass hepatic metabolism
Selection Of
To achieve high concentration at a
a Route particular site
Accuracy of the dose
Condition of the patient
Absorption reasonably
uniform Only upto 10 ml drug
Rapid onset of action can be given
(time untill effect 10- Local pain and abcess
Why to Use? 20 minutes)
Mild irritants can
be given Infection