Bioteknologi: Epi Supri Wardi, M.Si Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia (STIFI) Perintis Padang
Bioteknologi: Epi Supri Wardi, M.Si Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia (STIFI) Perintis Padang
Bioteknologi: Epi Supri Wardi, M.Si Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia (STIFI) Perintis Padang
Kehadiran minimal :
75% X 7 pertemuan = ….. X pertemuan
• 1675
• Discovers bacteria using a simple microscope
Gregor Mendel
• 1863
• Austrian monk who
conducted the first
genetics experiments
using pea plants in the
mid 1800s.
• Often considered the
founder of genetics.
Louis Pasteur
• 1870’s
• Disproved the notion of
spontaneous generation,
describing the role of bacteria in
spoilage and the scientific basis
for fermentation
• Created the rabies vaccine
Robert Hooke
• 1665
• Invented the compound light microscope
• First to observe cells in cork
James Watson & Francis Crick
• 1953
• Englishmen
responsible for the
discovery of the
double helix structure
of DNA using X-ray
Paul Berg
• 1972
• Stanford University scientist
who first developed
recombinant DNA technology,
a method for insertion of
genetic material from one
organism into another.
Historical Development of
1750 B.C.
• Human cloning is
outlawed in the
U.S. and the first
concerns over the
use of human stem
cells in research
begin to arise.
Bioteknologi Konvensional
Ditambahkan : Lactobacillus bulgaricus
R dan Streptococcus thermophillus
Disimpan 5 jam, 45o C sampai pHnya 4,0
Whey : Diperas untuk makanan sapi Dadih dipanaskan 32o – 420o C dan diberi
garam lalu di tekan & dibuang airnya
Bioteknologi Konvensional
Didinginkan bakteri asam
A laktat fermentasi Kecap
P hancur
Bioteknologi Konvensional
dicuci Bungkus, beri lubang-
T lubang, simpan 2-3 hari.
E Direndam
3 jam, buang kulit
M Beri ragi :
a. Rhysopus oligosporus
P Kukus, b. Rhyzopus stolonifer
Dinginkan, c. Rhyzopus arrhizus
E d. Rhyzopus oryzae
Bioteknologi Konvensional
Ketela pohon /
T singkong dikupas
& dicuci
P Direbus / dikukus
Ditutup & disimpan selama
Ditaburi ragi kurang lebih satu minggu