Coming Together Is A Beginning, Keeping Together Is Progress, Working Together Is Success.'
Coming Together Is A Beginning, Keeping Together Is Progress, Working Together Is Success.'
Coming Together Is A Beginning, Keeping Together Is Progress, Working Together Is Success.'
Presented by:
Priyanka Nagori
1.Suggestion Scheme :
A suggestion box is installed .
Periodical scrutiny by suggestions
committee .
Rewards are given to concerned workers
Example: Satyam Computers
“Idea Junction”-Web based Portal ,where
employees participate .
The Works Committee – set up under the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947
Acc. to Indian Labour Conference(1959) Works
Committees deal with day to day functioning at the
shop floor level.
Equal number of representative from employer and
workers .
Mandatory for every organization having 100 or
more workers.
In 1920 Mahatma Gandhi had suggested that workers contributed
labour and brains, while shareholders contributed money to
enterprise, and that both should, therefore share in its prosperity.
The influence of Mahatma Gandhi bore fruit and for the first time
Joint Consultation was adopted in the Cotton Textile Industry.
The Industrial Policy Resolution had suggested that labour should
be consulted in all matter concerning industrial production.
Further the scheme of Joint Management Council was formulated
in 1957.
Sachar Committee – In June 1977, a high-powered expert
committee on Companies and MRTP Acts was set up by
the Government of India under the chairmanship of
Rajinder Sachar. The terms of reference for the Committee
Representation of Workers on Board of Directors
To suggest measures by which workers participation in the
share capital and management of companies can be
brought about.
Total participation 64 65 75 71 71 72
Representation Participation 50 53 60 68 64 66
No participation 45 53 55 51 49 55
Reasons for Failure in India: