Sudden Cardiac Death and Sport
Sudden Cardiac Death and Sport
Sudden Cardiac Death and Sport
Incidence in Ireland
Extrapolation from other studies suggest
approx 5,000 SCD annually RoI, >2000 NI
Under 35 yrs
Cardiomyopathies (heart muscle disorder)
Congenital Heart Disease (‘hole in heart’, ‘blue baby’)
‘Structurally Normal Heart’ (ion channel disorders,
conduction disease) = SADS
Anomalous coronaries (abnormal anatomical position
of coronary blood vessels)
Myocarditis (infection or inflammation of heart
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM or
Increased thickness of heart muscle
Most common inherited cardiac disease
> 1 in 500 people carry gene
>11000 in 32 counties
90% of cases thought to be inherited (runs in family)
10% ‘sporadic’ – pass on to their children?
Approx 50% who inherit genetic change develop full-
blown condition (‘incomplete penetrance’)
Septum –
Wall between
2 sides of heart
Usually 10 mm Right ventricle Heart valves
Aortic + Mitral
Left ventricle
HCM - Treatment
No cure, but can prevent complications
Manage symptoms
Medications (Beta-blocker tablets)
Modify lifestyle
Surgery (only in very limited circumstances)
Heart stretches in
Pump function
Other Cardiomyopathies- Dilated
May be inherited, much less common
< 1000 people in country
Other causes include viral illness, drugs, alcohol
May cause shortness of breath, palpitations,
blackout, sudden death
ECG and echo usually identifies
Other tests may be necessary
Occasionally pacemakers and/or ICD
Risk of SCD usually highest in those with poorest pump
function, who usually have symptoms
Other Cardiomyopathies –
Arrhythmogenic (aka ARVC or ARVD)
Heart may become enlarged
Scarring develops in heart
Causes palpitations, dizzy spells, blackouts, shortness of
breath, sudden death
Often inherited
May need several tests to diagnose
ECG, echo, Exercise test, heart rhythm monitor, MRI scan of
Milder cases can be missed (even in Italy with
compulsory screening programme)
Lifestyle modification
If considered high risk of rhythm problems, recommend ICD
Other inherited conditions
Marfan’s syndrome
Weakness of walls or large blood vessels
May be associated with tall stature and hyperflexibility, eye
Identified on physical exam, echo and X-ray scans
Congenital heart disease
Abnormal development of cardiac structure(s) in the womb
Range from ‘blue baby’ to small holes in heart
Milder forms generally not life-threatening
< 10 % inherited, most occur spontaneously
Mitral valve prolapse
1% of population have at least mild case
Severe cases may be associated with sudden death
May be over-estimated as cause of sudden death
Other conditions
Valve disease
Usually causes a murmur
May cause reduction in exercise tolerance
Anomalous coronaries
Anatomical variant in placement of blood vessels
Some may reduce blood supply during stress or exercise but
most probably don’t cause problem and may be over-estimated
as cause of SCD
Inflammation of heart muscle
Usually thought to follow viral infection
1/8 people with virus + fever have ECG change
Probably should avoid exercise during viral infection
Possible genetic predisposition to being affected by virus
Sudden Arrhythmic (Adult) Death Syndrome
‘Diagnosis of exclusion’
Sudden death occurs, and is consistent with cardiac rhythm
disturbance, but post-mortem examination finds no abnormality
Currently no standardization of post-mortem examination in Ireland
Currently no Specialist Cardiac Pathologist with specific
If post-mortem not carefully done
Structural cause of death may be missed
Minor abnormalities may be incorrectly recorded as cause of sudden
True number of SCD which are actually due to SADS probably under-
Electrical problem is cause of death, but no electrical activity after
death so not detectable at post-mortem
Electrical problems – also known as
Electricity in heart is generated by pump channels in walls of each cell in
pump salts (Na, K, Ca) in and out of cell
Pump channel = ion channel
If pump malfunctions (under or over-active) changes electrical activation of
heart which causes electrical instability and increases chance of arrhythmia
May not cause symptoms unless palpitations, dizzy episodes or blackouts
Usually detectable on ECG (if looking for it)
Different genes code for different pumps and mutations cause different
conditions :
Long QT syndrome
Brugada Syndrome
Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT)
Not identifiable on PM
Can be identified on ECG (+/- exercise test and rhythm monitor) in living
40% of families of those who die of SADS have inherited cause identified
(mostly LQT syndrome and Brugada syndrome)
Influence of sporting activity on risk
Further Examination
(echo, stress test, 24 hr Holter
MRI, angio/EMB, EPS
for competition
Eur Heart J 2005
Difficulties with screening
Low prevalence diseases so prior probability low
Questionnaire alone
Family history may not be known
Conditions can occur without SCD
Symptoms not recognised or suppressed
+ Physical examination
Allows potential pick-up cardiac murmurs (HCM, bicuspid aortic
valve, MVP) and coarctation, Marfan’s
HCM may be present without murmur, misses other
Improves pick-up of cardiomyopathies, LQT etc
Changes may be subtle
Will not identify anomalous coronaries
Benefits of Italian programme
(Corrado et al, JAMA 2006)
Screening by law since 1982
Everyone 12 yrs of age or older engaged in
formal competitive sport
Repeated every 2 years
Performed by ‘Sports Cardiologist’
Published review of athlete screening, and
causes of SCD in athlete and non-athlete
population in 2006
9% of athletes required further screening
2% of athletes disqualified
Numbers of Cardiologists
Automatic Defibrillators (AEDs)
Prominent placement in public locations (?
remote rural towns also)
Computer analyses heart rhythm and decides if
shock is required
Ideally personnel using should be trained (and
training updated ? every 3 months)
Have been successfully used by untrained ‘good
Maintenance issues
Public liability (Duty of Care issues)
If cardiac arrest during sport more difficult to
Data from US ‘Schools’
15 year period reviewed
Number of schools needed to generate 1
cardiac arrest per year
167 schools
8 colleges / universities
Of those who had cardiac arrest
15 % were < 35 years of age
10% were students (half of them were already known
to have health problems)
In Summary
SCD is not common
High-risk people usually identified by symptoms
or family history – priority for evaluation
Cure not possible, but correct management can
prevent complications
Symptoms to be aware of
Awareness of unusual symptoms
Chest discomfort and/or Shortness of Breath
that significantly limits ability to exercise
Unexplained blackouts
Prolonged palpitations (especially if
associated with diziness)
Reducing the risk
Identify those with underlying conditions
Older people returning to sport get
checked by GP
Improve response in the event of a cardiac
Availabilityof AEDs
Training of population in Basic Life Support
Improved ambulance response times
Cardiac screening for sports or
entire population?
Hard to justify compulsory testing
Ethical right not to know about health issues
Currently no resources in public health
system for statistically low-risk
Privately funded facilities exist
Beware variable standard of expertise and
focus on profit