B Cell Development, Activation and Differentiation

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B cell development, activation and


Lymphoid tissues

Bone marrow

Lymph nodes
Lymphoid tissue within GI and
respiratory tracts
Overview of B cell development

• Before birth, B lymphocytes develop from committed precursors in the

fetal liver and after birth, B cells are generated in the bone marrow.
• The majority of B lymphocytes arise from adult bone marrow progenitors
that initially do not express Ig. These precursors develop into immature B
cells that express membrane-bound IgM molecules and then leave the
bone marrow to mature further, mainly in the spleen.
• Cells that mature into follicular B cells express IgM and IgD on the surface
and acquire the ability to recirculate and populate all peripheral lymphoid
• These follicular B cells home to lymphoid follicles in secondary lymphoid
organs and are able to recognize and respond to foreign antigens.
• The development of a mature B cell from a lymphoid progenitor is
estimated to take 2 to 3 days in humans.
• Early B cell development
constitutes the steps that lead to
B cell commitment and
expression of surface
immunoglobulin, production of
mature B cells
• Mature B cells leave the bone
marrow and migrate to secondary
lymphoid tissues
• B cells then interact with
exogenous antigen and/or T
helper cells = antigen-dependent
Role of bone marrow
stromal cells
At various points in development,
progenitor and precursor B cells
interact with specific stromal cell
populations secreting specific

• Hematopoietic stem cells

(HSCs) source of all blood cells
• Blood-forming cells first found
in the yolk sac (primarily
primitive rbc production)
• HSCs arise in distal aorta ~3-4
• HSCs migrate to the liver
(primary site of hematopoiesis
after 6 wks gestation)
• Bone marrow hematopoiesis
starts ~5 months of gestation

• Self-renewing, multipotential
• Give rise to all blood cells
• Depending on stimuli received,
different transcription factors can
drive HSCs down different
developmental pathways
• Ikaros, PU.1 and E2A are all
important transcription factors
for B cell fate
• Express cKit (CD117) (receptor
for stem cell factor)
MPPs (multipotential progenitor cells)
Generated following SCF-cKit interaction
Lose capacity for self-renewal but can still differentiate into different lineages
Transiently express CD34
Express CXCR4, enables binding to stromal derived CXCL2

LMPPs (lymphocyte primed multilineage progenitors)

Express flt-3 (binds to flt-3 ligand on BMSCs), leading to IL-7 receptor synthesis
Flt-3 expression marks loss of MPP to develop into red blood cells or megakaryocytes, but still can differentiate into
myeloid or lymphoid

ELPs (early lymphoid progenitors)

Express RAG1/2 (recombination activating genes)
Some migrate to thymus, remainder stay in the marrow as B cell progenitors

CLP (common lymphoid progenitors)

Can mature into NKs, DCs, T cells, B cells
Signaling through IL-7 receptor leads to increased Mcl1 (anti-apoptotic) and C-myc/N-myc (proliferative)
Lost myeloid potential
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and B cell development
• During early stages of B cell development, functional rearrangements of the
heavy chain gene locus (IgH) allows for assembly of the pre-B cell receptor
complex cessation of IgH rearrangements (allelic exclusion) light chain
rearrangements (kappa, then lambda)
• Production of complete Ig (2 heavy chains, 2 light chains) allows for
assembly of mature B cell receptor on the cell surface signals cessation of
light chain gene rearrangement mature B cell stage
Pre-Pro B cells

• Express CD45R, a B-cell lineage-specific marker

• Increase expression of EBF-1
• EBF-1 and E2A bind the Ig gene, promoting accessibility of D-JH locus,
preparing for the 1st step in Ig gene recombination
• EBF-1 also important for expression of other B cell proteins, including
CD79α/β and genes encoding the pre-B cell receptor
Pre B cells

• Ig heavy chain genes complete V-D-J recombination Allows surface expression of Ig

heavy chain and surrogate light chains complex = pre-B cell receptor

• CD79a and CD79b (Ig-α and Ig-β) associate non-covalently with surface Ig
• signal transducing components of the pre-B cell receptor
• also components of the Ig receptors on the surface of mature B cells

• Signaling through the pre-B cell receptor induces a few rounds of proliferation; at the
end of this the pre-B cell receptor is lost from the surface late pre B cell stage
• If pre B cell receptor cannot be displayed on cell surface because of nonproductive
VHDJH gene rearrangement, then B cell development stops and the cell undergoes
apoptosis (1st checkpoint)
• Pre-B cell receptor signaling causes transient decrease in RAG1/2 and loss of Tdt
• Ensures that as soon as one heavy chain gene has been rearranged, no further
recombination is possible (allelic exclusion)
• Light chain rearrangement is initiated following re-expression of RAG1/2
• Once light chain rearrangement has been successfully completed, the intact IgM receptor can be
expressed If light chain rearrangement does not occur successfully, then the 2nd checkpoint occurs
Immature B cells

• Have functional IgM but no other Ig expression

• Express B220, CD25, IL-7R, CD19
• Once there is a functional BCR on the membrane, it has to be tested for its
ability to bind self-antigens to ensure that few auto-reactive B cells are
• Three fates if autoreactive Clonal deletion via BCR-mediated apoptosis
• Reactivation of RAG to initiate process of light chain receptor editing
• Survive and escape the BM but become anergic

• B cell loss prior to leaving the BM = central tolerance

• Export to spleen where further development occurs
• Very susceptible to tolerance induction
Congenital agammaglobulinemia

• Genetic defects that prevent expression of the pre-B cell receptor or

that prohibit the transduction of signals via the receptor leads to
absence of B cells and agammaglobulinemia
• Congenital agammaglobulinemia: loss-of-function mutations in genes that
encode components of the pre-B cell receptor or downstream signaling
molecules IgM
• Lambda 5 surrogate light chain
• CD79a, CD79b
• Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK)
• B cell linker protein (BLNK)
Mature B cells

• Complete IgM molecule on cell surface

• Mature resting B cells express HLA-DR, CD19, CD20, CD40 but no
longer express CD10, CD34, RAG1, RAG2, or Tdt
• Exit bone marrow, migrate to secondary lymphoid organs, then
express both surface IgM and IgD as well as other molecules that
mediate cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesive interactions
• Can recirculate between blood and lymphoid organs, entering B cell
follicles in lymph nodes and spleen, responding to antigen encounter
with T cell help, leading to antibody production
B cell subsets

• Follicular (B-2) B cells

(conventional B cells)
• B-1 B cells
• Marginal Zone B cells
B-1 B cells

• 30-50% of the B cells in the pleural and peritoneal cavities, only small
% of splenic B cell population.
• Limited receptor diversity, primarily directed towards commonly
expressed microbial carbohydrate antigens.
• Mucosal immunity.
• Exposure to antigen leads to plasma cell formation and to clonal
expansion and persistence of antigen-specific memory B1 cells.
Marginal zone B cells

• Located in outer zones of white pulp of the spleen

• Specialized for recognizing blood-borne antigens
• Can respond to both protein and carbohydrate antigens
• Produce broadly cross-reactive IgM antibodies
• High levels of membrane IgM and CD21, low levels of membrane IgD
and CD23
• Long lived
B cell activation

• Exposure to antigen or various polyclonal mitogens activates resting B

cells and stimulates their proliferation
• Activated B cells lose expression of CD21 and acquire expression of
activation antigens Growth factor receptors, structures involved in cell-cell
interaction, molecules that play a role in the localization and binding of
activated B cells
Two major types: T cell dependent (TD) and T cell independent (TI)

• TD: involves protein antigens and CD4+ helper T cells 1) Multivalent

antigen binds and crosslinks membrane Ig receptors
• Activated T cell binds B cell thru antigen receptor and via CD40L (T)/CD40 (B)

• TI: involves multivalent or highly polymerized antigens, does not

require T cell help TI-1: e.g., LPS. Mitogenic at high concentrations to most
B cells because of binding to pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on B cell
surface. At low concentrations, only activates those B cells that bind the
antigen via the Ig receptor
• e.g., bacterial capsular polysaccharide. Highly repetitive antigens. Not
mitogenic but can crosslink Ig receptors. Many are bound by C3d.
Maturation of activated B cells in absence of T
• Rapidly mature into short-lived plasma cells
without undergoing somatic hypermutation or
class switching
• Secrete IgM antibodies of low affinity
• Do not contribute to memory B cell pools
• B-1 cells may preferentially follow this non-
follicular differentiation pathway as they appear
to be much less dependent on T cell help for
antibody production
• Following TD antigen
activation, some
activated B cells
differentiate into plasma
cells in primary foci that
are outside of the
follicles, then migrate to
the medullary cords of
the lymph node or to
the bone marrow.
Secrete IgM within 4
• Other activated B cells enter the
follicle, divide and differentiate;
germinal centers form.
• Within the germinal center, Ig
genes undergo class switching: the
μ constant regions replaced by
other constant regions and the
variable region is subject to
somatic hypermutation.
• Mutated variable region subject to
antigen-mediated selection
• Low affinity and autoreactive B
cells die while those with
improved affinity leave the
germinal centers.
• Antibodies with mutations in the
variable region appear in the
circulation within 6-10 days
T-dependent B-Cell Response

• At conclusion of primary immune response, two sets of long-

lived cells remain: Memory B cells On secondary exposure to the same
antigen, the memory B cells will be stimulated and result in production of high-affinity,
heavy-chain class-switched antibodies

• Plasma cells

• Majority of the expanded population of antigen-specific B cells

undergo apoptosis
Germinal center cell differentiation into plasma cells

• 5-15 days after initial antigen exposure, a portion of the germinal center B
cells will upregulate IRF-4 (critical for plasma cell differentiation) IRF-4 knockout
mice lack Ig-secreting plasma cells
• IRF-4 overexpression promotes plasma cell differentiation

• IRF-4 BLIMP-1 downregulation of genes important for B cell

proliferation, class switching and somatic hypermutation while
upregulating synthetic rate of Ig synthesis and secretion
• Downregulation of CXCR5 (has kept the B cell in the germinal center),
upregulation of CXCR4 leave the lymph node
Plasma cells

• Secrete antibodies, have few surface antibodies

• Those that arise from follicular B cells are found mainly in the bone
marrow and are long-lived (months)
• Those that arise from non-follicular B cells are short lived (days to
• Plasma cell differentiation involves loss of Bcl6, Pax-5, CD19, CD20, and
B cell activation antigens
• Appearance of XBP-1, BLIMP-1, CD38, CD138, cytoplasmic Ig
Timing of memory immune response
• Primary response Lag period:
division/differentiation of B cells within the
primary foci, movement into germinal center
• B cells of primary foci release IgM
• B cells that have migrated into the germinal
center release IgM and IgG
• Somatically hypermutated receptors appear,
select population of B cells leaves the germinal
center and enters the memory B cell

• Secondary response Expanded set of

memory B cells with high-affinity receptors are
available for immediate differentiation to high-
affinity IgG secretion
• Somatically hypermutated B cells can undergo
further hypermutation with additional antigen
exposure, increasing the average affinity of the
antigen-specific antibodies
Negative regulation of B cell activation

• CD22 Transmembrane protein associated with the BCR

• Has ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif)
• Activation of B cells phosphorylation of ITIM association of SHP-1 tyrosine
phosphatase dephosphorylation of neighboring signaling complexes
• In the presence of antigen, constant phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of adapter
• As antigen levels decrease, balance shifts towards dephosphorylation

• FCγRIIb receptor (CD32) Recognizes immune complexes containing IgG

• Has a cytoplasmic ITIM domain
• Co-ligation of B cells FCγRIIb receptor with BCR by specific Ag-Ab complex
activation of FCγRIIb signaling cascade and phosphorylation of the ITIM domain
• SHIP binds to ITIM, hydrolyzes PIP3 to PIP2, interfering with membrane localization of
Btk and PLCγ2 decreased B cell signaling

• B-10 B cells Population of B cells which secrete IL-10 upon stimulation


• Asplenic patients at risk for fatal septicemia

• Immune compromise Spleen efficiently clears IgG-coated bacteria and is
critical for clearance of encapsulated bacteria that are not opsonized by
antibodies or complement
• Reduction in serum IgM antibodies to polysaccharides
• Reduction in memory B cells producing IgM antibodies
• Delayed and lower magnitude of response to vaccination

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