Anatomi Biji

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 Bakal Biji PEMBUAHAN Biji

 Integumen  testa (kulit biji)
 Zigot  embrio
 Sel endosperm primer  endosperm
 Nucelus  tidak berperan dalam
pembentukan biji
 Biji Eksalbumin  sedikit / tidak ada
The Structure Definition…..
 Testa (seed coat):
Lapisan pelindung terluar dari biji
Berkembang dari integumen ovule
 Embryo:
Sporofit muda (2n) hasil dari fertilisasi
Embrio dewasa t.d : Kotiledon, hipokotil dan radikula
 Endosperm:
Jaringan cadangan makanan hasil dari double
2/3 of the genome is of maternal origin.
Others Structure
 Hilum and funiculus
 Fibrous
 Micropyle
 Funicular
 Chalaza
 Strophiolate
 Raphe
 Achene
 Arillate.
 Caryopsis
 Aril
 Elaiosomes
 Strophiole
 Caruncle
 Operculum
 Mucilage
 Carunculate
Penggolongan Biji….

 Endospermic seed.
ex : Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae,
Solanaceae ,Ranunculaceae
 Non Endospermic Seed
ex : Fabaceae, Brassicaceae
 Seed With Perisperm
ex : Amarantaceae
Struktur biji Endospermic..

Structure of a mature seed of Lepidium sativum. Bright field microscopy of

longitudinal sections of 2-3 h imbibed seeds stained with toluidine blue. (A) Entire
seed, showing the mature and fully differentiated embryo, the endosperm, and the
testa (seed coat). The boxed letters refer to the positions of the close-up sections.
From Müller et al. (2006).
Structure of a mature seed of Lepidium sativum. (B) Structure of the seed covering layers:
Endosperm, a single cell layer; and testa (seed coat), composed of inner and outer
integument. Note that the mucilage is generated from the outer testa upon imbibition. (C)
Structure of the micropylar cap enclosing the radicle tip. The micropylar endosperm has
1-2 cell layers. (D) Structure of the chalazal seed region. From Müller et al. (2006).
Struktur biji Non-Endospermic..

Drawing of a mature pea (Pisum sativum) seed, a typical non-endospermic

seed with storage cotyledons and the testa as sole covering letters. Color
drawing published in Finch-Savage and Leubner-Metzger (2006).
Struktur biji Perispermic

(M) Section
through a mature
sugar beet fruit.
The curved
encloses the
perisperm, which
is dead starch
storage tissue
localized in the
seed center.
(N) Drawing of a
sugar beet seed
Struktur Histologis : Kulit Biji

 Sangat beragam
- sel memanjang, berasal dari integumen
luar. Ex: Orchidaceae
- Testa sangat tebal t.a sel besar berisi
air  membantu penyebaran. Ex:
Pancratium maritimum
- Tersapat stomata di epidermis luar
testa. Ex: Ricinus, Magnolia
Struktur Histologis : Kulit Biji

- Punya struktur sklerenkim & komposisi

dinding yang tidak tembus air dan oksigen. Ex:
beberapa genus Leguminosae

- Adanya sel memanjang radial, mirip palisade

 sel malphigi / makrosklereid

- Dibawahnya ada sel berbentuk corong/tulang

 osteosklereid
Struktur Histologis : Kulit Biji

 Ada yang mempunyai ciri khusus ;

- rambut, pinggiran, lekukan, duri, atau
kait  tumbuh dari epidermis testa
 Kulit biji meluas  membentuk
struktur sayap. Ex : Fibigia clypeata
 Berbulu halus mempermudah
penyebaran. Ex: Tamaricaceae
 Endospermic seeds: The endosperm is present in the mature
seed and serves as food storage organ. Testa and endosperm
are the two covering layers of the embryo. The amount of
endosperm in mature seeds is highly species-dependent and
varies from an abundant endosperm layer (Nicotiana tabaccum)
to a single layer (Arabidopsis thaliana).
 Non-endospermic seeds: The cotyledons serve as sole food
storage organs as in the case of pea (Pisum sativum). During
embryo development the cotyledons absorb the food reserves
from the endosperm. The endosperm is almost degraded in
the mature seed and the embryo is enclosed by the testa.
 Perisperm: Diploid maternal food storage tissue originates
from the nucellus. Only in some species, e.g. Beta vulgaris, Piper
nigrum, Coffea arabica, many Caryophyllales.
Lendir & Penyebaran Biji

 Lendir : matriks berpektin pada lapisan

dinding sel yang amat menggembung bila
terkena air
 Fungsi :
- Membasahi diaspora setelah lepas melekat
- Mencegah kekeringan pada biji
- Menghalagi pertukaran oksigen
Prospek Biji……
 Maintenance of open-pollinated vegetable varieties.

 Production of breeder and foundation seed of vegetable crops.

 Hybrid seed production of varieties released by the UHF.

 Standardization of cultural and storage practices of open pollinated and hybrid

varieties for seed production.

 Seed production of spices like paprika (colour and flavour), ginger, chilli, methi,
coriander, etc.

 Management of seed borne diseases, insect pests and weeds of horticultural


 Assessment of storability and improvement of shelf-life of vegetable seeds.

 Standardization of seed technology for tree species

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