Telys 2
Telys 2
Telys 2
1. Overview
2. External links
3. Connectors
4. Maintenance and training
Card and
Standard : external ES
Standard : standby
Options : ATS
Options : louvers
Options : oil
Options : fuel
The voltage supply must be designed to support base card, the engine slave card
and any auxiliary module (4 inputs/6 outputs modules, voltage, synchronizing…)
Input range for DC voltage supply : 9 to 33 Vdc (Battery nominal voltage: 12Vdc or
24Vdc ).
Max. current input 5A dc.
5 modules 4 inputs/6 outputs max. linked to the base with CAN SOCOMEC
In case of battery problem, the voltage applied may be higher.
A protection against over voltage is provided.
Beware of the nominal voltage automatic detection when the battery is delivered at
zero-voltage (graduate voltage rise)
Battery support :
The transistorized outputs are protected against overloads and short-circuits. All
outputs, except the specific ones, will be reconfigurable through P.C.
All inputs, except the specific ones, will be reconfigurable through P.C.
J5 Connector (Connection of protection conductor):
Pin 3 Fuel daily tank level input (Jaegger or Rochester sensor or VDO)
Measurement dynamics : from 0 to 350 Ohms
Measurement accuracy : +/- 7 Ohms from 100 to 350 Ohms +/- 4 Ohms from 0 to
100 Ohms , taking as a reference the battery minus for the card.
Maximum curent supplied for detection : between 0 and15mA.
Protected against Magnetic Field interferences and overvoltage
The connector is stamped AU. It allows to connect the panel emergency stop.
Wiring: Wires welded on card, screwed on the emergency stop.
The wires are stamped (different marks than J10 - J11)
The connector is marked KEY : it allows to connect the front fitted key switch.
Wiring : removable on card or switch side ( if removable on card side, with
4.8 mm fast on).
The wires are stamped (different marks than J8 – J9)
The external starting ordered input is activated through a dry contact which can
be located at a maximum 200 m distance.
The external starting order is protected against overvoltage's and misconnection
(230 volts during two minutes at least).
A fault appears on the TELYS screen in case of misconnection.
The card grounding (J5 connector) must be carried out close to the starting
external order input, so that, in case of short-circuit (230Vac on this output), the
current would not cross the whole card.
10 Solenoid valve control 33 Vdc Max 300 mAmps Logical output N°8
12 Air pre-heating control 33 Vdc Max 300 mAmps Logical output N°10
2 L1 5 Vdc A+ 7
3 L2 5 Vdc B- 2
• 1 + 35v
• 2 - ground
• 3
• 4
• 5 Ana. output 10V1
• 6 Ana output 10V2
• 7 Log. output 6
• 8 +3V3
• 9 +5V3
• 10 - ground
4 NC
Case :
Case :
Tools :
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